30 April 2017

East Timor Council of Ministers Meeting of 25 April 2017

Council of Ministers’ meeting of April 25th, 2017

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government

Dili, April 25th, 2017

Press Release

Council of Ministers meeting of April 25th, 2017

The Council of Ministers met this Tuesday, at the Government Palace in Dili, and approved updating of the electoral census abroad for the next parliamentary elections. Prior to registration, the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration will promote a campaign of public information, which includes the distribution of information on the electoral census abroad to the Timorese residing in Australia, Portugal South Korea, and the United Kingdom. The Government Resolution was proposed by the Minister of State Administration and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

The signing of the agreement between the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand for exemption of visas for holders of diplomatic and service passports, presented by Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, was approved.

The Government Decree that creates the acts and administrative procedures relating to access to official documents was also approved. It defines the rules to be adopted by the bodies and services of the State Administration, Municipalities and public companies, as a way of guaranteeing the rights of access of interested parties, to official documents, integrated in an open Government model. This text proposed by the Prime Minister's office sets up the Access Regime to Official Documents.

The Asycuda World computer system was adopted by Government as the platform for creation of Timor-Leste’s Electronic Single Window. This Automated System for Customs Data (Asycuda World), proposed by the Ministry of Finance and presented in conjunction with the Fiscal Reform Commission, is a computer application that manages, in a fully integrated way, all customs’ data. It is used in 90 countries and includes all international standards related to international trade data included in the conventions and recommendations of organizations such as the World Customs Organization and the World Trade Organization. With simple, modern and transparent procedures, it allows the Government to better control borders. By enabling the connection between the Public Administration services, the National Electronic Single Window will support the private sector and facilitate growth.

The Council of Ministers approved the contract award for the supply of light fuel for EDTL’s two power stations (Hera and Betano), for 2017 and 2018, presented by the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications, together with the National Procurement Commission. This Commission, under the Ministry of Planning and Strategic Investment, led the international tender, which resulted in the recommendations now approved by the Government.

Exceptionally and temporarily, a license was granted to the infrastructures at the port of Esperança Timor Oan (ETO) and the port of Cement Timor for operations of fuel import and storage, proposed by the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, supported by the National Petroleum and Mineral Authority. This decision is due to the necessary interruption of the fuel unloading operations on the Tibar quay, while the construction of the new port is ongoing. This way, the Government creates the conditions so that suppliers may choose the port to unload the fuel without disruption.

The four members who will join the Board of the National University of Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL), were appointed until 2021. Of the 15 members that make up the advisory body to the public university, it is up to the Council of Ministers to appoint four, comprised of one member from the Government and three representatives from civil society. A proposal discussed at its meeting of April 11th, led the Council of Ministers to appoint Maria do Céu Sarmento da Costa, Minister of Health; Madre Guilhermina Marçal, representative of the religious community; Hernâni Soares, representative of the private sector; and Aniceto Barreto, representative of the professional associations and bodies, who was nominated as President of the General Council.

An investor license was awarded to Li Tjien Development for the construction of the Timor Fortuna Central Plaza. The project was presented by the Minister of State, Coordinator for Economic Affairs and Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, along with the company, which already has several projects in the country. The Timor Fortuna Central Plaza will have two towers with residential apartments, shops, offices, entertainment places and parking, and will be located in Avenida Nicolau Lobato. The investment of circa USD 70 million is expected to be completed by 2020. During construction, the project will create more than 1,200 jobs; subsequently, it will require almost 4,000 fixed working positions.

The Office of the Prime Minister presented the draft regime applicable to Social Audit. The proposal will be submitted to the Council of Ministers at a future meeting, after inclusion of the recommendations now made by ministers. ENDS

01 April 2017

East Timor Government congratulates PNTL on 17th Anniversary

Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste

 Dili, March 27th, 2017

Government congratulates PNTL on 17th Anniversary

The Government has participated in the commemoration of the 17th Anniversary of the National Police Force of Timor-Leste [PNTL] held on the 27th of March at the Police Training Centre in Comoro, Dili. The celebrations, with the theme “The Anniversary of 17 years of the PNTL guaranteeing Law, Order and Democracy in Timor-Leste” included an official Parade, the announcement of promotions, conferring of decorations and speeches by the President of the Republic and the Commander-General. A tribute was paid to former members at the PNTL Martyrs' Monument.

The Prime Minister H.E. Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo and the Minister of the Interior, H.E. Longuinhos Monteiro, joined the President of the Republic, the President of the National Parliament, the President of the Court of Appeal, the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces and other dignitaries, to offer their congratulations to the head of the PNTL, Commander-General Júlio da Costa Hornay and all serving personnel, past and present.

The Sixth Constitutional Government has worked diligently to ensure an increasingly professional and better-equipped national police force, focused on a community-policing model. The implementation of the PNTL Strategic Plan 2014-2018 supports this “VIP” model with its core components of Visibility, Involvement in the community and Professional service, and sets out a clear pathway for the ongoing reform and development of the PNTL with allied operational improvements to maintain security, public order and peace.

During the term of this Government the Police for Scientific Criminal Investigation [PCIC] has been consolidated as a scientific law enforcement agency with training in areas such as terrorism, cybercrime, currency counterfeiting, human trafficking and document falsification. Legislation has been passed to give the PNTL and its various agencies the capacity to respond to emerging transnational threats posed in a more globalized world.

The increased maturity and capacity of the PNTL has not gone unnoticed by observers and academic commentators reporting on the conduct of the recent Presidential elections.

Spokesperson for the Government, Minister of State Agio Pereira, said “the Government congratulates the PNTL on its 17th anniversary. We are proud of the expanding capacity and professionalization of our National Police Force and salute all its men and women who are committed to uphold law and order and serve the Nation.” ENDS etljb

East Timor Council of Ministers Meeting of 28 March 2017

Council of Ministers’ meeting of March 28th, 2017

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government

Dili, March 28th, 2017

Press Release

Council of Ministers meeting of March 28th, 2017

The Council of Ministers met on Tuesday at the Government Palace in Dili, and heard from the Ministry of Finance regarding the process of formalising the application process to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. On March 23rd, this international institution announced the acceptance of Timor-Leste as a Prospective Member, and informed the Government on the procedures to complete the membership. The Ministry of Finance will now gather the necessary information, in order to submit it to the Council of Ministers, together with the proposed Resolution for membership of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, to be sent to the National Parliament for consideration and vote.

Also from the Ministry of Finance, three proposals were approved: the amendment to the loan agreement for financing of the Manatuto-Baucau road project, to decrease the risk of exchange rate fluctuation; the renewal of the contract with the company FreeBalance, to provide services in the area of financial information systems; and the Policy on the Management of Foreign Aid Effectiveness, which has as main objective to ensure that the assistance from the development partners is used in compliance with the plan and priorities of the Government.

A contribution to the Security Council Report, an independent international organization whose mission is to promote the transparency and effectiveness of the activities of the United Nations Security Council, proposed by the Prime Minister, was approved.

Two proposals from the Ministry of Justice were adopted: the first amendment to the Organic Structure of the Technical and Administrative Services of the General Prosecutor’s Office, which provides for the reorganization of some services and the creation and elevation of the category of others, both indispensable to the attainment of the objectives of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic; and the updating of the permanent staff of the Technical and Administrative Services of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic.

The legal regime for the protection and conservation of biodiversity, presented by the Office of the Minister of State, Coordinator of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Environment, was approved. It establishes the principles and rules applicable to the protection and conservation of nature, especially setting standards for the protection of protected species and for the control of exotic species.

The Council of Ministers approved the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the National Commission for Combating HIV/AIDS of Timor-Leste and the National Commission for Combating HIV/AIDS of Indonesia. This agreement aims to promote the participation of the communities in both countries in the HIV/AIDS prevention programme.

Inês Maria de Almeida and Francisco Dionísio Fernandes were appointed to the Board of Directors of the National Centre “Enough” (in Portuguese: “Chega”), from Memory to Hope (Public Institute that promotes solidarity with the most vulnerable survivors of human rights violations).  Inês Maria de Almeida will occupy the position of President.

The Government approved the signing of the Cooperation Protocol between the Ministry of State Administration of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Portugal for the safeguarding and dissemination of archival heritage. This agreement covers the transfer of knowledge, training and scanning of documents relating to the common history, among others; moreover, it pursues the objectives of the CPLP – Community of Portuguese Language Speaking Countries, which provides for the recovery of the historical heritage of its Member States and the creation of mechanisms to facilitate the preservation and dissemination of this common heritage. It should be noted that the National Archives of Timor-Leste, managed by the General-Directorate for National Archives from the Ministry of State Administration, and the National Archives of Torre do Tombo, in Portugal, have documentary heritage which can help to stimulate the exchange of common interest information that exists in these two archives and which are an integral part of the common memory of both countries.

The draft Public Water Supply and Water Resource Management Policies, presented by the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications were analysed. The other ministries made suggestions and comments for incorporation into the texts, which will be presented at a future meeting of the Council of Ministers. ENDS etljb