29 October 2016

23 October 2016

Dili Court suspends prison sentence and orders defendant to report periodically to the police and pay compensation to the victim

ETLJB 23 October 2016


Press Release
11 February 2016
Dili District Court

Court suspends prison sentence and orders defendant to report periodically to the police and pay compensation to the victim

On 5 February 2016, the Dili District Court tried the defendant AC and sentenced him to 3 years in prison, suspended for 3 years. The court also applied an additional order requiring the convicted person to report to the police once a month for six months, and also ordered him to pay compensation of US$250 to the victim.

The public prosecutor alleged that the defendant violated Article 154 of the Penal Code for mistreatment of a spouse in conjunction with Article 35(a) of the Law Against Domestic Violence.
“JSMP supports the decision in this case because it is proportional to the criminal offence committed by the defendant. In particular, the court considered the importance of providing compensation to the victim to acknowledge and provide restitution for the damage she suffered,” said theExecutive Director of JSMP, Luis de Oliveira Sampaio.

JSMP believes this case provides a good reference point for other courts to consider when applying suspended prison sentences. JSMP believes this decision will deter crimes characterized as domestic violence in the future. This decision addresses JSMP’s concerns that perpetrators of domestic violence generally receive suspended sentences without any additional obligations or compensation. This decision shows that the courts are motivated to combat violence against women in Timor-Leste.
In its decision the court found that on an unspecified date in the month of April 2013 the defendant was intoxicated when he choked the victim and threw her to the ground.

In September 2013, the defendant and the victim argued because he suspected her of having a relationship with another man. The defendant punched the victim twice on the shoulder, kicked her in the back and choked her.

On 12 May 2014, the defendant punched the victim once in the head and removed her from the house because he was argry that she had sought medical treatment without taking their sick child who also needed treatment. These acts caused the victim to suffer swelling and pain to her shoulder, back and neck.

The court found that the victim and the defendant have been living separately since this last incident. These facts were based on the partial confession of the defendant, the confirmation of the victim, witness testimony and the results of cross-examination of the victim, the defendant and a witness.
Based on the evidence established during the trial and all of the circumstances relating to the aforementioned criminal acts, the court concluded the matter and convicted the defendant.

Pursuant to Article 92 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the court provided its decision via notification to the public prosecutor, public defender and the defendant because they were absent on the scheduled date.

The case was registered with the court as Case No.0009/14.DIMTN and was tried by a panel of judges comprising Jumiaty Freitas, Albertinha Neves and  Antonio Helder do Carmo. The Public Prosecution Service was represented by Ivonia Maria Guterres and the defendant was represented by Manuel Sarmento from the Office of the Public Defender.

East Timorese Government Welcomes Policy of the Australian Labor Party

Meeting of the Council of Ministers of 3 February 2016

15 October 2016

East Timor Government Launches Landmark Policy Paper on Maritime Boundaries

East Timor Council of Ministers Meeting of 6 September 2016

East Timor Government Budget Review Committee Concludes Consultations

EastTimor Prime Minister and Government Ministers to Attend United Nations General Assembly

East Timor Government Launches Report on Poverty

Timor-Leste Nafatin La-Iha Justisa Ba Violasaun Direitus Umanus Iha Tempu Pasadu (No Justice for Past Human Rights Abuses)

ETLJB 15 October 2016 Source: Amnesty International


Amnesty International nia
Submisaun ba Revizaun Periódika
Universál ONU nian, Novembru 20


SUMÁRIU EZEKUTIVU............................................................................ 2
AKOMPAÑAMENTU BA REVIZAUN ANTERIÓR............................... 2
HAMETIN ESTADU-DIREITU.................................................................. 4
DESAPARESIMENTU FORSADU……………………………………………………………………4
SITUASAUN DIREITUS UMANUS IHA TERRENU............................. 5
RESTRISAUN MÍDIA................................................................................. 8
VIOLÉNSIA DOMÉSTIKA........................................................................ 9
ANEKSU..................................................................................................... 12

Timor-Leste: Submisaun ba Revizaun Periódika Universál ONU nian

Sesaun da-26 husi Grupu Serbisu RPU, Novembru 2016

Submisaun ida-ne'e prepara ba Revizaun Periódika Universál (RPU) ba Timor-Leste ne'ebé hala'o iha Novembru 2016. Iha submisaun ida-ne'e, Amnesty Internasionál avalia implementasaun ba rekomendasaun sira ne'ebé hato'o ona ba Timor-Leste durante nia siklu RPU anteriór, no nota katak rekomendasaun importante balu seidauk implementa.

East Timor Council of Ministers Meeting of 11 October 2016

09 October 2016

Meeting of the East Timor Council of Ministers January 27 2016

Meeting of the East Timor Council of Ministers 25 January 2016

Meeting of the East Timor Council of Ministers 19 January 2016

Chinese Navy Visits East Timor

Meeting East Timor Council of Ministers 12 January 2016

Sumáriu Kazu Tribunal Distrital Baucau Dezembru 2015

Sumáriu Kazu Tribunal Distrital Oe Cusse December 2015

Government defends the 2016 General State Budget which is again unanimously approved by National Parliament

ETLJB 9 October 2016  Source: Government of East Timor Dili, January 8, 2016 - Today the Sixth Constitutional Government, led by Prime Minister H.E. Dr Rui Maria de Araújo, defended the 2016 General State Budget in National Parliament. Then, for a second time, the Members wholeheartedly confirmed their approval of the 2016 Budget legislation. The President of National Parliament, H.E. Dr. Vicente Guterres will now return the law, unchanged, to the President of the Republic H.E. Taur Matan Ruak for his assent.

According to Section 88 [2] of the Constitution "If, within ninety days, the National Parliament confirms its vote by an absolute majority of its Members in full exercise of their functions, the President of the Republic shall promulgate the statue within eight days after receiving it."

After a long and rigorous budget process that took place throughout 2015, the National Parliament voted unanimously to approve the 2016 General State Budget legislation on the 18th of December 2015. The law then proceeded to the President of the Republic for promulgation. Subsequently the President exercised his rights under the Constitution to veto the law and sent a message to the National Parliament requesting a new appraisal of the statue. The President requested consideration of budget increases in some areas and reduction in others. He also expressed his concern for budget sustainability.

The Parliament was obliged by the Constitution to call for a one-day debate on these matters and to either change the law accordingly or confirm the vote. Today they unanimously confirmed their vote.
The Spokesperson for the Sixth Constitutional Government, Minister of State Agio Pereira, reflecting upon the statements made by many Members of Parliament today, stressed "the invaluable lessons of democracy and a profound respect for the pillars of sovereignty of Timor-Leste were demonstrated during today's debate.

The fact the Parliament chose to confirm the 18th of December vote, without making changes to the budget law to accommodate the requests of the President, and decided to return the same legislation to the President for assent, testifies to the integrity of the budget planning and approval process. Under the Constitution, the Government and the Parliament are the pillars of sovereignty responsible for the General State Budget planning, debate and approval, before sending to the President for promulgation."ENDS

East Timor Court Reports: Case Summary Baucau District Court November 2015 Dominated by Assault & Domestic Violence Cases

ETLJB Source: Judicial System Monitoring Program Case Summary Baucau District Court
November 2015

A. Summary of the trial process at the Baucau District Court - November 2015
1. Total cases monitored by JSMP = 33
Type of case Number
Articles 172 and 173 - Rape and aggravation 1
Articles 145 and 35 (b) of the Law Against Domestic Violence - Simple Offences Against
Physical Integrity characterized as domestic violence 16
Article 145 – Simple offences against physical integrity 10
Articles 258, 157 and 145 – Property damage together with threats and simple offences
against physical integrity 1
Article 157 - Threats 1
Article 251 - Larceny 1
Article 258 - Property damage 2
Article 297 – Abuse of power 1
Total 33

2. Total decisions monitored by JSMP = 33
Type of decision Number Prison sentence 1
Prison sentence on condition (civil compensation) -
Suspended prison sentence pursuant to Article 68 of the Penal Code 13
Suspended prison sentence on condition pursuant to Article 69 of the Penal Code -
Suspended prison sentence with rules of conduct pursuant to Article 70 of the
Penal Code
Suspended prison sentence with monitoring pursuant to Article 71 of the Penal
Fine pursuant to Article 67 of the Penal Code 7
Fine with additional penalty pursuant to Article 38.2 of the Law Against Domestic
Admonishment pursuant to Article 82 of the Penal Code -
Settlements validated 12
Payment of civil compensation -
Acquitted -
Total 33

B. Descriptive summary of the decisions handed down in cases that were resolved to
completion, as monitored by JSMP;

1. Crime of Aggravated Rape – Case No.0348/13.PDBAU.
Composition of the court : Panel
Judges : José Gonçalves
: Afonso Carmona
: Ivan Patrocinio Antonino
Public Prosecutor : Alfonso Lopes
Public Defender : Jonas Henrique da Costa
Type of decision : 10 years in prison

On 5 November 2015 the Baucau District Court announced its ruling and sentenced the
defendant RMK to 10 years in prison after finding him guilty of committing the crime of
aggravated rape against IdRS, in Manatuto District.

The public prosecutor alleged that on 30 June 2013, at 1am, the victim was asleep inside her
bedroom.The defendant entered the victim’s bedroom, choked her, removed her clothes and also
removed his own pants and had sexual intercourse with the victim.The defendant also threatened
to kill the victim if she told someone else.

The public prosecutor charged the defendant for violating Articles 172 and 173(d) of the Penal
Code on aggravated rape.

East Timor Council of Ministers Meeting of October 5th, 2016

ETLJB 9 October 2016  Source: Sixth Constitutional Government of East Timor Press Release 5 October 2016 - The Council of Ministers met on Wednesday, at the Government Palace in Dili, and approved the 7th addendum to the contract for the construction of new homes, for the “Millenium Development Goals (MDG) – Villages” program. Under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Planning and Strategic Investment, this program has played a vital role in poverty reduction by making a positive impact on the most disadvantaged of the population. Goals of “MDG – Villages” include the reduction of infant mortality, empowerment of women, eradication of malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS and environmental protection.

The first housing complex of the “MDG – Villages” was inaugurated in December 2012, in Batugadé, in the municipality of Bobonaro.

The Cooperation Protocol with Portugal on the project for the training of media professionals called
Consultório da Língua para Jornalistas (Language Clinic for Journalists) was also approved. This
protocol is between the Secretary of State for Social Communication (SECOMS) and the Support
Programme to the Consolidation of the Rule of Law – Media Component, of Camões - Institute for
Cooperation and Language, IP, The project aims to. train to Timorese media professionals in order to improve the transmission of reliable information in the Portuguese language, thus contributing to the quality of media, economic-financial and legal literacy and the promotion of the general knowledge of the population.

The Council of Ministers approved the draft law on the State General Budget for 2017 which will be
submitted to the National Parliament.

The Decree on the legal regime of passports was also approved, adapting it to the changes introduced with the new electronic passport of Timor-Leste (EPTL), which is now in the implementation phase.

According to the Ministry of Justice, this new measure aims to make this document more secure, modern and compatible with the systems adopted by most countries, facilitating the movement of Timorese citizens.

Following the official visit of the Prime Minister of Cambodia to Timor-Leste, last August, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation adopted two proposals: the General Agreement with the Kingdom of Cambodia on Technical and Economic Cooperation and the Agreement with the Kingdom of Cambodia on exemption from visa requirements for holders of diplomatic and service passports.

The consortium Fulton Hogan Desousa presented a project that sets out a plan for maintaining national roads. This company, from New Zealand, has experience both in its country of origin, in Australia and other islands in the South Pacific. END

JSMP lamenta ho planu orsamentu Parlamentu bá 2017 hanesan esbanzamentu bá orsamentu Estadu nian


06 Outubru 2016
Komunikadu Imprensa
Parlamentu Nasionál

JSMP lamenta ho planu orsamentu Parlamentu bá 2017 hanesan esbanzamentu bá orsamentu Estadu nian

JSMP lamenta ho planu orsamentu Parlamentu bá tinan 2017 hanesan esbanzamentu bá osan Estadu nian, tanba planu orsamentu ne’e la realistiku ho mandatu lejislativu iha tinan 2017 nian ne’ebé sei termina iha fulan-Jullu 2017.

Iha plenáriu ne’ebé hala’o iha 04 Outubru 2016, Parlementu Nasionál (PN) diskute no aprova iha jeneralidade no espesialidade no mós votasaun finál globál bá Projetu Resolusaun n.º 31/III (5ª) – kona-ba Planu Asaun ba Orsamentu Parlamentu Nasionál 2017 nian. Votasaun  ne’e konklui ho votus afavór 43, kontra 0 no abstain 1 hosi totál deputadu 44.

Iha diskusaun, deputadu/a sira hosi bankada Fretelin hanesan Alvina Marçal Freitas, Francisco Miranda Branco  no Maria Angêlica R. da C. dos R no Maria Lourdes M. de S. Bessa hosi bankada PD ne’ebé kestiona makas relatóriu kona-ba orsamentu ne’ebé defisit, planu orsamentu ne’ebé Konsellu Administrasaun elabora la kumpri pakote fiskál Governu. Aleinde ne’e sira mós preukupa no kestiona planu sosa kareta no laptop foun bá deputadu foun sira  lejizlatura dahaat (4) nian la justu no parlamentu hakarak gasta de’it osan estadu. Deputadu sira mós husu atu halo auditória bá Parlamentu Nasionál iha futuru.

Hatan bá preukupasaun deputadu sira nian, Prezidente PN Aderito Hugo haktuir katak sosa kareta no laptop foun bá deputadu foun sira mak afeita bá orsamentu  2017 sa’e no desizaun ne’e konsensu bankada sira hotu nian. Enkuantu  kona-ba defisit  milliaun 10 bá tinan ne’e tanba tratamentu saúde no Ospitál Singapura hatama invoice tarde, inklui problema auditória. PN halo ona karta bá iha Tribunál Kontas no iha ona resposta katak 2017 mak sira sei halo auditória bá Parlamentu.

“JSMP lamenta ho planu orsamentu privativu parlamentu nian ne’ebé la razoável no la realístiku kompara ho mandatu ne’ebé sira sei kumpri bá 2017 ne’ebé sei to’o de’it iha 15 Jullu 2017. JSMP konsidera planu orsamentu ne’e hanesan  esbanzamentu (penghamburan) bá orsamentu estadu iha  lejizlatura datoluk (3) nian, dehan, Casimiro dos Santos, Diretór Interinu JSMP.

JSMP rekomenda bá entidade kompetente hanesan órgaun supervizaun Parlamentu Nasionál nian atu halo fiskalizasaun ne’ebé rigorozu ba prosesu no progresu ezekusaun orsamentu Parlamentu Nasionál nian iha nia últimu mandatu iha 2017.

Orsamentu privativu Parlamentu nian ne’ebé aloka ba 2017 nian, totál dotasaun milliaun US$17,697  ho kategoria bá verba sira mak hanesan tuir mai ne’e: saláriu vensimentu milliaun US$5,116, ben bá servisu; milliaun US$7,934 transférensia públika; milliaun US$930 no despeza bá Kapitál milliaun US$3,717.

Australia must finalise the maritime boundary with East Timor

ETLJB 9 October 2016 Australia robbing East Timor, our poor neighbour, of its sovereign resources rightly the wealth of this country. Unconscionable conduct by a large developed wealthy nation. The Australian State must finalise the maritime boundary and stop the theft of oil and gas in the Timor Sea.

Portuguese Antonio Guterres to become next Secretary General of the United Nations

ETLJB 9 October 2016 Government of East Timor Media Release Dili, 8 October, 2016 Government Congratulates António Guterres

Timor-Leste congratulates H.E. António Guterres and Portugal on the announcement of his acceptance of the unanimous nomination of the United Nations Security Council to become the next United Nations Secretary-General.

Mr. Guterres was the Prime Minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002 and served as United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees from 2005 to 2015. He is held in great esteem by the Timorese people as a champion of our struggle for self-determination and a constant advocate for our Nation’s democracy, peace, stability and progress. He visited Timor-Leste for the first time in 2000, and subsequently in 2002 to be part of the ceremony of the Restoration of Independence.

The United Nations Security Council is recommending that the 193 Member States appoint him for a five year term beginning 1 January 2017. A meeting of the General Assembly expected to take place next week to approve the appointment.

Over the years Mr. Guterres has expressed that the cause of the Timorese people has been “one of the
most important causes in my political life” and has advocated for all to “work together to help this small country to be able to face its future with hope and with success.”

The appointment of Mr. Guterres will see him take over the leadership of the UN from Mr. Ban Ki-moon who has served two terms as the Secretary-General. Prime Minister Araújo recently expressed at the General Assembly “our deepest appreciation to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for all the support that Timor-Leste has received during his 10 years in office.”

Government Spokesperson, Minister of State Agio Pereira noted that “the people of Timor-Leste have great affection for António Guterres and warmly congratulate him on his nomination. We also congratulate Portugal. Mr. Guterres is a uniquely qualified individual for what will be a demanding time as Secretary–General when the organization is facing unprecedented global challenges. Timor-Leste is delighted to hear of his nomination and reassured that this important leadership role is to be taken on by a person with such intellect, experience and integrity.”ENDS

07 October 2016

East Timor Council of Ministers Meeting of 23 August 2016

ETLJB 7 October 2016 Source: Government of East Timor Press Release Dili 23 August 2016 - The Council of Ministers met on Tuesday at the Government Palace in Dili, and analysed two reports and a project presented by the Technical Secretariat of the Human Capacity Development Fund.

The first report – Evaluation of the Results of 2011-2014 Programmes – verifies the productivity of the first four years of the Human Capacity Development Fund (HCDF). The report is based on a survey conducted in 2015 which focused on training activities funded by the HCDF that were completed by the end of 2014. These activities included vocational training courses, technical training for public officials, scholarships and other training activities in the various State institutions, including the sectors of defence, security and justice, and also to the general public.

The second report – Analysis and Mapping of the Human Resources in the Public Sector of TimorLeste – also based on a survey conducted in 2015, assists the HCDF to identify the priorities for investment and to strengthen the skills in the areas with greater needs, to enable a steady growth of capacity within State institutions.

The project to be undertaken by the Technical Secretariat in the coming months will Survey Data on Existing Human Resources in Timor-Leste, by Household, and is set to run from September 2016 to January 2017. The final report should be completed by February 2017.

The Council of Ministers approved the Guidelines for Study and Training Scholarships, also
presented by the Technical Secretariat of the Human Capacity Development Fund, in order to harmonise the criteria for the allocation of study and training scholarships in all the institutions registered by the HCDF.

The Minister of State, Coordinator of State Administration Affairs and Justice made a status report on the first three months of the Programme and Implementation of the Guide for the Public Administration Reform during which the priority goals in the first semester for each of the pillars of Public Administration were identified, namely, the National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA), the General Inspectorate of State (GIS), the State Secretariat for Institutional Strengthening and the Civil Service Commission.

The Minister of Commerce, Industry and Environment informed the Council of Ministers on the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions - INDC project, following the decisions of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change, held in Paris in 2015. The document is to be delivered to the United Nations Organisation.

The Council of Ministers revoked, as proposed by the Minister of Public Works, Transport and
Communications, the Decree-Law N. 40/2012, of September 5th, on the National Electrification
Programme. This diploma, which has completed its mission, was a special procedure for the award of rehabilitation work and new installations of electric energy distribution lines. For the last four years the programme has helped to improve the electricity transport infrastructure in the country.

Two draft resolutions proposed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation were approved. These resolution were to ratify the Agreement on the Status of Visiting Forces Between the Governments of New Zealand and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, and approve the Treaty of Commercial Cooperation Between the Governments of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the State of Kuwait. The first diploma had the collaboration of the Ministry of Defence and the second of the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Environment.

The Office of the Prime Minister saw two of their proposals adopted at this meeting: the Draft Law that Establishes the Legal Regime of Public Professional Associations, which regulates the
establishment, organization and the functioning of those associations; and the proposed list for
Nomination to the Order of Timor-Leste, which is the award with the greatest prestige and dignity of the Nation. The list of names proposed by the Government will now be submitted to the President of the Republic for consideration.

The Implementation of Activities to Raise Awareness to the Electoral Census and Survey on
Existing Conditions for its Execution in the National Territory and Abroad was also approved. This
diploma, presented by Minister of State Administration, aims to ensure the dissemination of the new legal framework and increase the democratic participation of Timorese citizens residing abroad. ENDS

06 October 2016

Sumáriu Kazu Tribunál Distritál Oe-Cusse Períodu Jullu 2016

ETLJB 06 October 2016 Source: East Timor Judicial System Monitoring Program Press Release  - Summary of Cases in the Oe-cusse District Court for the Period July 2016

1.     Krime kondusaun sein karta

Nú. Prosesu                                      : 0010/10OESTR
Kompozisaun Tribunál                     : Singulár
Juis                                                   : Dr. João Ribeiro
Ministériu Públiku                            : Dr. Mateus Nesi
Defeza                                               : Dr. Afonso Gomes Fatima
Tipu desizaun                                   : Pena multa US$45.00

Iha 05 Jullu 2016, Tribunál Distritál Oe-Cusse prezide leitura sentensa ba krime kondusaun sein karta ne’ebé envolve arguidu AdC hasoru lezadu Estadu RDTL, iha Distritu Oe-Cusse.

Ministériu Públiku akuza katak, iha loron 02 Jullu 2016, maizumenus iha tuku 18:00 loro-kraik, arguidu kondus motor ho marka revo iha dirasaun Numbei, Polísia tranzitu halo pasa revista no deskobre katak arguidu laiha karta kondusaun. Tanba ne’e polísia tranzitu prende arguidu nia motor no detein arguidu iha sela Polísia durante 72 oras.

Ministériu Públiku akuza, arguidu kontra artigu 207 KP kona-ba krime kondusaun sein karta no sei hetan pena prizaun too tinan 2 ka multa.

Iha prosesu julgamentu arguidu konfesa faktus hotu no deklara katak nia arrepende ona ninia hahalok no promete sei lakomete tan krime hanesan iha futuru. Arguidu mós deklara nia nu’udar estudante iha eskolla sekundáriu públiku Palaban, laiha rendimentu no ekonomikamente depende ba ninia inan-aman.

Iha alegasaun finál, Ministériu Públiku husu, bá Tribunál atu aplika pena ne’ebé adekuadu tuir artigu 207 KP tanba arguidu provadu laiha kondusaun sein karta. Enkuantu, Defeza husu bá Tribunál atu fó pena ne’ebé kmaan bá arguidu tuir faktus ne’ebé prodús durante julgamentu.

Depoisde avalia faktus hotu, Tribunál konklui no kondena arguidu ho pena multa US$45.00 ne’ebé kada loron sei selu US$0.50 sentavus durante loron 90. Wainhira arguidu la kumpri pena refere, sei aplika pena efetiva kastigu loron 60 iha prizaun.

2.     Krime ofensa ba integridade fízika simples ho natureza violénsia doméstika

Nú. Prosesu                                       : 0012/16.OEOSL
Kompozisaun Tribunál                      : Singulár
Juis                                                    : Dr. João Ribeiro
Ministériu Públiku                             : Dr. Mateus Nessi
Defeza                                               : Dr. Calisto Tout
Tipu desizaun                                    : Pena prizaun tinan 1 suspende ba tinan 1

Iha 13 Jullu 2016, Tribunál Distritál Oe-Cusse prezide leitura sentensa ba krime ofensa bá integridade fízika simples ho natureze violénsia doméstika ne’ebé envolve arguidu IB hasoru nia feen, iha Distritu Oe-Cusse.

Ministériu Públiku akuza katak, iha 29 Abril 2016, maizumenus iha tuku 16.00 loro-kraik, wainhira lezada toba hela, arguidu mai no xama lezada nia ain loos no tebe dala 1 iha lezada nia kidan. Aktu ne’e rezulta lezada sofre moras iha kidan no bubu iha ain.

Ministériu Públiku akuza, arguidu kontra artigu 145 KP kona-ba ofensa ba integridade fízika simples konjuga ho artigu 2, 3 no 35 (b) LKVD.

Iha prosesu julgamentu, arguidu konfesa faktus sira integralmente no deklara katak depoisde akontesementu ne’e, liu-tiha oras balu nia husu deskulpa kedas ba lezada no lezada perdua nia. Arguidu deklara katak nia arrepende ona ninia hahalok no too agora nia ho lezada hela hamutuk hanesan feen ho laen ho sira nia oan nain 1.

Tribunál prisindi lezada nia deklarasaun tanba arguidu konfesa faktus totálmente hanesan iha akuzasaun Ministériu Públiku nian.

Iha alegasaun finál, Ministériu Públiku husu bá Tribunál atu aplika pena ne’ebé adekuadu bá arguidu tanba komete krime hasoru nia feen. Entretantu, Defeza husu bá Tribunál atu aplika pena ne’ebé kmaan tanba arguidu konfesa faktus integralmente no arrepende ona ninia hahalok, dame malu ona ho nia feen no lezada rasik perdua ona arguidu.

Depoisde avalia faktu sira ne’e hotu, Tribunál konklui prosesu ne’e no kondena arguidu ho pena prizaun tinan 1, suspende bá tinan 1 tanba arguidu provadu komete krime violénsia doméstika hasoru nia feen.

3.     Krime la halotuir obrigasaun alimentár

05 October 2016

Timor-Leste welcomes Conciliation Commission’s landmark decision to proceed

ETLJB 5 October 2016 Source: Government of East Timor Press Release Dili, 26 September 2016 - The Government of Timor-Leste welcomes the decision of the Conciliation Commission that the Commission has competence to continue with the conciliation proceedings. The decision follows a three-day hearing held in The Hague to hear the objections to its competence advanced by the Commonwealth of Australia.

A Press Release issued by the Permanent Court of Arbitration on the 26th of September on behalf of the Commission announced the unanimous decision regarding the challenge to its competence.
The Commission will now continue to exercise its function as described in Annex V of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which is to “hear the parties, examine their claims and objections, and make proposals to the parties with a view to reaching an amicable settlement.”

Spokesperson for the Government and Agent for the case, Minister of State Agio Pereira noted “Timor-Leste welcomes this decision..This process is an opportunity to set a good example in our region and we will engage with respect for the commission and its recommendations, ever conscious of the importance of maintaining the best possible relationship with our close neighbour Australia.”

Chief Negotiator, H.E. Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao thanked the Commissioners for their expertise and noted:

“Just as we fought so hard and suffered so much for our independence, Timor-Leste will not rest until we have our sovereign rights over both land and sea.” (Emphasis added) ENDS

Further information about the case may be found at www.pcacases.com/web/view/132, including the full text of the Commission’s Decision on Competence

Draw the line now! Stop stealing from the poor, Australia