20 August 2013

One-year Anniversary of the Timor Leste Fifth Constitutional Government

ETLJB 20 August 2013 - Díli, Timor-Leste The passing of the 8th of August has marked the one-year anniversary of the Fifth Constitutional Government of Timor-Leste.

On the 7th of July 2012 the Timorese people, voting in free and democratic elections, supported three parties
to govern the nation from 2012 to 2017. Just over a month later, in the Solemn Hall in Lahane, at the Official
Presidential Residence, the members of the Fifth Constitutional Government gathered to be sworn in by the
President of the Republic, His Excellency Taur Matan Ruak.

The Prime Minister, His Excellency Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, declared that the Government’s five-year
mandate was a mandate for action and consequently the Council of Ministers met the following day and
began what has indeed been a very active year since.

The Five Year Program of the Fifth Constitutional Government, fully aligned with Timor-Leste’s Strategic
Development Plan, was presented to National Parliament on the 12th of September 2012. Annual Action
Plans for the State Budget, based on the five-year plan, were prepared by each Ministry. A supplementary
Budget to accommodate the new structures in the Government was presented and passed.

The Government then turned to the detailed planning required for the 2013 Annual Budget with the Council
of Ministers approving the Final Draft Budget on November the 20th and the official Budget approval given
with a unanimous vote the National Parliament on the 18th of February 2013.

In the first twelve months of the Fifth Constitutional Government the Council of Ministers has approved the
Organic Law of the Fifth Constitutional Government, the Five Year Program, 14 Decree Laws, 6 Proposed
Laws, 17 Government Resolutions, 2 Proposed Resolutions as well as appointing 3 Electoral Commissioners and two members of the Superior Council of Magistracy. More than 15 other laws have
been considered by the Council of Ministers with outcomes still pending.

Other activities undertaken by the CoM have included the oversight of national celebrations such as the 38th
Anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence and National Celebrations 25-30th of November 2012, and
analysis and response to commissioned reports including those on Education, Natural Disasters, the Special
Social Market Economy Zone Oe-Cusse Project Pilot, Coordination Mechanisms for the SDP and Budget

The Council of Ministers has also over the one-year period considered over 50 Presentations given by
various Ministries and State Institutions. These range from the presentation of plans such as the Dili Master
Plan for Sanitation and Drainage, updates on key projects such as road rehabilitation, techniques proposed
for the improvement Government systems and international issues such as Timor-Leste’s Accession to
ASEAN, to name but a few.

To mark the anniversary Government members gathered for a three-day retreat to debate future plans,
improve inter-ministerial coordination and consider the best ways to overcome obstacles.
Minister of State and Presidency of the Council of Ministers, His Excellency Agio Pereira, noted “while there
is always more to do the one-year anniversary offers a moment to reflect on our achievements to date. The
Council of Ministers of the Fifth Constitutional Government, spurred on by the call to action of the Prime
Minister, began its mandate enthusiastically and has continued with a high pace and heavy workload. We
continue to pledge ourselves to the overarching commitment of this Government as articulated by our Prime
Minister: ‘to support and promote the development of Timor-Leste and strive to improve the living conditions
of our people’”. ENDS Source: V Constitutional Government Media Release August 16, 2013 Edited by Warren L. Wright

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