26 March 2017

JSMP Sumáriu Kazu Tribunál Distritál Dili Periódu Janeiru 2017

Afirmasaun: Sumáriu Kazu tuir mai ne’e deskreve faktu sira no prosesu iha Tribunál tuir JSMP nia monitorizasaun independente, no deklarasaun ne’ebé parte sira fó iha Tribunál nia laran. Informasaun ne’e la reprezenta JSMP nia hanoin hanesan instituisaun ida.

JSMP kondena maka’as forma violénsia hotu-hotu, liuliu hasoru feto no ema vulneravel. JSMP afirma laiha justifikasaun ba violénsia hasoru feto.

1.     Krime explorasaun ba jogu ilísitu

Nú. Prosesu                             : 0426/15.DCMR

Kompozisaun Tribunál            : Singulár

Juis                                          : Dr. Eusebio Xavier Vitor

Ministériu Públiku                   : Dra. Remigia de Fatima da Silva

Defeza                                     : Dr. João Hendrique de Carvalho

Tipu Pena                                : Pena multa US$180.00 (arguidu AS) no US$90.00 (arguidu JN)

Iha 11 Janeiru 2017, Tribunál Distritál Dili prezide leitura sentensa ba krime explorasaun ba jogu ilísitu ne’ebé envolve arguidu AS no JN hasoru Estadu, iha Distritu Dili.

Akuzasaun husi Ministériu Públiku

Ministériu Públiku akuza katak iha 08 Jullu 2015, iha area Bairo-Pite, arguidu AS nu’udar nain ba meza bola guling no arguidu JN nu’udar ajudante ba jogu ne’e, loke jogu bola guling ne’ebé laiha lisensa. Tanba ne’e Polísia kaptura arguidu na’in rua no prende osan hamutuk US$116.00, meza bola guling 1 no bola duir hamutuk 5.

Ministériu Públiku akuza arguidu sira kontra artigu 322 KP kona-ba explorasaun ba jogu ilísitu ho moldura penál to’o tinan 3 ka multa.

Produsaun ba provas

Iha julgamentu arguidu nain rua deklara katak faktus hotu ne’ebé konsta iha akuzasaun Ministériu Públiku ne’e loos hotu. Aleinde ne’e, arguidu nain rua mós deklara katak sira arrepende ona sira ninia hahalok ne’e.

Tanba arguidu nain rua konfesa integralmente ba faktus hotu, Ministériu Públiku presinde depoimentus husi testemuña nain rua ne’ebé Ministériu Públiku arola ona.

Alegasaun finál

Ministériu Públiku konsidera arguidu sira komete duni krime tuir faktus iha akuzasaun. Tanba ne’e depoisde avalia sirkunstánsia hotu ne’ebé asosiadu iha krime ne’e, Ministériu Públiku husu ba Tribunál atu aplika pena multa ba arguidu nain rua. Ba arguidu AS, Ministériu Públiku husu atu aplika multa US$180.00 ne’ebé kada loron arguidu sei selu US$1.00 durante loron 180. Entretantu ba arguidu JN, Ministériu Públiku husu ba Tribunál atu aplika pena multa US$120.00 ne’ebé arguidu sei selu US$1.00 kada loron durante loron 120.

Entretantu kona-ba sasan ne’ebé konsidera nu’udar objetu ba krime hanesan osan US$116.00, Ministériu Públiku husu ba Tribunál atu entrega ba Estadu. Maibé sasan seluk hanesan meza bola guling no bola duir 5, Tribunál deside atu halo destruisaun.

Aleinde ne’e, Defeza mós husu ba Tribunál atu aplika pena multa ne’ebé kmaan tanba aleinde arguidu sira konfesa integralmente ba sira ninia hahalok no arrepende ona maibé arguidu sira mós iha responsabilidade ba família. Arguidu AS iha oan hamutuk nain 8 no servisu hanesan negosiante ki’ik. Nune’e mós ho arguidu JN iha oan hamutuk 4 no servisu hanesan seguransa sivíl.


07 March 2017

Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (East Timor) to the United States of America in Washington, D.C.

Welcome to the official website of the Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (East Timor) to the United States of America in Washington, D.C.

On May 20, 2002, after 25 years of Indonesian occupation and four years under a United Nations protectorate government, Timor-Leste became the newest country of the 21st century and the youngest in Southeast Asia.

This website provides up-to-date information about Timor-Leste including culture, economy, travel information, investment opportunities, consular affairs and links to various official sites.

So, please enjoy surfing. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our embassy in Washington, D.C.

Sincerely yours,
Domingos Sarmento Alves
Appointed Ambassador to the U.S.



03 March 2017

Council of Ministers’ meeting of February 24 th, 2017

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government
Dili, February 24th, 2017
Press Release
Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the 24th February 2017
The Council of Ministers met this Friday, at the Government Palace, in Díli, and the Minister of State, Coordinator of State Administration Affairs and Justice and Minister of State Administration submitted the Government Decree on technical procedures to carry out the presidential elections abroad, which are intended to guarantee the vote and vote count procedure, as well as the tabulation of the electoral results from the diaspora, for the election of the President of the Republic. The Government Decree that regulates the conduct of electoral observation, carried out by individuals representing national or international organisations, was also approved.
The Government Decree that regulates the organisation and functioning of the voting centres and voting stations and the Decree that regulates the conducting of voting procedures, vote counting and tabulation of results were all approved.
To guarantee the fulfilment of electoral justice, the Government approved the Decree on the execution of monitoring of the electoral process, as well as on the activities for journalistic coverage of the electoral process. To support the right to vote for all citizens, the Government approved the Decree on the voting process in hospitals and prison establishments.
Lastly, the Council of Ministers approved the Government Decree on the presence of the PNTL Forces at the voting centres, as an exception, to provide for the safety of all that participate in the electoral process. ETLJB