27 September 2017

A Tribute to Sister Susan Connelly and her Work in East Timor

ELTJB wishes to express acknowledgement to Susan Connelly of the Josephite Sisters in Sydney, Australia. Susan has been a dissident agitator against the Australian governments' policies on East Timor, particularly the finalisation of the maritime boundary between Australia and East Timor in the old Timor Gap and the cessation of the misappropriation of East Timor's sovereign wealth from the impoverished State by both our government and the international energy cartels.

All the while, East Timor continues its struggle to recover and reconstruct national identity so savagely attacked during the 1975-1999 illegal invasion, occupation and genocide by Indonesia for 24 years; to build an economy and create employment for the youth, address housing, health, education and sanitation problems. As well as dealing with the legacy of the violent past. Domestic violence and violent dispute resolution are terrible social problems. Dislocation and social and cultural disintegration were forced upon the communities.

Sister Susan has been a central leader in the raising of the consciousness of the Australian community to the injustices perpetrated against our small, poor neighbour in such dire circumstances of poverty, lack of infrastructure, an economy largely dependent on foreign investment but where foreign companies exploit foreign workers leaving the East Timorese youth without jobs or hope for their and their family's future.

I have witnessed the conditions and have closely monitored East Timor since 2000 when I was assigned by the UNCHS to go to East Timor. I then became the UNTAET Property Rights Adviser and later managed the University of San Francisco Centre for Law and Global Justice's Legislative Drafting Initiative in the national Parliament and the Community Legal Education Project with community leaders, students, CSO's and the Church.  In 2008,  I evaluated a project for the European Union and travelled far into the remote isolated communities of East Timor and saw with my very own eyes the condition of the people and their villages.

Many of our compatriots still know nothing at all about East Timor. Many do not even know where the country is or why its roles in international and human affairs on this planet have been crucial events in history.

After the 1999 explosion of violence upon independence, the 2006 disintegration of the rule of law and the 2008 assassination attempts on Xanana Gusmao and Jose Ramos Horta, the western media has simply not been interested because there has been no blood on streets. But the sufferings of poverty and deprivation continue their terrible toll.

As good neighbours, we ought to be interested and we ought to give a care. And that is what Susan's exemplary conduct and integrity demonstrate for us. That all of us, as Australians, as a righteous member of the community of nations, should be doing as much as we can to assist our neighbour in distress.

Even the purchase of a pack of East Timorese coffee grind will help. You can do more significant gestures such as making representations to the Parliament and your local Member seeking a just and quick resolution of the maritime boundary with East Timor founded upon modern principles of international maritime boundary law that, in cases such as this, the boundary must be drawn on the median line and not on the archaic continental shelf theory. It was the continental shelf theory that underlay the finalisation of the Australian-Indonesian maritime boundary so one might imagine the Jakarta would be disgruntled if, after having lost East Timor through its own barbarity, Australia settled the remaining maritime boundary with East Timor on a different theory. Perhaps the Indonesians have been keeping pressure on the Australian government to adopt this hard-line discredited and outdated theory.

Susan's indefatigable efforts and concentration of her knowledge, humanity, compassion equity between our country, one of the wealthiest on Earth, and East Timor, one the poorest, prompts citizens of good conscience to engage in the continuing demands for reforms and stand in solidarity with East Timor.

Have we lost our capacity for reason? Have we forgotten the great sacrifices made by the East Timorese people who provided aid to our soldiers in WW2? Have we forgotten how we turned our backs on the East Timorese during one of the greatest crimes against humanity of the twentieth century perpetrated right under our noses. How, in fact, and as history will record to our great shame, were we the only State to recognise the illegal annexation of East Timorese national territory by Indonesia?

Susan Connelly's and the Josephites' work goes very far towards the alleviation of suffering and deprivation in East Timor, towards constantly keeping the spotlight on East Timor and our government on its toes, towards a constant struggle for justice. Her efforts warrant attention and applause. Many thanks sister for your brave and unwavering advocacy on behalf of our brothers and sisters in East Timor.

You can find out more about Sister Susan's work at TIMFO and about the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart.

Edited 10 October 2017.


Prime Minister appreciates Australia's willingness to strengthen ties with Timor-Leste

Prime Minister appreciates Australia's willingness to strengthen ties with Timor-Leste

Prime Minister

Seventh Constitutional Government

Dili, September 26th, 2017

Prime Minister appreciates Australia's willingness to strengthen ties with Timor-Leste

On September 19th, Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri sent a letter to his Australian counterpart, Mr. Malcolm Turnbull, thanking the Chief Executive of Australia for his message congratulating the new Timor-Leste Executive, and where he ensured the commitment of his Government in strengthening the special bond that unites both countries.

In his letter, sent on September 25th, the Head of the Seventh Constitutional Government highlighted that this bilateral relationship is particularly evident in special moments and circumstances. He recalls that their "shared history since World War II illustrates how both peoples came together in difficult times to help each other," stressing that this is a responsibility that leaders must continue to take on.

Mari Alkatiri, also thanked Malcolm Turnbull's commitment in the recently achieved agreement, through the Conciliation Commission in Copenhagen.

In his letter of September 19th, the Australian Prime Minister considers this "a historic opportunity" to strengthen existing ties and "start a new chapter in the relationship" between Timor-Leste and Australia. He committed to promote the existing partnership between the two countries and to work together on the development of resources shared throughout the maritime border. He further highlights that Timor-Leste is "an important regional partner, neighbour and friend" to his country and guarantees his Government’s support to Timor-Leste in its objective to diversify the economy and create sustainable opportunities for the people.

Mari Alkatiri expressed his hope that the agreement "will not only strengthen the already strong relationship between both countries, but will also show the world how international law assists neighbouring countries to solve their problems".

The Prime Minister concluded his letter assuring the Government's commitment "to work with important partners such as Australia, in the development of Timor-Leste and of peace and stability of our region." ENDS

JSMP Sumáriu Kazu Tribunál Distritál Oe-Cusse Períodu Jullu 2017


Sumáriu Kazu Tribunál Distritál Oe-Cusse Períodu Jullu 2017

Totál desizaun ne'ebé JSMP monitoriza: 26

1.     Krime ofensa ba integridade fízika simples ho natureza violénsia doméstika

Nú. Prosesu                             : 0003/17.OEOSL
Kompozisaun Tribunál           : Singulár
Juis                                          : Dr. João Ribeiro
Prokuradór                              : Dr. Mateus Nesi
Defeza                                     : Dr. Marcelino Marques Coro
Tipu pena                                : Pena prizaun tinan 1 suspende ba tinan 1

Iha 04 Jullu 2017, Tribunál Distritál Oe-Cusse prezide julgamentu leitura sentensa ba krime ofensa ba integridade fízika simples ho natureza violénsia doméstika ne’ebé envolve arguidu BB hasoru nia feen, iha Distritu Oe-Cusse.

Akuzasaun Prokuradór
Prokuradór akuza katak iha 19 Fevereiru 2017, iha tuku 17:00 lokraik, arguidu basa dala 2 iha lezada nia-hasan loos, dala 1 iha lezada nia-hasan karuk no tebe dala 1 iha lezada nia-matan fukun sorin loos. Aktu hirak ne’e rezulta lezada sofre moras no mean iha lezada nia hasan no matan-fukun. Kazu ne’e aneksa mós ho relatóriu médiku hosi Ospitál Referal Oe-Cusse no fotografía hosi Polísia –VPU.

Prokuradór akuza arguidu kontra artigu 145 KP kona-ba ofensa ba integridade fízika simples ho moldura penál to’o tinan 3 ka multa no konjuga ho artigu 2, 3 no artigu 35 letra (b) LKVD.

Prodúsaun ba prova
Arguidu konfesa faktus hotu iha akuzasaun no deklara katak arrepende ona nia hahalok, di’ak malu ona ho lezada  no foin primeira-vez  komete krime hasoru nia-feen. Arguidu mós promete sei la repete ninia hahalok iha futuru. Arguidu nu’udar to’os-nain, laiha rendimentu fíksu no iha oan nain 5.

Prokuradór husu ba Tribunál atu prezinde lezada nia deklarasaun tanba arguidu konfesa faktus hotu iha akuzasaun no Defeza mós konkorda ho pedidu ne’e.

Alegasaun finál

Eric Hotung dead at 91

NOTEWORTHY In 1998, Eric Hotung bought a former Royal Australian Navy survey ship so that East Timorese refugees could be repatriated from Indonesia. More than 12,000 were returned. Read more...

VII Constitutional Government analyses its Program for presentation to the National Parliament of East Timor

Government analyses the Program

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Seventh Constitutional Government

Press Release

Government analyses Program

The Seventh Constitutional Government met this Tuesday, September 26, at the Lahane Noble Palace in Dili, to analyse Ministerial proposals for the Government Program, which shall be presented to the National Parliament in the first fortnight of October.

The Program, guided by the Strategic Development Plan and the coalition parties’ commitments, will update and reinforce on-going measures and projects. It will also reflect the Government's intention to strengthen existing services, to provide more effectiveness and efficiency to the system.

The Prime Minister instructed the Government members to plan and design the policies and measures with special attention to the interconnection and strengthening of the Public Works and Major Infrastructure sectors; of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment; and Youth and Labour.

A technical team, composed of members from all ministries, and coordinated by the Minister in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, will ensure the articulation of all the projects and policies of the Program, and prepare an explanatory note of the Government's proposal, to facilitate the assessment by the Parliament members, as well as any suggestions that may be submitted.

The Government also decided to propose the renewal, for two more years, of the current leadership of the FALINTIL – Defence Forces of Timor-Leste (in Portuguese FFDTL). ENDS ETLJB

22 September 2017

Are we the bad guys? Australia’s ruthless past with East Timor

Source: Crikey In her new book Crossing the Line Kim McGrath exposes Australia's brutal opportunism towards East Timor, and the atrocities we were willing to condone to serve our national interest. 

Read more here: https://www.crikey.com.au/2017/08/30/crossing-the-line-east-timor/

19 September 2017

Coat of arms of East Timor

The Democratic Republic of East Timor - This state coat of arms was introduced on 18 January 2007 under the Law 02/2007. It is based on a design first used when the country unilaterally declared independence on 28 November 1975.
The motto in Portuguese is "Unidade, Acção, Progresso" ("Unity, Action, Progress"). 
On the centre of the coat of arms, there a curved pyramid with red edges and black core, symbolise Mount Ramelau, the highest peak in Timor Leste. 
On the black field in the centre there is a five-pointed star with five rays of light. 
Under it there is an open red book rest upon a yellow industrial gear. 
On the left side there is a rice ear (hare fulin) and on the right side there is a corn ear (batar fulin). 
Under the industrial gear there is an AK-47 assault rifle, bow and arrows (rama inan). 
Under the Mount Ramelau there is a ribbon banner written in Portuguese: "Unidade, Acção, Progresso" ("Union, Action, Progress"). 
Around the emblem there is a circle band written with the official name of the state in Portuguese: "República Democrática de Timor-Leste" (Democratic Republic of East Timor), and the acronym is written under "RDTL". Read more to understand the other images

JSMP: Sumáriu Kazu Tribunál Distritál Suai Periódu Jullu 2017

Judicial System Monitoring Programme Programa Monitorizasaun Sistema Judisiáriu

Sumáriu Kazu Tribunál Distritál Suai Periódu Jullu  2017

A. Sumáriu prosesu julgamentu kazu iha Tribunál Distritál Suai

1. Totál kazu ne’ebé JSMP monitoriza: 21

2. Totál desizaun ne’ebé JSMP monitoriza: 19

3. Totál kazu sira ne’ebé adia tuir JSMP nia monitorizasaun: 2

B. Deskripsaun sumáriu ba desizaun kazu sira

1.       Krime ofensa ba integridade fízika simples

Nú. Prosesu                           : 0021/16.CVMCT
Kompozisaun Tribunál       : Singulár
Juis                                         : Dr. Constáncio Barros Basmery
Prokuradór                            : Dr. Napoleão Soares da Silva
Defeza                                    : Dr. Francisco Caetano Martins
Tipu pena                              : Omologa dezisténsia keixa

Iha 05 Jullu 2017, Tribunál Distritál Suai prezide julgamentu tentativa konsiliasaun ba krime ofensa ba integridade fízika simples ne’ebé  envolve arguidu DC, TG no QA hasoru lezadu MSP, iha Distritu Covalima.

Akuzasaun hosi Prokuradór

Prokuradór akuza katak iha  02  Jullu 2016, arguidu QA tuku dala 1 iha lezadu nia hasan parte karuk, arguidu DC tuku dala 1 iha lezadu ninia ibun, no arguidu TG tuku dala 1 iha lezadu nia  reen-toos. Agresaun ne’e rezulta lezadu sofre moras, bubu iha lezadu nia-hasan, ibun-kulit no reen-toos. Kazu ne’e akontese wanhira lezadu fila hosi Rogerio nia-uma no to’o iha ponte leten lezadu hasoru malu ho arguidu sira, arguidu sira hakilar katak “kalan boot ona la’o buka saida, hafuhu ami ka hafuhu ami nia feen?”

Prokuradór akuza arguidu sira kontra artigu 145 Kódigu Penál kona-ba ofensa ba integridade fízika simples ho moldura penal too tinan 3 ka multa.  

Produsaun ba prova

FRETILIN and PD form government coalition in East Timor

Members of the Seventh Government meet to prepare the start of the mandate
Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Sixth Constitutional Government

Dili, September 19, 2017

Press Release

Members of the Seventh Government meet to prepare the start of the mandate

The Seventh Constitutional Government met this Tuesday, September 19, at the Lahane Noble Palace in Dili after taking office last Friday. In this first meeting of the Executive, the members of Government discussed the fundamental issues for the start of the mandate, namely the Government Program and the State Budget.

Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri assured that the formation of Government is expected to be completed soon.

The eleven Government members present at the meeting discussed the priorities of the Government Program. The Prime Minister also assured that it will be drafted taking into account three components: the commitments of the parties forming the coalition - Fretilin and PD -, on-going activities and the Strategic Development Plan.

Steps were also defined to prepare the General State Rectification Budget, coordinated by the Ministry of Planning and Finance, which will be completed shortly after the Government formation is finalized.

The various members of the Government also presented a summary on the information collected in these first days of governance, where the transfer of portfolios to the current ministers is on-going.

The Minister of State and Counsellor for National Security, José Ramos-Horta, did not attend the meeting because of his visit to United States representing the President of the Republic at the United Nations. ENDS Source: Government of East Timor

17 September 2017

Final Composition of East Timor National Parliament 2017

The East Timor final composition following the legislative elections earlier this year has been settled.

The National Parliament (the IV Legislature) is comprised of 65 Deputies with the following numbers of seats:

(a) 23 Deputies from the FRETILIN (The Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor)

(b) 22 Deputies from CNRT (Council of Timorese Reconstruction)

(c) 8 Deputies do PLP Partidu Libertação Popular

(d) 7 Deputies from PD (The Democratic Party)

(e) 5 Deputies from the KHUNTO Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nasional Timor Oan

16 September 2017

National Parliament elects the members of the Council of Administration


The National Parliament, in a Plenary Ordinary Session, on September 12, 2017, unanimously elected the members of the Board of Directors, with 59 votes in favor, 0 against and 0 abstentions.

The members of the Board of Directors elected are: Aurelio Freitas Ribeiro (FRETILIN, effective), Noémia Sequeira (FRETILIN, alternate), Manuel Tomás de Carvalho (PD, effective), Ernesto Fernandes «Dudu» (PD , Deputy Armanda Berta dos Santos (KHUNTO), José Agostinho (KHUNTO, alternate), Brígida Antónia Correia (CNRT, effective), Mr Patrocínio Fernandes dos Reis (CNRT, deputizing for Deputy Merícico Juvenal dos Reis (PLP, effective) and Signi Candrawati Verdial (PLP, alternate).

On the same day, the National Parliament also approved Draft Resolution No. 3 / IV- Anticipation of the normal period of operation of the 1st Legislative Session of the Fourth Legislature, and also gave assent to the President's move abroad.

This Plenary Session was chaired by the President of the National Parliament, Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes, accompanied by Vice Presidents Júlio Sarmento da Costa "Meta Malik" and António Verdial de Sousa, by the Secretary of the Board, Lídia Norberto dos Santos Martins and the Vice Secretaries , Elvina Sousa Carvalho and Angelica da Costa.

Does the gay marriage vote in Australia mean anything for East Timor?

ETLJB 16092017 AUSTRALIAN MARRIAGE EQUALISATION VOTE & INFLUENCE ON EAST TIMOR It is expected that the Australian people will vote to express their view on whether the national Parliament should amend the definition of marriage in the federal Marriage Act 1961 so that it does not preclude people of the same gender from lawfully marrying. This follows a wave of enlightenment in western democracies and, critically, the United States Supreme Court's declaration that discriminatory marriage laws are unconstitutional.

Similar plebiscites were held in other foreign jurisdictions of most note, Ireland, where there is no clear separation of church and state.

What, if anything, does this mean for East Timor? The Catholic Church is a powerful institution in East Timor, having been in close solidarity with the people during the genocide and the resistance. Its power extends to influencing public policy and laws, even the Constitution itself when it objected to the inclusion of sexual orientation in the anti-discrimination provisions of the constitution. It's stance on gay marriage is clear but so is the intention of the East Timorese gay community as demonstrated in the recent pride event in Dili.

Being geographically close and having common strategic interests - peace in the south east Asian peninsula - Australian and East Timor will continue to interact at both political and personal levels.

One question is, will the East Timorese government recognise marriages between persons of the same sex under Australian law? This will be a tricky question for the East Timorese policy makers and law enforcement administration.

A second question is will the East Timorese truly comply with international law-making instruments against discriminatory laws referenced to gender or sexual orientation? The whole nation suffered so horribly during the occupation from human rights abuses. Have the lessons been learned or will supernatural bigotry hold the day and marginalise gay citizens?

Thirdly, how will the East Timorese community react to Australian gay married couples who are living in East Timor? There is a significant gay community in East Timor but there is still much social aggression towards gay men and women.

The desire of the young generation to join the modern community of nations is great. Their continuing struggle for economic justice and prosperity motivates their activism and agitation towards unjust government policies including far too much corruption in the state administration. Even the Justice Minister Lucia Lobato was sent to prison for 5 years for abuse of state power.

The democratic social transformations that are happening in relation to same sex marriage are remarkable and lay a challenge to those polities that still practice constitutional and legal discrimination based on sexual orientation.

The gay community in Australia should try to support our brothers and sisters in East Timor at least by recognising their struggle and standing in solidarity with them.

See also Komunitas LGBT gelar aksi langka di Timor Leste

ETLJB has long agitated for abolition of legal and social discrimination against citizens in Timor-Leste based on their sexual orientation. Several articles can be found by using our search tool top right.

15 September 2017

Mari Alkatiri gets second shot as East Timor’s prime minister 11 years after first stint

East Timor President Francisco Guterres announced Thursday that Mari Alkatiri, the only candidate nominated for the premiership, is the country’s new prime minister, with a new cabinet line-up to be revealed the following day.

Full story

14 September 2017

A Critical Review of International Unitisation Agreement (IUA) Signed by Timor-Leste and Australia on 6 of March 2003

by Tomas Freitas

On 1 September 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark, the Permanent Court of Arbitration called a press conference to update the results of the conciliation between Timor-Leste and Australia. According to the announcement both parties are to be congratulated on their achievements. However, an interpretation of the statements from the Timor-Leste chief negotiator Xanana Gusmao and Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, leave more questions to be answered. As per Xanana Gusmao:

“I thank the commission for its resolve and skill in bringing the parties together, through a long and at times difficult process, to helps us achieve our dream of full sovereignty and to finally settle our maritime boundaries with Australia. This is an historic agreement and marks the beginning of a new era in Timor-Leste’s friendship with Australia” (Permanent Court Arbitration, 2017,pp1) Lebihlanjut more mais

12 September 2017

Timor-Leste holds First Plenary Meeting of the IV Legislature


The National Parliament held, on September 5, 2017, its first Plenary Meeting of the IV Legislature. This meeting began at 10:30 am and was chaired by the President-in-Office, Adérito Hugo da Costa.

After his initial speech, which referred to what was achieved in the III Legislature, and the challenges for the IV Legislature, Adérito Hugo da Costa delivered a symbolic memory to the Secretary of State for Parliamentary Affairs, Maria Teresinha Viegas, symbolizing the good relations between the National Parliament and the Government.

After that, the new Members took their seats in the Plenary. The Plenary of the National Parliament is composed of 65 Deputies, and in this IV Legislature, 23 Deputies of the FRETILIN party, 22 Deputies of the CNRT party, 8 Deputies of the PLP party, 7 Deputies of the PD party and 5 Deputies of the KHUNTO party.

Subsequently, an Eventual Committee for Verification of Credentials was set up. The Commission confirmed the legality and the absence of incompatibilities, and the Plenary unanimously voted to approve the Commission Report.

After this process, the oath of the Members of the IV Legislature was sworn in.

The Plenary Meeting continued with the announcement that there were two lists for the office of President of the National Parliament. There followed a period of heated debate on procedural and procedural issues related to voting patterns.

The candidates for President of the National Parliament were Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes of the Fretilin party and Deputy Adérito Hugo da Costa of the CNRT party.

The vote was held at 9:30 p.m., and at 10:15 p.m., the result was announced, and the deputy Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes of the Fretilin party won the election with 33 votes against 32 by Deputy Adérito Hugo da Costa, of the CNRT party.

The new President of the National Parliament, Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes, in his speech, began by declaring that he will be president of the whole Parliament and not of parties or factions. He then addressed the various organs of sovereignty, guaranteeing the respect and solidarity of the National Parliament. He also appealed to Members to work together, resolving differences and joining forces in defense of the national interest, without, however, leaving the critical spirit of each Member. Finally, he pledged his full commitment to Parliament to work for all East Timorese.

The work of the National Parliament continues today, September 6, for the election of the remaining members of the Bureau.

Timor-Leste realiza a primeira Reunião Plenária da IV Legislatura

O Parlamento Nacional realizou, no dia 05 de setembro de 2017, a sua primeira Reunião Plenária da IV Legislatura. Esta reunião iniciou-se pelas 10:30, e foi presidida pelo Presidente em exercício, Adérito Hugo da Costa.

Depois do seu discurso inicial, em que se referiu ao que foi conseguido na III Legislatura, e aos desafios para a IV Legislatura, Adérito Hugo da Costa entregou uma lembrança simbólica à Secretária de Estado dos Assuntos Parlamentares, Maria Teresinha Viegas, simbolizando as boas relações entre o Parlamento Nacional e o Governo.

Depois disto, os novos deputados tomaram os seus lugares no Plenário. O Plenário do Parlamento Nacional é composto por 65 Deputados, tendo sido eleitos, nesta IV Legislatura, 23 Deputados do partido FRETILIN, 22 Deputados do partido CNRT, 8 Deputados do partido PLP, 7 Deputados do partido PD e 5 Deputados do partido KHUNTO.

Logo de seguida, procedeu-se à constituição de uma Comissão Eventual para Verificação de Poderes. A Comissão confirmou a legalidade e a ausência de incompatibilidades, e o Plenário votou, por unanimidade, a aprovação do Relatório da Comissão.

Após este processo, realizou-se o juramento dos Deputados da IV Legislatura.

A Reunião Plenária continuou com o anúncio de que existiam duas listas para o cargo de Presidente do Parlamento Nacional. Seguiu-se um período de aceso debate sobre questões processuais e regimentais, relacionado com os moldes da votação.

Os candidatos a Presidente do Parlamento Nacional foram o Deputado Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes, do partido Fretilin, e o Deputado Adérito Hugo da Costa, do partido CNRT.

A votação realizou-se cerca das 21:30, e pelas 22:15 foi anunciado o resultado, tendo o Deputado Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes, do partido Fretilin, ganho a eleição, com 33 votos, contra 32 do Deputado Adérito Hugo da Costa, do partido CNRT.

O novo Presidente do Parlamento Nacional, Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes, no seu discurso, começou por declarar que será presidente de todo o Parlamento e não de partidos ou fações. De seguida, dirigiu-se aos vários órgãos de soberania, garantindo o respeito e a solidariedade do Parlamento Nacional. Apelou também aos Deputados para que trabalhem em conjunto, resolvendo as diferenças e juntando esforços em defesa do interesse nacional, sem contudo, deixarem o espírito crítico, próprio de cada Deputado. Por fim, prometeu todo o seu empenho para que o Parlamento trabalhe em prol de todos os timorenses.

Os trabalhos do Parlamento Nacional continuam hoje, dia 06 de setembro, para a eleição dos restantes membros da Mesa.


05 September 2017

04 September 2017

New Book: Manual Prático da Contratação Pública available in Portuguese and Tetum

Author Helena Manuela Ferreira Igreja

ISBN 978 -989-20- 7573-0

The book is available in the following outlets in Timor-Leste:

Loja & Companhia
located in Bidau and in Timor-Plaza
Ph: (670) 77 24 94 33

ETLJB recommends this new book and congratulates Sra. Helena Manuela Ferreira Igreja for her great opus.

ETLJB Editor

03 September 2017

East Timor Meeting of the Council of Ministers 29 August 2017

Meeting of the Council of Ministers of 29th August 2017

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government

Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers of 29th August 2017

The Council of Ministers met this Tuesday at the Government Palace in Dili and clarified with the members of the Government issues raised regarding the exercise of management powers by a caretaker Government. By way of a circular letter, it was explained that management powers "must be exercised in a proportional, appropriate and necessary manner as acts of day-to-day management, for the proper functioning of the institutions". It further clarified that "after the election date and up to the inauguration of the new Government, the members of the Sixth Constitutional Government should restrict themselves to the practice of political and legislative initiatives characterised as urgent or emergency", to solve unexpected, unforeseen or unavoidable matters that are critical or threatening.

Following a proposal by the Minister of Social Solidarity, the Council of Ministers approved the extension of the final deadline for registration in the first phase of the social security contributory scheme to the 31st October this year. It also authorised carrying out all administrative and operational procedures to ensure that all public and private entities comply, within the same period, with the submission of statements of remuneration and social contribution payments.

The Council of Ministers analysed a proposal from the President of the Authority for the Special Administrative Region of Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) regarding the appointment of two Deputy Regional Secretaries. This proposal was presented taking into account the need to reorganise existing human resources in the Region and strengthen the organisational structure to meet the new challenges of the second phase of development and investment, which is now beginning. ENDS

02 September 2017

Timor-Leste and Australia Achieve Breakthrough in Maritime Boundary Conciliation Proceedings


Conciliation between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Commonwealth of Australia

COPENHAGEN, 1 September 2017

Timor-Leste and Australia Achieve Breakthrough in Maritime Boundary Conciliation Proceedings

Through a series of confidential meetings with the Conciliation Commission in Copenhagen this past week, Timor-Leste and Australia have reached agreement on the central elements of a maritime boundary delimitation between them in the Timor Sea. The Parties’ agreement constitutes a package and, in addition to boundaries, addresses the legal status of the Greater Sunrise gas field, the establishment of a Special Regime for Greater Sunrise, a pathway to the development of the resource, and the sharing of the resulting revenue.

These meetings are part of a structured dialogue in the context of the conciliation between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (“Timor-Leste”) and the Commonwealth of Australia (“Australia”) being conducted by a Conciliation Commission (the “Commission”) pursuant to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and under the auspices of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (the “PCA”).

The Parties and the Commission will now turn to formalizing the Parties’ agreement and to addressing a number of remaining issues and points of detail. Until all issues are resolved, the details of the Parties’ agreement will remain confidential. Nevertheless, the Parties agree that the agreement reached on 30 August 2017 marks a significant milestone in relations between them and in the historic friendship between the peoples of Timor-Leste and Australia.

The leader of Timor-Leste’s delegation, Chief Negotiator and former President Xanana Gusmão, hailed the agreement and stated:

I thank the Commission for its resolve and skill in bringing the Parties together, through a long and at times difficult process, to help us achieve our dream of full sovereignty and to finally settle our maritime boundaries with Australia. This is an historic agreement and marks the beginning of a new era in Timor-Leste’s friendship with Australia.

Timor-Leste’s Agent in these proceedings, Minister Agio Pereira, echoed these sentiments, noting:
This agreement was made possible because of the strength and leadership of the father of our nation, the Chief Negotiator, Xanana Gusmão, who worked with the Commission and Australia to secure the political and economic sovereignty of our nation and secure the future of our people. With our joint success at resolving our dispute through this conciliation process, Timor-Leste and Australia hope to have set a positive example for the international community at large.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Australia, the Hon. Julie Bishop MP, stated:

This is a landmark day in the relationship between Timor-Leste and Australia. This agreement, which supports the national interest of both our nations, further strengthens the long-standing and deep ties between our Governments and our people. I thank the Commission for its role in bringing the Parties together.
The Chairman of the Commission, Ambassador Peter Taksøe-Jensen of Denmark, speaking on behalf of the Commission, made the following statement:

I commend the Parties for being able to reach an equitable and balanced solution that benefits both Timor-Leste and Australia. These negotiations have been challenging, and this agreement has only been possible because of the courage and goodwill shown by leaders on both sides. The key moment in these negotiations transpired on the evening of 30 August, and the significance of that date is not lost on the Commission. Both countries will now look back on this date fondly.

Next Steps
The Parties will continue to meet with the Commission in order to finalize their agreement in October 2017. At the same time, the Parties will begin to engage with other stakeholders in the Timor Sea regarding the implications of their agreement, in particular with respect to the Greater Sunrise resource.

The Commission will continue to conduct its meetings in a confidential setting in order to provide an environment conducive to maintaining and finalizing the agreement reached in Copenhagen this week. Further public statements will be made from time to time.

Following its engagement with the Parties in October of this year, the Commission will prepare and issue a report on the proceedings as anticipated by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Background on the Conciliation Process

The Commission was constituted on 25 June 2016 pursuant to the procedure set out in Annex V of the Convention. The five-member Commission is chaired by H.E. Ambassador Peter Taksøe-Jensen (Denmark). The other members of the Commission are Dr. Rosalie Balkin (Australia), Judge Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone), Professor Donald McRae (Canada and New Zealand), and Judge Rüdiger Wolfrum (Germany). With the agreement of the Parties, the Permanent Court of Arbitration acts as Registry in the proceedings.

These conciliation proceedings were initiated by Timor-Leste on 11 April 2016 by way of a “Notification Instituting Conciliation under Section 2 of Annex V of UNCLOS” addressed to Australia.

On 2 May 2016, Australia submitted “Australia’s Response to the Notice of Conciliation”.

On 28 July 2016, the Conciliation Commission held a procedural meeting with the Parties at the Peace Palace in The Hague, the Netherlands.

On 29, 30, and 31 August, the Commission convened the Opening Session of the Conciliation and a Hearing on Competence at the Peace Palace in The Hague, the Netherlands.

On 19 September 2016, the Commission rendered its Decision on Competence, finding that the Conciliation would continue.

From 10 to 13 October 2016, the Commission met with the Parties in Singapore.

On 9 January 2017, the Foreign Ministers of Timor-Leste and Australia, together with the Commission, issued a Trilateral Joint Statement on the termination of the Treaty on Certain Maritime Arrangements in the Timor Sea.

From 16 to 20 January 2017, the Commission met with the Parties in Singapore. From 27 to 31 March 2017, the Commission met with the Parties in Washington, D.C. From 5 to 9 June 2017, the Commission met with the Parties in Copenhagen.

From 24 to 28 July 2017, the Commission met with the Parties in Singapore.

Further information about the case may be found at www.pca-cpa.org/en/cases/132/, including the full text of the Commission’s Decision on Competence, earlier Press Releases, a video recording and transcript of the Opening Session, the presentations of the Parties and previous press releases and Trilateral Joint Statements.
Background on the Permanent Court of Arbitration
The Permanent Court of Arbitration is an intergovernmental organization established by the 1899 Hague Convention on the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. The PCA has 121 Member States. Headquartered at the Peace Palace in The Hague, the Netherlands, the PCA facilitates arbitration, conciliation, fact-finding, and other dispute resolution proceedings among various combinations of States, State entities, intergovernmental organizations, and private parties. The PCA’s International Bureau is currently administering 6 interstate disputes, 77 investor-State arbitrations, and 46 cases arising under contracts involving a State or other public entity. More information about the PCA can be found at www.pca-cpa.org. Contact: Permanent Court of Arbitration E-mail: bureau@pca-cpa.org