Re-Anunsiu Vaga - Iha 2002, AATL estabelese nudar orgaun sumbrinha ba advogadus privado tomak ne’ebe halao k’nar iha juridiksaun Timor Leste. Tan ne’e, AATL persija nafatin halibur advogadus hotu-hotu ne’ebe iha atu fo asistensia legal hodi bele atinji ba administrasaun judisial. nune’e, AATL presija implementa programa, planu no atividade definido nomos responsablidade ba nesesidades komunidade liu husi dalan fo asistensia legal, edukasaun legal no desiminasaun informasaun. Ho programa hirak ne’e, AATL nesesita atu rekruta Director Ezekutivu.
Deskripsaun ba Pozisaun/kriteriu essensial
Director Ezekutivu
* Produz no dezenvolve planu ba projetu treinamentu no eventus sira seluk
* Responsabiliza no superviziona ba orsamentu AATL
* Responsabilza no mantein kominikasaun ho Komite Exekutivu AATL nian
* Hare no revista servisu assosiasaun ho nia membrus sira
* Buka fundus ba atividade asoisisaun nian
* Halo advokasia publika no reprezenta assosiasaun
* Promove no fasilita kolaborasaun no parseria ho instituisaun seluk
* Responsavel ba lideransa no jestaun no administrasaun hotu iha assosiasaun
* Kolabora hamutuk ho komite ezekutivu AATL iha prosesu implementasaun programa
Aplikante sira ne’ebe iha interesse ba pozisaun ida ne’e, bele hatama karta aplikasaun, curriculum vitae (sasin nain 2) no dokumentus relevantes sira seluk, diretamente hato’o ba edifisiu AATL, iha Bidau-Toko Baru no.2 , Dili (Hospital Nacional nia oin). Durasaun ba aplikasaun ida ne’e sei komesa husi loron 31 Agustu ate 04 Setembro 2010. Atu hatene informasaun kompletu no klaru bele kontaktu ba numeru 33- 10086/7239746.
AATL enkoraza maluk sira ne’ebé preixe kondisaun sira iha leten atu aplika. Salariu kompetetivu no bele negoisu tuir experiensia.
Dili, 31 Agustu 2010
Leonidio Marques
Sekretariu Jeral AATL
31 August 2010
JSMP: Tribunál Distritál Díli halo julgamentu ba kazu tentativa violasaun seksual
Tribunál Distritál Díli halo julgamentu ba kazu tentativa violasaun seksual
Agostu 2010
Iha loron 25 fulan Agostu tinan 2010, Tribunál Distritál Díli halo julgamentu ba kazu tentativa violasaun seksual ho nu Prosesu. 144/TDD/2010. Arguidu ba kazu ne’e ho inisial JC komete krimi tentativa violasaun seksual hasoru lezada “MM“ ne’ebé lokalizadu iha areia Komoro Kampung Merdeka, Dili Timor Leste.
Prosesu julgamentu ne’e dirije husi juiz koletivu Dra. Maria Leonor Botelho (Juiz Internasional), Dra. Jacinta Correia da Costa, no Dr. Guilhermino da Silva, parte Ministériu Públiku reprezenta husi Dr. Hipólito Exposto Martins, no husi parte Defeza akompaña husi Dr. Marcelo Tolnos Defensor Públiku Internasional, no Ofisial Justisa, Sr. Julio Martins.
Direitór Ezekutivu JSMP Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, haktuir katak, prosesu julgamentu ne’ebé Tribunál Distritál Díli hala’o ne’e hatudu komitmentu autór tribunál hodi hala’o sira nia kna’ar no hanesan mos pasu pozitivu ba prosesu judisial iha tribunál. Liu tan nia hatutan katak maske, tribunál iha feriadu judisiariu maibe autór judisiariu sira nafatin kumpri sira nia orariu julgamentu ne’ebé ajendadu tiha ona hodi bele halo julgamentu. Realidade ne’e manifesta komitmentu instituisaun judisiariu sira atu kaer metin sira nia responsabilidade institusional atu hari justisa no hametin Estadu de Direitu.
Kronolojia kazu
Iha 24 Fevereiru 2010, mais ou menus oras tuku 07. 00 dader lezada ho nia oan ne’ebé ho idade tinan hat ba vizita iha uma Sasin “WC”. Objetivu husi vijita ne’e atu halo konsulta ho sasin konaba nia kazu ne’ebé prosesu hela iha tribunal. Iha momentu neba antes hasoru malu ho sasin WC, derepente arguidu sai husi uma laran mai lori lezada tama ba iha kuartu laran tenta hodi prátika violasaun seksual, maibe la atinji nia objetivu tambá sasin maka tenta hodi tahan ka salva vitima husi risku problema ida ne’e.
Refere ba faktus hirak ne’e, parte Ministériu Públiku aprezenta ba tribunál no akuza arguidu JC ho krime tentativa violasaun seksual ho artigu 23, 24, no 172 Kódigu Penál Timor Leste.
Relasiona ho prosesu julgamentu ne’ebé lao daudaun iha julgamentu laran hutudu katak, iha faktus ne’ebé komprova duni katak arguidu halo tentativa violasaun seksual.
Depois de rona tiha depoimentu husi testemuña imediatamente rona kedas alegasaun final husi parte Ministériu Públiku. Tuir Ministériu Públiku ninia konkluzaun katak, iha 24 de Fevereiru nune’e duni lezada ba vizita iha uma sasin WC no iha tempu ne’e arguidu tenta prátika aktu violasaun seksual hasoru lezada.
Iha oportunidade ne’e parte defeza mos hato’o ninia razaun ba tribunál hodi altera artigu ne’ebé Ministériu Públiku akuza ba arguidu. Tuir pozisaun defeza katak bazeia faktu ne’ebé produz iha julgamentu nia prefere atu refere ba artigu 171 Kódigu Penál Timor Leste. Tamb tuir advogadu arguidu nian katak, hahalok arguidu ne’e priense rekejitus iha artigu 171 Kódigu Penál. Ho razaun sira ne’e, defeza husu ba tribunál atu altera artigu ne’ebé mensiona iha leten, tanbá maske arguidu iha duni intensaun ba aktu violasaun seksual maibe to’o ikus nia intensaun ne’e la realiza.
Bazeia ba observasaun JSMP katak, tentativa violasaun seksual ba lezada ne’ebé la iha forsa hodi reziste hasoru hahalok ne’ebé nudar aktu kriminal. Tanbá ne’e tuir JSMP katak, kazu ne’e konsidera hanesan krime ne’ebé planeadu ona ho, nune’e JSMP hakarak rekere ba tribunál kompetente hodi hare faktus ka evidensias ne’ebé produs iha julgamentu laran, nune’e bele hamonu desizaun ne’ebe justu no adekuadu ho atitude arguidu nian. Prosesu leitura da akordaun ba kazu refere tribunál sei lee iha horas 09. 00 dader loron 08 Setembru 2010.
Agostu 2010
Iha loron 25 fulan Agostu tinan 2010, Tribunál Distritál Díli halo julgamentu ba kazu tentativa violasaun seksual ho nu Prosesu. 144/TDD/2010. Arguidu ba kazu ne’e ho inisial JC komete krimi tentativa violasaun seksual hasoru lezada “MM“ ne’ebé lokalizadu iha areia Komoro Kampung Merdeka, Dili Timor Leste.
Prosesu julgamentu ne’e dirije husi juiz koletivu Dra. Maria Leonor Botelho (Juiz Internasional), Dra. Jacinta Correia da Costa, no Dr. Guilhermino da Silva, parte Ministériu Públiku reprezenta husi Dr. Hipólito Exposto Martins, no husi parte Defeza akompaña husi Dr. Marcelo Tolnos Defensor Públiku Internasional, no Ofisial Justisa, Sr. Julio Martins.
Direitór Ezekutivu JSMP Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, haktuir katak, prosesu julgamentu ne’ebé Tribunál Distritál Díli hala’o ne’e hatudu komitmentu autór tribunál hodi hala’o sira nia kna’ar no hanesan mos pasu pozitivu ba prosesu judisial iha tribunál. Liu tan nia hatutan katak maske, tribunál iha feriadu judisiariu maibe autór judisiariu sira nafatin kumpri sira nia orariu julgamentu ne’ebé ajendadu tiha ona hodi bele halo julgamentu. Realidade ne’e manifesta komitmentu instituisaun judisiariu sira atu kaer metin sira nia responsabilidade institusional atu hari justisa no hametin Estadu de Direitu.
Kronolojia kazu
Iha 24 Fevereiru 2010, mais ou menus oras tuku 07. 00 dader lezada ho nia oan ne’ebé ho idade tinan hat ba vizita iha uma Sasin “WC”. Objetivu husi vijita ne’e atu halo konsulta ho sasin konaba nia kazu ne’ebé prosesu hela iha tribunal. Iha momentu neba antes hasoru malu ho sasin WC, derepente arguidu sai husi uma laran mai lori lezada tama ba iha kuartu laran tenta hodi prátika violasaun seksual, maibe la atinji nia objetivu tambá sasin maka tenta hodi tahan ka salva vitima husi risku problema ida ne’e.
Refere ba faktus hirak ne’e, parte Ministériu Públiku aprezenta ba tribunál no akuza arguidu JC ho krime tentativa violasaun seksual ho artigu 23, 24, no 172 Kódigu Penál Timor Leste.
Relasiona ho prosesu julgamentu ne’ebé lao daudaun iha julgamentu laran hutudu katak, iha faktus ne’ebé komprova duni katak arguidu halo tentativa violasaun seksual.
Depois de rona tiha depoimentu husi testemuña imediatamente rona kedas alegasaun final husi parte Ministériu Públiku. Tuir Ministériu Públiku ninia konkluzaun katak, iha 24 de Fevereiru nune’e duni lezada ba vizita iha uma sasin WC no iha tempu ne’e arguidu tenta prátika aktu violasaun seksual hasoru lezada.
Iha oportunidade ne’e parte defeza mos hato’o ninia razaun ba tribunál hodi altera artigu ne’ebé Ministériu Públiku akuza ba arguidu. Tuir pozisaun defeza katak bazeia faktu ne’ebé produz iha julgamentu nia prefere atu refere ba artigu 171 Kódigu Penál Timor Leste. Tamb tuir advogadu arguidu nian katak, hahalok arguidu ne’e priense rekejitus iha artigu 171 Kódigu Penál. Ho razaun sira ne’e, defeza husu ba tribunál atu altera artigu ne’ebé mensiona iha leten, tanbá maske arguidu iha duni intensaun ba aktu violasaun seksual maibe to’o ikus nia intensaun ne’e la realiza.
Bazeia ba observasaun JSMP katak, tentativa violasaun seksual ba lezada ne’ebé la iha forsa hodi reziste hasoru hahalok ne’ebé nudar aktu kriminal. Tanbá ne’e tuir JSMP katak, kazu ne’e konsidera hanesan krime ne’ebé planeadu ona ho, nune’e JSMP hakarak rekere ba tribunál kompetente hodi hare faktus ka evidensias ne’ebé produs iha julgamentu laran, nune’e bele hamonu desizaun ne’ebe justu no adekuadu ho atitude arguidu nian. Prosesu leitura da akordaun ba kazu refere tribunál sei lee iha horas 09. 00 dader loron 08 Setembru 2010.
29 August 2010
Timor-Leste in a Nutshell
The Portuguese began to trade with the island of Timor in the early 16th century and colonized it in mid-century. Skirmishing with the Dutch in the region eventually resulted in an 1859 treaty in which Portugal ceded the western portion of the island.
Imperial Japan occupied Portuguese Timor from 1942 to 1945, but Portugal resumed colonial authority after the Japanese defeat in World War II. East Timor declared itself independent from Portugal on 28 November 1975 and was invaded and occupied by Indonesian forces nine days later.
It was incorporated into Indonesia in July 1976 as the province of Timor Timur (East Timor). An unsuccessful campaign of pacification followed over the next two decades, during which an estimated 100,000 to 250,000 individuals lost their lives.
On 30 August 1999, in a UN-supervised popular referendum, an overwhelming majority of the people of Timor-Leste voted for independence from Indonesia. Between the referendum and the arrival of a multinational peacekeeping force in late September 1999, anti-independence Timorese militias - organized and supported by the Indonesian military - commenced a large-scale, scorched-earth campaign of retribution.
The militias killed approximately 1,400 Timorese and forcibly pushed 300,000 people into western Timor as refugees. The majority of the country's infrastructure, including homes, irrigation systems, water supply systems, and schools, and nearly 100% of the country's electrical grid were destroyed.
On 20 September 1999, the Australian-led peacekeeping troops of the International Force for East Timor (INTERFET) deployed to the country and brought the violence to an end.
On 20 May 2002, Timor-Leste was internationally recognized as an independent state.
In late April 2006, internal tensions threatened the new nation's security when a military strike led to violence and a catastrophic breakdown of law and order.
At Dili's request, an Australian-led International Stabilization Force (ISF) deployed to Timor-Leste in late May.
In August, the UN Security Council established the UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT), which included an authorized police presence of over 1,600 personnel. The ISF and UNMIT restored stability, allowing for presidential and parliamentary elections in April and June 2007 in a largely peaceful atmosphere.
In February 2008, a rebel group staged an unsuccessful attack against the president and prime minister. The ringleader was killed in the attack and the majority of the rebels surrendered in April 2008.
Since the unsuccessful attacks the government has enjoyed one of its longest periods of post-independence stability.
Imperial Japan occupied Portuguese Timor from 1942 to 1945, but Portugal resumed colonial authority after the Japanese defeat in World War II. East Timor declared itself independent from Portugal on 28 November 1975 and was invaded and occupied by Indonesian forces nine days later.
It was incorporated into Indonesia in July 1976 as the province of Timor Timur (East Timor). An unsuccessful campaign of pacification followed over the next two decades, during which an estimated 100,000 to 250,000 individuals lost their lives.
On 30 August 1999, in a UN-supervised popular referendum, an overwhelming majority of the people of Timor-Leste voted for independence from Indonesia. Between the referendum and the arrival of a multinational peacekeeping force in late September 1999, anti-independence Timorese militias - organized and supported by the Indonesian military - commenced a large-scale, scorched-earth campaign of retribution.
The militias killed approximately 1,400 Timorese and forcibly pushed 300,000 people into western Timor as refugees. The majority of the country's infrastructure, including homes, irrigation systems, water supply systems, and schools, and nearly 100% of the country's electrical grid were destroyed.
On 20 September 1999, the Australian-led peacekeeping troops of the International Force for East Timor (INTERFET) deployed to the country and brought the violence to an end.
On 20 May 2002, Timor-Leste was internationally recognized as an independent state.
In late April 2006, internal tensions threatened the new nation's security when a military strike led to violence and a catastrophic breakdown of law and order.
At Dili's request, an Australian-led International Stabilization Force (ISF) deployed to Timor-Leste in late May.
In August, the UN Security Council established the UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT), which included an authorized police presence of over 1,600 personnel. The ISF and UNMIT restored stability, allowing for presidential and parliamentary elections in April and June 2007 in a largely peaceful atmosphere.
In February 2008, a rebel group staged an unsuccessful attack against the president and prime minister. The ringleader was killed in the attack and the majority of the rebels surrendered in April 2008.
Since the unsuccessful attacks the government has enjoyed one of its longest periods of post-independence stability.
25 August 2010
24 August 2010
Ramos-Horta Pardons Attackers
Tempo Semanal Tuesday, 24 August 2010 Breaking News: Ramos-Horta Pardons Attackers - The President of Timor-Leste Jose Ramos-Horta has pardoned for FALINTIL-FDTL officer Gastao Salsinha and his colleagues and the members of now deceased rebel leader Major Alfredo Reinado, including (Marcelo Caetano and Amaro Susar).
Ex-FALINTIL and former PNTL member of Reinado group - Amaro Susar waves on his surrender
Salsinha was the Spokesman for the FALINTIL-FDTL Petitioners in 2006-2008. The Petitioners were known and the group of "594" although their members were much less. This group left the defence force protesting conditions of service in the defence force and east-west discrimination. The resulting protests degraded into violence the now infamous Crisis of 2006 started on 28 April 2006, lasting until the death of Major Alfredo on 11 February 2008 when he Salsinha and colleagues lead attacks on President Ramos-Horta and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao. Ramos-Horta was badly wounded while Gusmao escaped unhurt.
Ironically the pardon was published in the Government Gazette on 20 August 2010 FALINTIL day - the 35th Anniversary of FALINTIL.
Salsinha had been sentenced to 10 years imprisonment following been found guilty of leading the attack on Prime Minister Gusmao's convoy in Dare on the morning of 11 February 2008. Just before that attack Major Alfredo Reinado was responsible for leading armed men to the house of President Jose Ramos-Horta. During the firefight Alfredo was killed and Ramos-Horta was shot several times and evacuated to Darwin. Later on Ramos-Horta claimed to have been shot by Timorese followers in Alfredo's group.
Despite being published in the Gazette Salsinha remains in Becora prison pending an official court order being issued to the prison authorities.
Timor-Leste is a country in which there has been some considerable political interference in court decisions - even by President Ramos-Horta.
On 30 August 2009 Timor-Leste released Maternus Bere former leader of 1999 Laksaur militia. This was a decision which caused a great deal of criticism from civil society. The Prime Minister was called to speak and be questioned by the National Parliament, the Minister of Justice was investigated. Ordinary people show some considerable dislike, "I think the law is only valid for those who steal a chicken, and not for those who commit crimes against the state or against humanity,' said Abilio Lopes a University student in Dili.
President Horta defended his decision stating "The Petitioners and Salsinha were victims as well. So after some discussions with the Government and Opposition Leaders I have decided to end the 2006 problem."
Ex-FALINTIL and former PNTL member of Reinado group - Amaro Susar waves on his surrender
Salsinha was the Spokesman for the FALINTIL-FDTL Petitioners in 2006-2008. The Petitioners were known and the group of "594" although their members were much less. This group left the defence force protesting conditions of service in the defence force and east-west discrimination. The resulting protests degraded into violence the now infamous Crisis of 2006 started on 28 April 2006, lasting until the death of Major Alfredo on 11 February 2008 when he Salsinha and colleagues lead attacks on President Ramos-Horta and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao. Ramos-Horta was badly wounded while Gusmao escaped unhurt.
Ironically the pardon was published in the Government Gazette on 20 August 2010 FALINTIL day - the 35th Anniversary of FALINTIL.
Salsinha had been sentenced to 10 years imprisonment following been found guilty of leading the attack on Prime Minister Gusmao's convoy in Dare on the morning of 11 February 2008. Just before that attack Major Alfredo Reinado was responsible for leading armed men to the house of President Jose Ramos-Horta. During the firefight Alfredo was killed and Ramos-Horta was shot several times and evacuated to Darwin. Later on Ramos-Horta claimed to have been shot by Timorese followers in Alfredo's group.
Despite being published in the Gazette Salsinha remains in Becora prison pending an official court order being issued to the prison authorities.
Timor-Leste is a country in which there has been some considerable political interference in court decisions - even by President Ramos-Horta.
On 30 August 2009 Timor-Leste released Maternus Bere former leader of 1999 Laksaur militia. This was a decision which caused a great deal of criticism from civil society. The Prime Minister was called to speak and be questioned by the National Parliament, the Minister of Justice was investigated. Ordinary people show some considerable dislike, "I think the law is only valid for those who steal a chicken, and not for those who commit crimes against the state or against humanity,' said Abilio Lopes a University student in Dili.
President Horta defended his decision stating "The Petitioners and Salsinha were victims as well. So after some discussions with the Government and Opposition Leaders I have decided to end the 2006 problem."
Tackling Gang Violence in Timor-Leste
From UNMIT Dili, 18 August 2010 - The Martial Arts Groups in Timor-Leste constitute a substantial social problem for the authorities.
The violence that erupted in Timor-Leste in 2006 is a constant reminder of how quickly unrest and trouble can spread.
Although many members of Martial Arts Groups (MAGs) are entirely peaceful, there are elements within the membership who consistently resort to illegal behaviour and violence.
Januario Freitas is the Baucau District Coordinator for Kera Sakti (Magic Monkey), which claims to be the largest MAG in Baucau. He admits that some Kera Sakti members are involved in violence:
“We have thousands of members around the country. The problem is that even within a single district members are so spread out. It makes it very hard to control individuals. Personal vendettas often trigger violence between rivals, and the actions of individual members are blamed on the whole MAG”.
Kamis Miguel Mendonca is the Head of Community Policing in Baucau. He says there are seven MAGs operating in the district, with a total membership of over 3,000.
“Since the start of the year there have been around 15 incidents involving MAGs in the Baucau district; resulting in one fatality, multiple injuries and substantial physical damage. We can't always wait for the formal justice system to deal with offenders. We have to work with the communities to identify and defuse potential conflicts before they end in violence”.
A recent roundtable discussion in Baucau, organised by the United Nations Development Programme’s Justice Sector project, highlighted many of the key issues and challenges relating to the MAGs, and the wider community. It was attended by the leaders of the main MAGs, the Police, the Church, the Baucau Sub-District Administrator, and members of the civil community. It was an opportunity to exchange ideas and build bridges between the different groups.
In January Mr Mendonca spearheaded the establishment of a Baucau Task Force, to try to address the violence. Although they have seen some success in preventing the spread of violence, when an incident occurs, they are limited in their ability to tackle the root causes of the problem.
“Lack of education, unemployment and family issues are the key factors leading these young people to fight”, Mr Mendonca explained.
The issue of unemployment cannot be ignored. A huge proportion of the MAG members in Baucau are out of work. Most of them are young men aged between 15 and 30. Without job prospects the men are left angry, bored and impoverished. Joining a gang, and fighting, often serves as a way to vent their frustrations.
One idea that is enthusiastically supported by the leaders of the MAGs is the creation of a National Martial Arts competition.
“It would provide an outlet for the groups”, says Egidio Alixo Soares, who is the Baucau Coordinator for another MAG, Korka.
“Members train around three times a week and at the moment the only way to express their skills and training is through street fighting. A national competition would bring MAGs into the mainstream and celebrate Martial Arts as a sport”.
Embracing the positive aspects of MAGs is an approach favoured by FESTIL (Federation of Traditional Self-Defence Arts in Timor Leste), the fledgling national umbrella organisation for the MAGs.
“Every year over 1000 young men join MAGs. Allowing them to become alienated from society is only going to cause more problems. They need to be legitimised and supported”, says Sergio Gusmao de Freitas Belo, the President of Baucau’s FESTIL.
All parties in Baucau agree that the Martial Arts Law, which was brought into force in July 2008, could be an important tool for educating MAG members about their civic responsibilities and the consequences of their actions.
But Regina de Sousa, the Baucau Sub-District Administrator, says that the detail of the Martial Arts Law has not filtered down to the grassroots of the MAGs:
“Copies of the Martial Arts Law have been distributed to FESTIL and all the MAG leaders in Baucau. They now have a responsibility to inform their members about the law. Hopefully the threat of imposing sanctions upon MAGs will deter individuals from breaking the law”.
Gui Karson Goncalves is the Baucau District Secretary for PSHT (Brotherhood of the Sacred Heart Water Lily), a MAG which is often involved in fighting with Kera Sakti. With around 1,000 members in the Baucau District he says the PSHT leadership struggles to control all the sub-groups and individuals. He is a strong supporter of the Martial Arts Law:
“Tough Government penalties against those who commit misdemeanours are the best way to resolve the conflict. We don’t want juvenile delinquents causing trouble any more than the authorities do.”
All the involved parties in Baucau agree that discussion and cooperation between the MAGs, the Police and the community is vital. Dialogue meetings, as organized by UNDP, provide a forum for sharing information and experiences. Violence between the MAGs is of particular concern in a country where stability and conflict-resolution are paramount. To ensure that Timor-Leste’s future is peaceful the emphasis has to be on preventing conflict, rather than reacting to it.
See also
Gang violence is threatening to ruin the chance for peace and prosperity in East Timor
2009 ETLJ 1 The Regulation of Martial Arts in East Timor: An Overview of Law No 10 of 2008 on the practice of martial arts
Ethnicity, Violence & Land & Property Disputes in Timor-Leste
The violence that erupted in Timor-Leste in 2006 is a constant reminder of how quickly unrest and trouble can spread.
Although many members of Martial Arts Groups (MAGs) are entirely peaceful, there are elements within the membership who consistently resort to illegal behaviour and violence.
Januario Freitas is the Baucau District Coordinator for Kera Sakti (Magic Monkey), which claims to be the largest MAG in Baucau. He admits that some Kera Sakti members are involved in violence:
“We have thousands of members around the country. The problem is that even within a single district members are so spread out. It makes it very hard to control individuals. Personal vendettas often trigger violence between rivals, and the actions of individual members are blamed on the whole MAG”.
Kamis Miguel Mendonca is the Head of Community Policing in Baucau. He says there are seven MAGs operating in the district, with a total membership of over 3,000.
“Since the start of the year there have been around 15 incidents involving MAGs in the Baucau district; resulting in one fatality, multiple injuries and substantial physical damage. We can't always wait for the formal justice system to deal with offenders. We have to work with the communities to identify and defuse potential conflicts before they end in violence”.
A recent roundtable discussion in Baucau, organised by the United Nations Development Programme’s Justice Sector project, highlighted many of the key issues and challenges relating to the MAGs, and the wider community. It was attended by the leaders of the main MAGs, the Police, the Church, the Baucau Sub-District Administrator, and members of the civil community. It was an opportunity to exchange ideas and build bridges between the different groups.
In January Mr Mendonca spearheaded the establishment of a Baucau Task Force, to try to address the violence. Although they have seen some success in preventing the spread of violence, when an incident occurs, they are limited in their ability to tackle the root causes of the problem.
“Lack of education, unemployment and family issues are the key factors leading these young people to fight”, Mr Mendonca explained.
The issue of unemployment cannot be ignored. A huge proportion of the MAG members in Baucau are out of work. Most of them are young men aged between 15 and 30. Without job prospects the men are left angry, bored and impoverished. Joining a gang, and fighting, often serves as a way to vent their frustrations.
One idea that is enthusiastically supported by the leaders of the MAGs is the creation of a National Martial Arts competition.
“It would provide an outlet for the groups”, says Egidio Alixo Soares, who is the Baucau Coordinator for another MAG, Korka.
“Members train around three times a week and at the moment the only way to express their skills and training is through street fighting. A national competition would bring MAGs into the mainstream and celebrate Martial Arts as a sport”.
Embracing the positive aspects of MAGs is an approach favoured by FESTIL (Federation of Traditional Self-Defence Arts in Timor Leste), the fledgling national umbrella organisation for the MAGs.
“Every year over 1000 young men join MAGs. Allowing them to become alienated from society is only going to cause more problems. They need to be legitimised and supported”, says Sergio Gusmao de Freitas Belo, the President of Baucau’s FESTIL.
All parties in Baucau agree that the Martial Arts Law, which was brought into force in July 2008, could be an important tool for educating MAG members about their civic responsibilities and the consequences of their actions.
But Regina de Sousa, the Baucau Sub-District Administrator, says that the detail of the Martial Arts Law has not filtered down to the grassroots of the MAGs:
“Copies of the Martial Arts Law have been distributed to FESTIL and all the MAG leaders in Baucau. They now have a responsibility to inform their members about the law. Hopefully the threat of imposing sanctions upon MAGs will deter individuals from breaking the law”.
Gui Karson Goncalves is the Baucau District Secretary for PSHT (Brotherhood of the Sacred Heart Water Lily), a MAG which is often involved in fighting with Kera Sakti. With around 1,000 members in the Baucau District he says the PSHT leadership struggles to control all the sub-groups and individuals. He is a strong supporter of the Martial Arts Law:
“Tough Government penalties against those who commit misdemeanours are the best way to resolve the conflict. We don’t want juvenile delinquents causing trouble any more than the authorities do.”
All the involved parties in Baucau agree that discussion and cooperation between the MAGs, the Police and the community is vital. Dialogue meetings, as organized by UNDP, provide a forum for sharing information and experiences. Violence between the MAGs is of particular concern in a country where stability and conflict-resolution are paramount. To ensure that Timor-Leste’s future is peaceful the emphasis has to be on preventing conflict, rather than reacting to it.
See also
Gang violence is threatening to ruin the chance for peace and prosperity in East Timor
2009 ETLJ 1 The Regulation of Martial Arts in East Timor: An Overview of Law No 10 of 2008 on the practice of martial arts
Ethnicity, Violence & Land & Property Disputes in Timor-Leste
23 August 2010
22 August 2010
Gun control in Timor-Leste
ETLJB 22/08/2010 This imagewas published by the whistle-blowing web site The Dili Insider on 21 August 2010.
It shows what might be an off-duty or under-cover East Timorese police officer or perhaps he's a civilian in illegal possession of an East Timorese police weapon.
It shows what might be an off-duty or under-cover East Timorese police officer or perhaps he's a civilian in illegal possession of an East Timorese police weapon.
15 August 2010
12 August 2010
Women and land in Timor-Leste: issues in gender and development
Narciso, V., P.D.S. Henriques (2010), "Women and land in Timor-Leste: issues in gender and development", Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 17(1), 49-72.
Abstract: Gender and development being fundamental issues, it is important to emphasise the role of women in rural development, gender–specific approaches to development and women’s status in the national and international legal systems. The main aim of this article is to analyse the position of women in Timor-Leste by examining social aspects, with an emphasis on gender roles, the family and the community, access to natural resources and women’s status within the legal system and traditional legal structures, with special attention to land and women’s land rights. This study is based on documentary sources and studies made by the authors about Timor-Leste. The contribution of the women of Timor-Leste to development is heavily constrained by the degree of gender inequality present in traditional/customary law and social practices, and in-equality of access to natural resources, especially land. In overall terms, we would argue that the Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) is one of the best approaches to guarantee gender equality, and that this approach should be considered in the formulation of rural policies and the creation and implementation of rural development programmes and projects in Timor-Leste.
Abstract: Gender and development being fundamental issues, it is important to emphasise the role of women in rural development, gender–specific approaches to development and women’s status in the national and international legal systems. The main aim of this article is to analyse the position of women in Timor-Leste by examining social aspects, with an emphasis on gender roles, the family and the community, access to natural resources and women’s status within the legal system and traditional legal structures, with special attention to land and women’s land rights. This study is based on documentary sources and studies made by the authors about Timor-Leste. The contribution of the women of Timor-Leste to development is heavily constrained by the degree of gender inequality present in traditional/customary law and social practices, and in-equality of access to natural resources, especially land. In overall terms, we would argue that the Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) is one of the best approaches to guarantee gender equality, and that this approach should be considered in the formulation of rural policies and the creation and implementation of rural development programmes and projects in Timor-Leste.
10 August 2010
05 August 2010
JSMP: Dili District Court acquits defendant in 28 April 2006 case
Press Release Issue : July 2010 Period : 29 July 2010 Dili District Court acquits defendant in 28 April 2006 case - On 27 July 2010 the Dili District Court conducted a hearing to read out a decision in the case of an attack that occurred in front of the government palace involving the defendant Orosio Maulequi (OML) on 28 April 2006.
Previously[1], the Dili District Prosecution Unit had charged the defendant for his involvement in the criminal act of incitement to commit a crime as set out in Article 189 of the Timor Leste Penal Code, because the actions of the defendant included sending out provocative messages that could give rise to the commission of other criminal acts such as criminal damage causing damage to state assets and failure to obey a lawful order to disperse. Nevertheless, in its decision the court only referred to the alleged crime of incitement to commit a criminal act and the court acquitted the defendant because there were no witnesses to support the charge made by the public prosecutor.
The Director of JSMP, Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, believes that this decision demonstrates the authority of the court to fulfill its constitutional responsibility and mandate to try, decide and uphold justice for all people, upholding the rule of law and other principles relating to a trial that is fair, credible, independent and accessible to all.
Even so, JSMP notes that the trial of this case was not conducted in the best way possible due to a lack of cooperation between the police investigations unit and the prosecution unit, including the witnesses[2] who were summoned to provide information or testimony before the court.
During the examination of evidence in court JSMP observed that several people who were summoned as witnesses were not required as they did not meet the criteria to be considered as witnesses, also there were indications that there were witnesses who were uncooperative and did not provide accurate information to the court. In addition, JSMP observed that the prosecution unit made no effort to locate effective witnesses, and some witnesses stated that they did not know about and did not clearly hear what the defendant said in his speech, and other statements that tended to show a lack of cooperation with the court
Background to the incident
As many people in the city of Dili already know, the 28th April 2006 marked the final day of demonstration carried out by a group of petitioners who were pushing for the settlement of a case involving discriminative practices within the F-FDTL.
At the start the demonstration progressed normally. However, in the end the demonstration turned into uncontrollable violence and anarchy that resulted in death, injury and damage to state property. This included damage to government cars, motorcycles, windows and doors in the government palace. This incident triggered and exacerbated the “westerner versus easterner” issue that led to conflict and a social, political and military crisis in Timor-Leste. This crisis led to the violence that took place all over the city of Dili.
With reference to the circumstances of the aforementioned incident, the public prosecutor charged the defendant with incitement (speaking loudly in a provocative manner) while the demonstration was taking place. The prosecutor claimed that the actions of the defendant encouraged other demonstrators to carry out acts of violence. In the prosecutors indictment special mention was made of a statement made by the defendant during his speech, namely: “if a leader doesn’t meet with us in the next five minutes, we will destroy the government buildings”.
However the presiding judge who read out the court’s decision stated that the court was acquitting the defendant from the prosecutor’s charges because it had not been proven that the defendant had carried out provocation as alleged by the public prosecutor. In addition, the court decided to acquit the defendant from the prosecutor’s charge because there weren’t any witnesses to support the prosecutor’s allegations and the witnesses provided testimony that was inconsistent and therefore the judges were confused.
Although the court agreed and confirmed that the defendant made a speech in public during the demonstration, the court believed that the defendant only wished to express his opinion and demand for a settlement of the discrimination issue within the F-FDTL. The court further stated that the defendant criticized the government because the government failed to demonstrate the political will to resolve this issue. Furthermore, the court mentioned that the reason the defendant spoke harshly against the government was based on the idea of encouraging the government to settle this issue quickly and with cool heads.
JSMP acknowledges that the public prosecutor did everything possible to gather evidence and present witnesses, as well as submitting a recorded film in the form of a DVD on the activities of the defendant during the demonstration. However JSMP notes that the evidence was not sufficient to achieve the goal of the public prosecutor to convince the court of his charges. JSMP believes that the public prosecutor should have presented appropriate witnesses who knew exactly about the incident who could support and strengthen the charges made by the prosecutor.
JSMP is a little bit concerned because from the long list of witnesses summoned to the court by the public prosecutor, most of them testified that they didn’t know about or didn’t clearly hear the defendant making provocative statements because they were standing a long distance away when the demonstration took place and when the defendant was making his speech. Another witnesses explained that they did not know because at the time the situation was getting serious and some people were committing violence and damaging property. JSMP believes that this occurred because of the professional negligence of the public prosecutor who could not present appropriate witnesses in order to strengthen his charges. In fact, a public prosecutor, psychologically and professionally does not need to present a witness who does not help his case, because this can be counterproductive to his own case.
JSMP observed that in this case some witnesses did not provide accurate testimony and also sometimes they wanted to aggravate or mitigate the circumstances of the defendant and also sometimes they deliberately said that they had no knowledge.
In reference to the aforementioned considerations, JSMP recommends for the law enforcement agencies to pay sufficient attention and if necessary handle this matter in accordance with Article 287 of the Penal Code, or an alternative article, based on the circumstances that arise and are revealed during the trial process. This will act as a deterrent and a lesson for witnesses who do not comply with their obligation to reveal the truth.
For further information, please contact;
Luis de Oliveira Sampaio
Director of JSMP
Landline: 3323883
Pernyataan Pers
Edisi: Juli 2010
Priode: 29 Juli 2010
Pengadilan Distrik Dili membebaskan Terdakwa kasus 28 April 2006
Pada tanggal 27 Juli 2010, Pengadilan Distrik Dili, mengadakan persidangan untuk membacakan putusan atas kasus penyerangan di depan Istana Pemerintah yang melibatkan terdakwa Orosio Maulequi (OML), pada tanggal 28 April 2006.
Sebelumnya[1],Kejaksaaan Distrik Dili, menuntut terdakwa terlibat dalam tindak pidana penghasutan untuk melakukan kejahatan pidana yang diatur dalam Pasal 189 KUHP Timor Leste. Karena perbuatan terdakwa mencerminkan pesan yang provokatif dan memungkinkan terjadinya tindak pidana lain seperti kejahatan pengrusakan yang menyebabkan kerusakan atas harta benda milik Negara dan ketidakpatuhan terhadap perintah yang sah untuk membubarkan diri. Walaupun demikian, dalam putusan pengadilan hanya merujuk pada dugaan tindak pidana penghasutan untuk melakukan perbuatan pidana yang juga akhirnya diputus-bebaskan oleh pengadilan, karena tidak ada saksi yang memperkuat tuntutan Jaksa Penuntut Umu
Direktur JSMP, Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, mengatakan bahwa putusan ini menunjukan dan menegaskan kewibawaan lembaga pengadilan untuk memenuhi perintah dan mandat konstitusionalnya untuk mengadili, memutuskan dan menegakan keadilan bagi semua orang, menegakan prinsip negara hukum dan prinsip lainnya yang berhubungan dengan persidangan yang adil, kredibel, mandiri dan dapat terjangkau bagi semua orang.
Namun demikian JSMP mencatat bahwa proses persidangan atas kasus ini tidak berjalan maksimal karena tidak adanya kerjasama yang baik antara unit penyelidikan kepolisian dengan Kejaksaan Umum, termasuk para saksi[2] yang dipanggil hadir untuk memberikan informasi atau keterangan di depan pengadilan.
Berdasarkan hasil pemantaun JSMP terungkap bahwa selama proses pemeriksaan alat bukti di pengadilan, selain terdapat beberapa saksi yang seharusnya tidak perlu menjadi saksi karena tidak memenuhi syarat sebagai saksi, juga terdapat indikasi bahwa ada saksi yang tidak bekerjasama dan terutama tidak memberikan informasi yang benar ke pengadilan. Selain itu, JSMP mencermati bahwa tidak ada usaha dari Kejaksaan Umum untuk mengejar dan kesaksian dari para saksi yang mengatakan mereka tidak tahu, tidak mendengar secara jelas apa yang dibicarakan oleh terdakwa dalam orasinya, dan pernyataan lain yang cenderung menunjukan tidak adanya kerjasama dengan pengadilan.añaña
Latar belekang kejadian
Sebagaimana kebanyakan orang di kota Dili menyadari bahwa pada tanggal 28 April 2006, merupakan hari terakhir demostrasi yang dilakukan oleh kelompok petisi untuk mendesak penyelesain atas kasus praktik diskriminasi yang terjadi di Institusi F-FDTL.
Pada awalnya proses demonstrasi berjalan dengan normal seperti biasanya. Namun, pada akhirnya demonstrasi tersebut berubah menjadi kekerasan, tidak terkontrol dan situasi anarikis lainnya yang menyebabkan kehilangan nyawa, menderita luka dan harta milik negara dirusaki. Kerusakan itu antara lain; mobil pemerintah, motor, jendela dan pintu Gedung Pemerintah (Palasiu Guvernu). Kejadian ini yang kemudian memprovokasi dan memanasitensi isu mengenai “timur vs barat” yang melahirkan konflik dan krisis sosial politik dan militer di Timor Leste . Krisis ini menyebabkan terjadinya kekerasan berlanjut di sepanjang kota Dili.
Mengacu kepada fakta kejadian ini, Jaksa Penuntut Umum, menuntut terdakwa melakukan provokasi dengan suara keras (menghasut) selama orasi pada saat demonstrasi berlanjut. Menurut jaksa dalam tuntutan bahwa prilaku terdakwa inilah yang kemudian mendorong para demonstran lainnya untuk melakukan aksi kekerasan. Dalam dakwaan Jaksa Penuntut, mengarisbawahi sebuah kalimat yang disampaikan oleh terdakwa dalam orasinya bahwa “ “jika tidak seorang pemimpin yang menemui kita dalam lima menit ke depan, kita hancur gedung-gedung pemerintah yang adNamun demikian, Hakim komisaris yang memimpin dan membacakan putusan pengadilan, mengatakan bahwa pengadilan membebaskan terdakwa dari tuntutan jaksa karena tidak terbukti bahwa terdakwa yang melakukan provokasi sebagaimana dituduhkan oleh jaksa penuntut umum. Selain itu, pengadilan memutuskan untuk membebaskan terdakwa dari tuntutan jaksa karena; tidak ada seorang saksi yang memperkuat dakwaan jaksa dan keterangan para saksi juga tidak ada kesesuian satu sama lainnya dan memunculkan kebingungan hakim.
Walaunpun pengadilan setuju dan membenarkan bahwa terdakwa melakukan orasi di depan publik selama proses demonstrasi, namun menurut penilain pengadilan bahwa terdakwa hanya ingin mengeskpresikan dan menuntut penyelesain atas persoalan diskriminasi dalam tubuh institusi F-FDTL. Pengadilan melanjutkan bahwa terdakwameluncurkan kritik kepada Pemerintah karena permerintah tidak menunjukan kemauan politik untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini. Lebih lanjut, pengadilan dalam putusan menyebutkan bahwa alasan terdakwa berbicara keras terhadap pemerintah dengan sebuah pemikiran untuk mendorong Pemerintah untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan ini dengan cepat dan kepala dingin.
JSMP mengakui bahwa pihak Jaksa Penuntut Umum (JPU) telah melakukan segala upaya untuk mengumpulkan bukti-bukti melalui menghadirkan para saksi dan juga mengajukan rekaman film dalam bentuk DVD mengenai aktivitas terdakwa selama demonstrasi berlangsung. Namun JSMP mencatat, bahwa alat bukti tersebut tidak memadai untuk mencapai tujuan JPU untuk meyakinkan pengadilan atas tuntutannya. Menurut JSMP bahwa, seharusnya JPU menghadirkan saksi yang tepat yang mengetahui persis kejadiannya untuk memperkuat atau mendukung posisinya dalam tuntutannya.
JSMP sedikit khawatir karena dari daftar panjang para saksi yang dipanggil pengadilan melalui JPU, kebanyakan memberikan keterangan bahwa mereka tidak tahu atau tidak secara jelas mendengar bahwa terdakwa yang melakukan provokasi karena mereka berdiri dari kejauhan ketika terjadinya demonstrasi dan apa yang disampaikan terdakwa dalam orasinya. Saksi lain menerangkan bahwa mereka tidak tahu karena pada saat itu situasi semakin panas dan ada yang melakukan aksi kekerasan dan pengrusakan lainnya. Menurut JSMP, kejadian ini terjadi karena faktor kelalaian profesional JPU yang tidak bisa menghadirkan saksi yang tepat sehingga terdapat keseimbangan untuk memperkuat dakwaannya. Seharusnya, baik secara psikologis dan secara profesional, sebagai seorang JPU tidak perlu menghadirkan seorang saksi yang tidak menguntungkan pihaknya, karena ini bisa memunculkan situasi yang kontra-produktif atas pihaknya sendiri.
Menurut pemantaun JSMP bahwa terdapat saksi dalam kasus ini yang tidak memberikan keterangan yang benar dan juga kadang-kadang mereka ingin meringankankan atau memperberat terdakwa dan juga mereka kadang-kadang sengaja mengatakan tidak tahu.
Berdasarkan pada kenyataan dan pengalaman ini, JSMP merekomendasikan kepada para penegak hukum,untuk memberikan perhatian yang cukup, dan jika diperlukan JSMP merekomendasikan untuk melakukan proses menurut Pasal 287 atau secara alternatif Pasal 279 KUHP, tergantung kepada keadaan yang ditimbulkan dan terungkap selama proses berjalan. Upaya ini sebagai sebuah mekanisme preventif dan pelajaran di masa depan terhadap para saksi yang tidak tunduk kepada kewajibannya sebagai saksi dalam ,mengungkapkan kebenaran.
Untuk informasi yang lebih lengkap hubungi;
Luis de Oliveira Sampaio
Direktur JSMP
Alamat e-mail:
Landline: 3323883
Previously[1], the Dili District Prosecution Unit had charged the defendant for his involvement in the criminal act of incitement to commit a crime as set out in Article 189 of the Timor Leste Penal Code, because the actions of the defendant included sending out provocative messages that could give rise to the commission of other criminal acts such as criminal damage causing damage to state assets and failure to obey a lawful order to disperse. Nevertheless, in its decision the court only referred to the alleged crime of incitement to commit a criminal act and the court acquitted the defendant because there were no witnesses to support the charge made by the public prosecutor.
The Director of JSMP, Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, believes that this decision demonstrates the authority of the court to fulfill its constitutional responsibility and mandate to try, decide and uphold justice for all people, upholding the rule of law and other principles relating to a trial that is fair, credible, independent and accessible to all.
Even so, JSMP notes that the trial of this case was not conducted in the best way possible due to a lack of cooperation between the police investigations unit and the prosecution unit, including the witnesses[2] who were summoned to provide information or testimony before the court.
During the examination of evidence in court JSMP observed that several people who were summoned as witnesses were not required as they did not meet the criteria to be considered as witnesses, also there were indications that there were witnesses who were uncooperative and did not provide accurate information to the court. In addition, JSMP observed that the prosecution unit made no effort to locate effective witnesses, and some witnesses stated that they did not know about and did not clearly hear what the defendant said in his speech, and other statements that tended to show a lack of cooperation with the court
Background to the incident
As many people in the city of Dili already know, the 28th April 2006 marked the final day of demonstration carried out by a group of petitioners who were pushing for the settlement of a case involving discriminative practices within the F-FDTL.
At the start the demonstration progressed normally. However, in the end the demonstration turned into uncontrollable violence and anarchy that resulted in death, injury and damage to state property. This included damage to government cars, motorcycles, windows and doors in the government palace. This incident triggered and exacerbated the “westerner versus easterner” issue that led to conflict and a social, political and military crisis in Timor-Leste. This crisis led to the violence that took place all over the city of Dili.
With reference to the circumstances of the aforementioned incident, the public prosecutor charged the defendant with incitement (speaking loudly in a provocative manner) while the demonstration was taking place. The prosecutor claimed that the actions of the defendant encouraged other demonstrators to carry out acts of violence. In the prosecutors indictment special mention was made of a statement made by the defendant during his speech, namely: “if a leader doesn’t meet with us in the next five minutes, we will destroy the government buildings”.
However the presiding judge who read out the court’s decision stated that the court was acquitting the defendant from the prosecutor’s charges because it had not been proven that the defendant had carried out provocation as alleged by the public prosecutor. In addition, the court decided to acquit the defendant from the prosecutor’s charge because there weren’t any witnesses to support the prosecutor’s allegations and the witnesses provided testimony that was inconsistent and therefore the judges were confused.
Although the court agreed and confirmed that the defendant made a speech in public during the demonstration, the court believed that the defendant only wished to express his opinion and demand for a settlement of the discrimination issue within the F-FDTL. The court further stated that the defendant criticized the government because the government failed to demonstrate the political will to resolve this issue. Furthermore, the court mentioned that the reason the defendant spoke harshly against the government was based on the idea of encouraging the government to settle this issue quickly and with cool heads.
JSMP acknowledges that the public prosecutor did everything possible to gather evidence and present witnesses, as well as submitting a recorded film in the form of a DVD on the activities of the defendant during the demonstration. However JSMP notes that the evidence was not sufficient to achieve the goal of the public prosecutor to convince the court of his charges. JSMP believes that the public prosecutor should have presented appropriate witnesses who knew exactly about the incident who could support and strengthen the charges made by the prosecutor.
JSMP is a little bit concerned because from the long list of witnesses summoned to the court by the public prosecutor, most of them testified that they didn’t know about or didn’t clearly hear the defendant making provocative statements because they were standing a long distance away when the demonstration took place and when the defendant was making his speech. Another witnesses explained that they did not know because at the time the situation was getting serious and some people were committing violence and damaging property. JSMP believes that this occurred because of the professional negligence of the public prosecutor who could not present appropriate witnesses in order to strengthen his charges. In fact, a public prosecutor, psychologically and professionally does not need to present a witness who does not help his case, because this can be counterproductive to his own case.
JSMP observed that in this case some witnesses did not provide accurate testimony and also sometimes they wanted to aggravate or mitigate the circumstances of the defendant and also sometimes they deliberately said that they had no knowledge.
In reference to the aforementioned considerations, JSMP recommends for the law enforcement agencies to pay sufficient attention and if necessary handle this matter in accordance with Article 287 of the Penal Code, or an alternative article, based on the circumstances that arise and are revealed during the trial process. This will act as a deterrent and a lesson for witnesses who do not comply with their obligation to reveal the truth.
For further information, please contact;
Luis de Oliveira Sampaio
Director of JSMP
Landline: 3323883
Pernyataan Pers
Edisi: Juli 2010
Priode: 29 Juli 2010
Pengadilan Distrik Dili membebaskan Terdakwa kasus 28 April 2006
Pada tanggal 27 Juli 2010, Pengadilan Distrik Dili, mengadakan persidangan untuk membacakan putusan atas kasus penyerangan di depan Istana Pemerintah yang melibatkan terdakwa Orosio Maulequi (OML), pada tanggal 28 April 2006.
Sebelumnya[1],Kejaksaaan Distrik Dili, menuntut terdakwa terlibat dalam tindak pidana penghasutan untuk melakukan kejahatan pidana yang diatur dalam Pasal 189 KUHP Timor Leste. Karena perbuatan terdakwa mencerminkan pesan yang provokatif dan memungkinkan terjadinya tindak pidana lain seperti kejahatan pengrusakan yang menyebabkan kerusakan atas harta benda milik Negara dan ketidakpatuhan terhadap perintah yang sah untuk membubarkan diri. Walaupun demikian, dalam putusan pengadilan hanya merujuk pada dugaan tindak pidana penghasutan untuk melakukan perbuatan pidana yang juga akhirnya diputus-bebaskan oleh pengadilan, karena tidak ada saksi yang memperkuat tuntutan Jaksa Penuntut Umu
Direktur JSMP, Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, mengatakan bahwa putusan ini menunjukan dan menegaskan kewibawaan lembaga pengadilan untuk memenuhi perintah dan mandat konstitusionalnya untuk mengadili, memutuskan dan menegakan keadilan bagi semua orang, menegakan prinsip negara hukum dan prinsip lainnya yang berhubungan dengan persidangan yang adil, kredibel, mandiri dan dapat terjangkau bagi semua orang.
Namun demikian JSMP mencatat bahwa proses persidangan atas kasus ini tidak berjalan maksimal karena tidak adanya kerjasama yang baik antara unit penyelidikan kepolisian dengan Kejaksaan Umum, termasuk para saksi[2] yang dipanggil hadir untuk memberikan informasi atau keterangan di depan pengadilan.
Berdasarkan hasil pemantaun JSMP terungkap bahwa selama proses pemeriksaan alat bukti di pengadilan, selain terdapat beberapa saksi yang seharusnya tidak perlu menjadi saksi karena tidak memenuhi syarat sebagai saksi, juga terdapat indikasi bahwa ada saksi yang tidak bekerjasama dan terutama tidak memberikan informasi yang benar ke pengadilan. Selain itu, JSMP mencermati bahwa tidak ada usaha dari Kejaksaan Umum untuk mengejar dan kesaksian dari para saksi yang mengatakan mereka tidak tahu, tidak mendengar secara jelas apa yang dibicarakan oleh terdakwa dalam orasinya, dan pernyataan lain yang cenderung menunjukan tidak adanya kerjasama dengan pengadilan.añaña
Latar belekang kejadian
Sebagaimana kebanyakan orang di kota Dili menyadari bahwa pada tanggal 28 April 2006, merupakan hari terakhir demostrasi yang dilakukan oleh kelompok petisi untuk mendesak penyelesain atas kasus praktik diskriminasi yang terjadi di Institusi F-FDTL.
Pada awalnya proses demonstrasi berjalan dengan normal seperti biasanya. Namun, pada akhirnya demonstrasi tersebut berubah menjadi kekerasan, tidak terkontrol dan situasi anarikis lainnya yang menyebabkan kehilangan nyawa, menderita luka dan harta milik negara dirusaki. Kerusakan itu antara lain; mobil pemerintah, motor, jendela dan pintu Gedung Pemerintah (Palasiu Guvernu). Kejadian ini yang kemudian memprovokasi dan memanasitensi isu mengenai “timur vs barat” yang melahirkan konflik dan krisis sosial politik dan militer di Timor Leste . Krisis ini menyebabkan terjadinya kekerasan berlanjut di sepanjang kota Dili.
Mengacu kepada fakta kejadian ini, Jaksa Penuntut Umum, menuntut terdakwa melakukan provokasi dengan suara keras (menghasut) selama orasi pada saat demonstrasi berlanjut. Menurut jaksa dalam tuntutan bahwa prilaku terdakwa inilah yang kemudian mendorong para demonstran lainnya untuk melakukan aksi kekerasan. Dalam dakwaan Jaksa Penuntut, mengarisbawahi sebuah kalimat yang disampaikan oleh terdakwa dalam orasinya bahwa “ “jika tidak seorang pemimpin yang menemui kita dalam lima menit ke depan, kita hancur gedung-gedung pemerintah yang adNamun demikian, Hakim komisaris yang memimpin dan membacakan putusan pengadilan, mengatakan bahwa pengadilan membebaskan terdakwa dari tuntutan jaksa karena tidak terbukti bahwa terdakwa yang melakukan provokasi sebagaimana dituduhkan oleh jaksa penuntut umum. Selain itu, pengadilan memutuskan untuk membebaskan terdakwa dari tuntutan jaksa karena; tidak ada seorang saksi yang memperkuat dakwaan jaksa dan keterangan para saksi juga tidak ada kesesuian satu sama lainnya dan memunculkan kebingungan hakim.
Walaunpun pengadilan setuju dan membenarkan bahwa terdakwa melakukan orasi di depan publik selama proses demonstrasi, namun menurut penilain pengadilan bahwa terdakwa hanya ingin mengeskpresikan dan menuntut penyelesain atas persoalan diskriminasi dalam tubuh institusi F-FDTL. Pengadilan melanjutkan bahwa terdakwameluncurkan kritik kepada Pemerintah karena permerintah tidak menunjukan kemauan politik untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini. Lebih lanjut, pengadilan dalam putusan menyebutkan bahwa alasan terdakwa berbicara keras terhadap pemerintah dengan sebuah pemikiran untuk mendorong Pemerintah untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan ini dengan cepat dan kepala dingin.
JSMP mengakui bahwa pihak Jaksa Penuntut Umum (JPU) telah melakukan segala upaya untuk mengumpulkan bukti-bukti melalui menghadirkan para saksi dan juga mengajukan rekaman film dalam bentuk DVD mengenai aktivitas terdakwa selama demonstrasi berlangsung. Namun JSMP mencatat, bahwa alat bukti tersebut tidak memadai untuk mencapai tujuan JPU untuk meyakinkan pengadilan atas tuntutannya. Menurut JSMP bahwa, seharusnya JPU menghadirkan saksi yang tepat yang mengetahui persis kejadiannya untuk memperkuat atau mendukung posisinya dalam tuntutannya.
JSMP sedikit khawatir karena dari daftar panjang para saksi yang dipanggil pengadilan melalui JPU, kebanyakan memberikan keterangan bahwa mereka tidak tahu atau tidak secara jelas mendengar bahwa terdakwa yang melakukan provokasi karena mereka berdiri dari kejauhan ketika terjadinya demonstrasi dan apa yang disampaikan terdakwa dalam orasinya. Saksi lain menerangkan bahwa mereka tidak tahu karena pada saat itu situasi semakin panas dan ada yang melakukan aksi kekerasan dan pengrusakan lainnya. Menurut JSMP, kejadian ini terjadi karena faktor kelalaian profesional JPU yang tidak bisa menghadirkan saksi yang tepat sehingga terdapat keseimbangan untuk memperkuat dakwaannya. Seharusnya, baik secara psikologis dan secara profesional, sebagai seorang JPU tidak perlu menghadirkan seorang saksi yang tidak menguntungkan pihaknya, karena ini bisa memunculkan situasi yang kontra-produktif atas pihaknya sendiri.
Menurut pemantaun JSMP bahwa terdapat saksi dalam kasus ini yang tidak memberikan keterangan yang benar dan juga kadang-kadang mereka ingin meringankankan atau memperberat terdakwa dan juga mereka kadang-kadang sengaja mengatakan tidak tahu.
Berdasarkan pada kenyataan dan pengalaman ini, JSMP merekomendasikan kepada para penegak hukum,untuk memberikan perhatian yang cukup, dan jika diperlukan JSMP merekomendasikan untuk melakukan proses menurut Pasal 287 atau secara alternatif Pasal 279 KUHP, tergantung kepada keadaan yang ditimbulkan dan terungkap selama proses berjalan. Upaya ini sebagai sebuah mekanisme preventif dan pelajaran di masa depan terhadap para saksi yang tidak tunduk kepada kewajibannya sebagai saksi dalam ,mengungkapkan kebenaran.
Untuk informasi yang lebih lengkap hubungi;
Luis de Oliveira Sampaio
Direktur JSMP
Alamat e-mail:
Landline: 3323883
03 August 2010
02 August 2010
UNDP Parliament Project Flash News #15
Flash News #15 July 2010
National Conference on Reproductive Health
A National Conference on Reproductive Health took place in Dili from 11 to 13 July. Experts from the region and UN headquarters in NY and from in-country including the churches, woman organizations and national and international NGOs shared their insights and experiences in overcoming high maternal and infant mortality, high fertility, high teenage pregnancy, and promoting effective family planning. Sex education, effective service provision including the proper training of health professionals and community health workers, respecting women’s rights and active involvement of youth and men, were recommended as key strategies in increasing positive reproductive health outcomes.
The participants declared that the Government, Parliament, civil society and general community must work together to guarantee positive outcomes for the people of Timor-Leste.
Josefa Pereira, the newly elected President of the Parliamentary Womens’ Caucus (Grupo das Mulheres Parlamentares de Timor-Leste, or GMPTL) who led the conference, said that prompt actions on these issues must be taken.
“The number of maternal and infant deaths in this country is unacceptable. Travelling around the country and hearing the voices of the men and women in rural areas has made it clear that this is an issue that is of high priority to everyone, and crucial for the future of our nation.” Ms. Pereria highlighted.
The conference was the joint collaboration of the GMPTL, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Rede Feto, Fundasaun Alola , Marie Stopes International, Health Alliance International, Timor-Leste Asistencia Integradu Saúde (TAIS), the Dioceses of Dili and Baucau, the Cannosian Sisters (Balide), UNFPA, UNIFEM, UNDP, WHO, UNICEF, and UNMIT and the Gender Resource Centre, National Parliament.
3rd World Conference of Speakers of Parliament
The third World Conference of Speakers of Parliament, whose broad theme was Parliaments in a world of crisis: securing global democratic accountability for the common good, focused on democracy, the role of legislative institutions and their relationship with the United Nations.
The President of the National Parliament of Timor-Leste, Mr. Fernando La Sama de Araujo, participated in the conference that took place in Geneva from 19 to 21 July.
During his intervention, which was praised by IPU Secretary as one of the best five among more than 150 speeches, President La Sama stressed how Timor-Leste finds itself “In the struggle to develop its own natural resources in order to retain the added value for our population, so that both present and future generations can profit”, how important it is “the need to strengthen and preserve its national identity, making it an essential priority".
La Sama spoke about the importance of the Portuguese language expressing his hope that “Portuguese will in the near future be recognized as one of the United Nations official languages, and why not, of the Inter-Parliamentary Union” as well as of the “urgency to reform the United Nations, so that it is truly possible to materialize the concept of “family of nations”.
The 3rd World Conference of Speakers of Parliament closed with the adoption of a declaration on the need to secure global democratic accountability. Over 130 Speakers of Parliament gave their assent to a text that affirmed how accountability and representation lie at the heart of democracy.
Secretariat Leadership of the National Parliament took part to a RBM training in Bali
From 26 to 30 July, Directors and Head of Division of the National Parliament took part to a Results-Based Management (RBM) training in Bali organized by the Secretariat of the Parliament.
The objective of RBM is to provide a coherent framework for strategic planning and management based on learning and accountability. Introducing a results-based approach aims to improve management effectiveness and accountability by defining realistic expected results, monitoring progress toward the achievement of expected results, integrating lessons learned into management decisions and reporting on performance.
This five-day course will provide the participants with a set of RBM tools and skills to apply in their daily work and to help the Parliament’s staff to plan new projects, create performance indicators for their projects and their area, run the project or evaluate a project that has already ended.
A part from a good capacity building opportunity, this will be the occasion of interaction among the newly appointed leaders and the divisions of the Secretariat, with the objective of consolidating the integration of the different areas through the interaction of the people.
Legal Drafters Training Program
The legal drafters training program that commenced in early October 2009, has entered its second semester. A report of the First Semester of training has been developed in three languages: Portuguese, Bahasa Indonesia, and English. It highlights the course contents delivered, the results achieved and feedback of participants on the implementation of the course. The course contents covered the legal drafting concepts, norms and practices, Portuguese language classes, and the field research.
During this second half of the academic year the trainees are focusing on drafting three bills on:
* the hierarchy and content of Timorese laws;
* protection of culture;
* Cultural heritage.
The draft bills will now be discussed and revised with the help of the Parliament Project’s Legal Advisor, to be submitted in September to the relevant Parliamentary Standing Committees.
Please Remember to Tune In:
Parlamentaria - the radio program of the National Parliament produced in cooperation and coordination with RTL. Parlamentaria is a 30-minute program in Tetum with news about the National Parliament and interviews with its Members. The program is broadcast every Sunday at 6h30 pm on RTL.
National Conference on Reproductive Health
A National Conference on Reproductive Health took place in Dili from 11 to 13 July. Experts from the region and UN headquarters in NY and from in-country including the churches, woman organizations and national and international NGOs shared their insights and experiences in overcoming high maternal and infant mortality, high fertility, high teenage pregnancy, and promoting effective family planning. Sex education, effective service provision including the proper training of health professionals and community health workers, respecting women’s rights and active involvement of youth and men, were recommended as key strategies in increasing positive reproductive health outcomes.
The participants declared that the Government, Parliament, civil society and general community must work together to guarantee positive outcomes for the people of Timor-Leste.
Josefa Pereira, the newly elected President of the Parliamentary Womens’ Caucus (Grupo das Mulheres Parlamentares de Timor-Leste, or GMPTL) who led the conference, said that prompt actions on these issues must be taken.
“The number of maternal and infant deaths in this country is unacceptable. Travelling around the country and hearing the voices of the men and women in rural areas has made it clear that this is an issue that is of high priority to everyone, and crucial for the future of our nation.” Ms. Pereria highlighted.
The conference was the joint collaboration of the GMPTL, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Rede Feto, Fundasaun Alola , Marie Stopes International, Health Alliance International, Timor-Leste Asistencia Integradu Saúde (TAIS), the Dioceses of Dili and Baucau, the Cannosian Sisters (Balide), UNFPA, UNIFEM, UNDP, WHO, UNICEF, and UNMIT and the Gender Resource Centre, National Parliament.
3rd World Conference of Speakers of Parliament
The third World Conference of Speakers of Parliament, whose broad theme was Parliaments in a world of crisis: securing global democratic accountability for the common good, focused on democracy, the role of legislative institutions and their relationship with the United Nations.
The President of the National Parliament of Timor-Leste, Mr. Fernando La Sama de Araujo, participated in the conference that took place in Geneva from 19 to 21 July.
During his intervention, which was praised by IPU Secretary as one of the best five among more than 150 speeches, President La Sama stressed how Timor-Leste finds itself “In the struggle to develop its own natural resources in order to retain the added value for our population, so that both present and future generations can profit”, how important it is “the need to strengthen and preserve its national identity, making it an essential priority".
La Sama spoke about the importance of the Portuguese language expressing his hope that “Portuguese will in the near future be recognized as one of the United Nations official languages, and why not, of the Inter-Parliamentary Union” as well as of the “urgency to reform the United Nations, so that it is truly possible to materialize the concept of “family of nations”.
The 3rd World Conference of Speakers of Parliament closed with the adoption of a declaration on the need to secure global democratic accountability. Over 130 Speakers of Parliament gave their assent to a text that affirmed how accountability and representation lie at the heart of democracy.
Secretariat Leadership of the National Parliament took part to a RBM training in Bali
From 26 to 30 July, Directors and Head of Division of the National Parliament took part to a Results-Based Management (RBM) training in Bali organized by the Secretariat of the Parliament.
The objective of RBM is to provide a coherent framework for strategic planning and management based on learning and accountability. Introducing a results-based approach aims to improve management effectiveness and accountability by defining realistic expected results, monitoring progress toward the achievement of expected results, integrating lessons learned into management decisions and reporting on performance.
This five-day course will provide the participants with a set of RBM tools and skills to apply in their daily work and to help the Parliament’s staff to plan new projects, create performance indicators for their projects and their area, run the project or evaluate a project that has already ended.
A part from a good capacity building opportunity, this will be the occasion of interaction among the newly appointed leaders and the divisions of the Secretariat, with the objective of consolidating the integration of the different areas through the interaction of the people.
Legal Drafters Training Program
The legal drafters training program that commenced in early October 2009, has entered its second semester. A report of the First Semester of training has been developed in three languages: Portuguese, Bahasa Indonesia, and English. It highlights the course contents delivered, the results achieved and feedback of participants on the implementation of the course. The course contents covered the legal drafting concepts, norms and practices, Portuguese language classes, and the field research.
During this second half of the academic year the trainees are focusing on drafting three bills on:
* the hierarchy and content of Timorese laws;
* protection of culture;
* Cultural heritage.
The draft bills will now be discussed and revised with the help of the Parliament Project’s Legal Advisor, to be submitted in September to the relevant Parliamentary Standing Committees.
Please Remember to Tune In:
Parlamentaria - the radio program of the National Parliament produced in cooperation and coordination with RTL. Parlamentaria is a 30-minute program in Tetum with news about the National Parliament and interviews with its Members. The program is broadcast every Sunday at 6h30 pm on RTL.
01 August 2010
Commander Lere calls on veterans to resolve their case amicably
Suara Timor Loro Sa’e, July 26, 2010 language source: Tetun - The Timorese Defecse Force (F-FDTL)’s Brigadier General Lere Annan Timur has called on the Timorese veterans to amicably resolve their recent insult case engaging Suara Timor Loro Sa’e newspaper and Dili district Police Commander, Pedro Belo.
Lere said this case should be resolved amicably; the veterans could not destroy this country, as they had fought for the country’s independence. “I just want to say that we the veterans are still united. But if one veteran makes a mistake, it should not be generalised.
Sometime the politicians like to politicise these things. If one veteran is guilty not the veteran institution, do not politicise it and say all the veterans,” Lere said.
He does believe that the veterans will resolve this case amicably, as they had fought for justice and human rights during the country’s resistance. (ETLJB Editor: last updated 02/08/2010 the word "not" was removed from between the words "will" and "resolve" Thanks to a reader for pointing this out.)
Lere said this case should be resolved amicably; the veterans could not destroy this country, as they had fought for the country’s independence. “I just want to say that we the veterans are still united. But if one veteran makes a mistake, it should not be generalised.
Sometime the politicians like to politicise these things. If one veteran is guilty not the veteran institution, do not politicise it and say all the veterans,” Lere said.
He does believe that the veterans will resolve this case amicably, as they had fought for justice and human rights during the country’s resistance. (ETLJB Editor: last updated 02/08/2010 the word "not" was removed from between the words "will" and "resolve" Thanks to a reader for pointing this out.)
JSMP:Inauguration of accommodation for prosecutors and court clerks assigned to Oecusse District Court
Press Release
Period : June 2010
Published : 24 June 2010
Inauguration of accommodation for prosecutors and court clerks assigned to Oecusse District Court
On 18 June 2010 the Oecusse District Prosecution Unit inaugurated accommodation for prosecutors and court clerks assigned to the Oecusse District Court. This ceremony was attended by the President of the Republic Jose Ramos Horta, President of the Court of Appeal Claudio Ximenes, Prosecutor General Ana Pessoa, Chief of UNMIT Ameraah Haq, F-FDTL Commander Major-General Taur Matan Ruak, Navy Commander Pedro Klamar Fuik, Member of Parliament Fernanda Borges, Bishop of Dili Dom Ricardo da Silva, as well as donors, representatives from the Indonesian Consulate in Oecusse as well as several international and national NGOs.
In his speech the President said that he really values the commitment of the Prosecutor General Ana Pessoa and the work of her office in completing the project to provide accommodation for judicial officers in all territorial jurisdictions. President Ramos Horta also values the work of the Timorese contractors who were entrusted by the Prosecution Service to carry out this project, who at a reasonable cost of US $178.000 were able to provide top quality accommodation.
The Prosecutor General Ana Pessoa who is the highest ranking person in the Prosecution Service stated that the facilities provided are intended to help the judicial officers carry out their tasks efficiently. In this way they can better respond to the needs of the community who wish to access justice. This accommodation was provided also in response to concerns raised by NGOs who have noted that a lack of facilities was one of the primary reasons for delays and a serious challenge in the handling of cases in the aforementioned jurisdiction. Therefore, with the provision of such accommodation it is hoped that there will be a change in the work carried out by judicial actors, especially in terms of assisting the community in relation to justice.
The Director of JSMP, Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, believes that the inauguration of the aforementioned accommodation is a positive step in the provision of infrastructure that will facilitate the work of prosecutors and enhance their performance. These efforts are aimed at improving the quality of work provided by the prosecution service.
JSMP believes that the provision of permanent accommodation for judicial actors is one way to respond to concerns that a lack of housing was preventing judicial actors from residing in the jurisdictions to which they have been assigned.
JSMP reiterates its recommendation to the government or competent institutions to provide the same level of facilities for judicial actors assigned to other courts, including public defenders and court clerks.
Period : June 2010
Published : 24 June 2010
Inauguration of accommodation for prosecutors and court clerks assigned to Oecusse District Court
On 18 June 2010 the Oecusse District Prosecution Unit inaugurated accommodation for prosecutors and court clerks assigned to the Oecusse District Court. This ceremony was attended by the President of the Republic Jose Ramos Horta, President of the Court of Appeal Claudio Ximenes, Prosecutor General Ana Pessoa, Chief of UNMIT Ameraah Haq, F-FDTL Commander Major-General Taur Matan Ruak, Navy Commander Pedro Klamar Fuik, Member of Parliament Fernanda Borges, Bishop of Dili Dom Ricardo da Silva, as well as donors, representatives from the Indonesian Consulate in Oecusse as well as several international and national NGOs.
In his speech the President said that he really values the commitment of the Prosecutor General Ana Pessoa and the work of her office in completing the project to provide accommodation for judicial officers in all territorial jurisdictions. President Ramos Horta also values the work of the Timorese contractors who were entrusted by the Prosecution Service to carry out this project, who at a reasonable cost of US $178.000 were able to provide top quality accommodation.
The Prosecutor General Ana Pessoa who is the highest ranking person in the Prosecution Service stated that the facilities provided are intended to help the judicial officers carry out their tasks efficiently. In this way they can better respond to the needs of the community who wish to access justice. This accommodation was provided also in response to concerns raised by NGOs who have noted that a lack of facilities was one of the primary reasons for delays and a serious challenge in the handling of cases in the aforementioned jurisdiction. Therefore, with the provision of such accommodation it is hoped that there will be a change in the work carried out by judicial actors, especially in terms of assisting the community in relation to justice.
The Director of JSMP, Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, believes that the inauguration of the aforementioned accommodation is a positive step in the provision of infrastructure that will facilitate the work of prosecutors and enhance their performance. These efforts are aimed at improving the quality of work provided by the prosecution service.
JSMP believes that the provision of permanent accommodation for judicial actors is one way to respond to concerns that a lack of housing was preventing judicial actors from residing in the jurisdictions to which they have been assigned.
JSMP reiterates its recommendation to the government or competent institutions to provide the same level of facilities for judicial actors assigned to other courts, including public defenders and court clerks.
JSMP:Tribunál Distritál Díli Absolve Arguidu bá kazu 28 Abril 2006
Komunikadu Imprensa
Edisaun: Jullu 2010
Periodu: 29 Jullu 2010
Tribunál Distritál Díli Absolve Arguidu bá kazu 28 Abril 2006
Iha loron 27 Jullu 2010, Tribunál Distritál Díli halo julgamentu ho agenda lê akordaun bá kazu atake iha Palásiu Governu ne’ebé involve arguidu Osório Mau Lequi (OML) iha 28 Abril 2006 nia laran.
Antes prosesu ne’e[1], Ministériu Públiku Distritu Díli, alega arguidu involve iha kazu krimi instigasaun bá prátika krimi ne’ebé defini iha Artigu 189 Kódigu Penál Timor Léste. Tanbá arguidu nia atitude ne’e manifesta mensajem ne’ebé provokativu no fo fatin bá hahalok krimi seluk hanesan krimi danu ne’ebé implika estragus ka destroisaun bá patrimóniu estadu nian nomós desobidiensia bá ordem atu namkari. Maske nune’é, iha akordaun husi tribunál, refere deit bá krimi instigasaun bá prátika krimi ne’ebé ikus mai absolvidu, tanbá la iha testamuña ida ne’ebé fo apoiu sufisiente bá alegasaun Ministériu Públiku nian.
Direitór JSMP, Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, haktuir katak desizaun ne’e hatudu no konfirma dignidade instituisaun tribunál nian hodi kumpri ordem no mandatu konstituisionál hodi tesi lia, hari’i no hametin justisa bá ema hotu, hametin prinsípiu estadu de direítu no prinsípiu sira seluk ne’ebé iha relasaun julgamentu ne’ebé justu, kredivel no asesivel bá ema hotu.
Maske nune’é JSMP observa katak prosesu julgamentu bá kazu ne’e la la’o ho máximu tanbá la duun iha kolaborasaun diak entre unidade polisia investigasaun kriminál no Ministériu Públiku inklui testamuña[2] sira ne’ebé notifikadu atu fornese informasaun ka depoimentu bá tribunál.
Tuir JSMP nia monitorizasaun, deskobre katak durante produsaun provas iha audensia julgamentu, aleinde testamuña sira balun ne’ebé loloos la mesere atu sai testamuña tanbá la iha koñesimentu bá kazu ne’e, iha indikasaun katak testamuña balun la kolabora no liu-liu la fo informasaun ne’ebé loos bá tribunál. Nune’é mós la iha esforsu husi Ministériu Públiku atu duni tuir ka buka hatene didiak testemuña sira ne’ebé depoimenta katak sira la hatene ka la rona momós ka argumentu sira seluk ne’ebé la hatudu kolaborasaun ho tribunál. añaña
Istória akontesimentu
Hanesan ema barak iha sidade Dili hatene katak iha loron 28 Abril 2006 nia laran, nu’udar loron ikus manifestasaun ne’ebé hala’o husi grupu petisionáriu sira konabá diskriminasaun ne’ebé mosu iha instituisaun F-FDTL.
Iha inísiu manifestasaun la’o normal ka la’o hanesan bai-bain. Maibé no fim manifestasaun ne’e nakfilak-aan ho violénsia, desordem, no situasaun anarkismu ne’ebé kauza ema mate, kanek no patrimóniu ka sasan estadu nian hetan estragus maka’as hanesan kareta, motor, jenela no odamatan Palasiu Governu nian. Akontesimentu ne’e, mak ikus mai provoka ka hamanas liu tan tensaun konabá issue loro-sa’e vs loro-monu hodi hamosu krize sosial polítiku no militár iha Timor Léste, ne’ebé kauza no rezulta violénsia barak liu tan iha kapital Díli.
Bazeia bá faktu sira akontesimentu ne’e, Ministériu Públiku alega arguidu katak provoka situasaun ho lian kro’at (instigasaun) durante ninia orasi iha manifestasaun, nune’é fo fatin bá manifestante sira hodi prátika asaun krime sira seluk. Iha akuzasaun Ministériu Públiku nian subliña fraze ida ne’ebé arguidu lansa iha nia orasi durante manifestasaun laran katak ““sé ulun bot ida la mai hasoru ita iha minutu 5 nia laran, ita tenki haruhan tiha Palásiu Governu”.
Maske nune’é, Juiz koletiva ne’ebé prezide no lê sai akordaun ne’e deklara katak tribunál absolve arguidu husi akuzasaun tanbá la prova katak arguidu mak provoka situasaun tuir akuzasaun Ministériu Públiku nian. Nune’é mós Tribunál deside hodi absolve arguidu husi akuzasaun Ministériu Públiku tanbá; la iha testamuña ida ne’ebé reforsa akuzasaun Ministériu Públiku no testamuña sira nia depoimentus la han malu no hamosu dúvidas bá juizes.
Maske Tribunál konkorda no deskobre katak arguidu halo duni orasi dala barak durante manisfestasaun, maibé tuir tribunál nia avaliasaun katak arguidu hakarak manifesta no ejize deit solusaun bá issue diskriminasaun iha instituisaun F-FDTL no lansa krítikas bá Governu tanbá la iha vontade diak atu rezolve problema ne’e. Liu tan, tribunál haktuir katak, razaun arguidu ko’alia maka’as hasoru Governu ne’e ho hanoin ida katak atu enkoraza Governu hodi rezolve problema hirak ne’e lalais no ho ulun malirin
JSMP rekoñese katak Ministériu Públiku (MP) halo duni esforsu barak hodi halibur evidensia liu husi aprezentasaun testemuña sira no esforsu sira seluk hanesan aprezenta filmazen liu husi DVD konabá aktividade manifestasaun refere. Maibé JSMP hare katak evidensia sira ne’ebé aprezenta husi MP la sufisiente atu atinze objetivu MP nian hodi konvense tribunál bá akuzasaun ne’ebe MP aprezenta. Tuir JSMP nia hanoin katak, loloos MP tenki aprezenta testemuña seluk ne’ebé apropriadu no hatene konabá akontesimentu ne’e hodi reforsa pozisaun Ministériu Públiku nian.
JSMP preukupa uitoan tanbá husi lista naruk testamuña sira ne’ebé tribunál notifika liu husi Ministériu Públiku, maioria depoimenta katak sira la hatene ho klaru arguidu mak provoka ema ka lae tanbá sira hamri’ik husi fatin dook wainhira akontesimentu ne’e akontese. Testamuña seluk deklara katak la hatene ona tanbá situasaun komesa manas no balun komesa halo asaun insendiu no bálu halo asaun danu no sel-seluk tan. Tuir JSMP nia hanoin katak situsaun ne’e rezulta husi neglijensia profisional Ministériu Públiku nian ne’ebé la aprezenta testamuña ne’ebé apropriadu nune’é iha balansu hodi reforsa nia akuzasaun. Tuir loloos, tantu psikolójikamente ka profisionalmente, hanesan Ministeriu Publik nia la persiza atu aprezenta testamuña sira ne’ebé la benifisia nia pozisaun, tanbá ne’e bele hamosu fali situasaun ne’ebé kontra-produtivu bá nia aan rasik.
Tuir JSMP nia observasaun katak iha testemuña balu iha kazu ne’e, la fo deklarasaun loloos no dala ruma testemuña sira ne’e hakarak benefisia no prejudika arguidu no dala ruma sira finze la hatene.
Bazeia bá realidade no esperensia hirak ne’e hotu, JSMP rekomenda bá autór tribunais sira hotu atu fó atensaun no karik persiza JSMP rekomenda atu halo prosesu tuir Artigu 278 ka alternativamente Artigu 279 Kódigu Penál depende bá sirkunstansia sira ne’ebé deskobre durante prosesu laran. Prosesu ne’e nu’udar maneira ida atu halo aktu prevensaun no lisaun ida bá futuru bá testamuña sira ne’ebé mak la kumpri sira nia dever.
Edisaun: Jullu 2010
Periodu: 29 Jullu 2010
Tribunál Distritál Díli Absolve Arguidu bá kazu 28 Abril 2006
Iha loron 27 Jullu 2010, Tribunál Distritál Díli halo julgamentu ho agenda lê akordaun bá kazu atake iha Palásiu Governu ne’ebé involve arguidu Osório Mau Lequi (OML) iha 28 Abril 2006 nia laran.
Antes prosesu ne’e[1], Ministériu Públiku Distritu Díli, alega arguidu involve iha kazu krimi instigasaun bá prátika krimi ne’ebé defini iha Artigu 189 Kódigu Penál Timor Léste. Tanbá arguidu nia atitude ne’e manifesta mensajem ne’ebé provokativu no fo fatin bá hahalok krimi seluk hanesan krimi danu ne’ebé implika estragus ka destroisaun bá patrimóniu estadu nian nomós desobidiensia bá ordem atu namkari. Maske nune’é, iha akordaun husi tribunál, refere deit bá krimi instigasaun bá prátika krimi ne’ebé ikus mai absolvidu, tanbá la iha testamuña ida ne’ebé fo apoiu sufisiente bá alegasaun Ministériu Públiku nian.
Direitór JSMP, Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, haktuir katak desizaun ne’e hatudu no konfirma dignidade instituisaun tribunál nian hodi kumpri ordem no mandatu konstituisionál hodi tesi lia, hari’i no hametin justisa bá ema hotu, hametin prinsípiu estadu de direítu no prinsípiu sira seluk ne’ebé iha relasaun julgamentu ne’ebé justu, kredivel no asesivel bá ema hotu.
Maske nune’é JSMP observa katak prosesu julgamentu bá kazu ne’e la la’o ho máximu tanbá la duun iha kolaborasaun diak entre unidade polisia investigasaun kriminál no Ministériu Públiku inklui testamuña[2] sira ne’ebé notifikadu atu fornese informasaun ka depoimentu bá tribunál.
Tuir JSMP nia monitorizasaun, deskobre katak durante produsaun provas iha audensia julgamentu, aleinde testamuña sira balun ne’ebé loloos la mesere atu sai testamuña tanbá la iha koñesimentu bá kazu ne’e, iha indikasaun katak testamuña balun la kolabora no liu-liu la fo informasaun ne’ebé loos bá tribunál. Nune’é mós la iha esforsu husi Ministériu Públiku atu duni tuir ka buka hatene didiak testemuña sira ne’ebé depoimenta katak sira la hatene ka la rona momós ka argumentu sira seluk ne’ebé la hatudu kolaborasaun ho tribunál. añaña
Istória akontesimentu
Hanesan ema barak iha sidade Dili hatene katak iha loron 28 Abril 2006 nia laran, nu’udar loron ikus manifestasaun ne’ebé hala’o husi grupu petisionáriu sira konabá diskriminasaun ne’ebé mosu iha instituisaun F-FDTL.
Iha inísiu manifestasaun la’o normal ka la’o hanesan bai-bain. Maibé no fim manifestasaun ne’e nakfilak-aan ho violénsia, desordem, no situasaun anarkismu ne’ebé kauza ema mate, kanek no patrimóniu ka sasan estadu nian hetan estragus maka’as hanesan kareta, motor, jenela no odamatan Palasiu Governu nian. Akontesimentu ne’e, mak ikus mai provoka ka hamanas liu tan tensaun konabá issue loro-sa’e vs loro-monu hodi hamosu krize sosial polítiku no militár iha Timor Léste, ne’ebé kauza no rezulta violénsia barak liu tan iha kapital Díli.
Bazeia bá faktu sira akontesimentu ne’e, Ministériu Públiku alega arguidu katak provoka situasaun ho lian kro’at (instigasaun) durante ninia orasi iha manifestasaun, nune’é fo fatin bá manifestante sira hodi prátika asaun krime sira seluk. Iha akuzasaun Ministériu Públiku nian subliña fraze ida ne’ebé arguidu lansa iha nia orasi durante manifestasaun laran katak ““sé ulun bot ida la mai hasoru ita iha minutu 5 nia laran, ita tenki haruhan tiha Palásiu Governu”.
Maske nune’é, Juiz koletiva ne’ebé prezide no lê sai akordaun ne’e deklara katak tribunál absolve arguidu husi akuzasaun tanbá la prova katak arguidu mak provoka situasaun tuir akuzasaun Ministériu Públiku nian. Nune’é mós Tribunál deside hodi absolve arguidu husi akuzasaun Ministériu Públiku tanbá; la iha testamuña ida ne’ebé reforsa akuzasaun Ministériu Públiku no testamuña sira nia depoimentus la han malu no hamosu dúvidas bá juizes.
Maske Tribunál konkorda no deskobre katak arguidu halo duni orasi dala barak durante manisfestasaun, maibé tuir tribunál nia avaliasaun katak arguidu hakarak manifesta no ejize deit solusaun bá issue diskriminasaun iha instituisaun F-FDTL no lansa krítikas bá Governu tanbá la iha vontade diak atu rezolve problema ne’e. Liu tan, tribunál haktuir katak, razaun arguidu ko’alia maka’as hasoru Governu ne’e ho hanoin ida katak atu enkoraza Governu hodi rezolve problema hirak ne’e lalais no ho ulun malirin
JSMP rekoñese katak Ministériu Públiku (MP) halo duni esforsu barak hodi halibur evidensia liu husi aprezentasaun testemuña sira no esforsu sira seluk hanesan aprezenta filmazen liu husi DVD konabá aktividade manifestasaun refere. Maibé JSMP hare katak evidensia sira ne’ebé aprezenta husi MP la sufisiente atu atinze objetivu MP nian hodi konvense tribunál bá akuzasaun ne’ebe MP aprezenta. Tuir JSMP nia hanoin katak, loloos MP tenki aprezenta testemuña seluk ne’ebé apropriadu no hatene konabá akontesimentu ne’e hodi reforsa pozisaun Ministériu Públiku nian.
JSMP preukupa uitoan tanbá husi lista naruk testamuña sira ne’ebé tribunál notifika liu husi Ministériu Públiku, maioria depoimenta katak sira la hatene ho klaru arguidu mak provoka ema ka lae tanbá sira hamri’ik husi fatin dook wainhira akontesimentu ne’e akontese. Testamuña seluk deklara katak la hatene ona tanbá situasaun komesa manas no balun komesa halo asaun insendiu no bálu halo asaun danu no sel-seluk tan. Tuir JSMP nia hanoin katak situsaun ne’e rezulta husi neglijensia profisional Ministériu Públiku nian ne’ebé la aprezenta testamuña ne’ebé apropriadu nune’é iha balansu hodi reforsa nia akuzasaun. Tuir loloos, tantu psikolójikamente ka profisionalmente, hanesan Ministeriu Publik nia la persiza atu aprezenta testamuña sira ne’ebé la benifisia nia pozisaun, tanbá ne’e bele hamosu fali situasaun ne’ebé kontra-produtivu bá nia aan rasik.
Tuir JSMP nia observasaun katak iha testemuña balu iha kazu ne’e, la fo deklarasaun loloos no dala ruma testemuña sira ne’e hakarak benefisia no prejudika arguidu no dala ruma sira finze la hatene.
Bazeia bá realidade no esperensia hirak ne’e hotu, JSMP rekomenda bá autór tribunais sira hotu atu fó atensaun no karik persiza JSMP rekomenda atu halo prosesu tuir Artigu 278 ka alternativamente Artigu 279 Kódigu Penál depende bá sirkunstansia sira ne’ebé deskobre durante prosesu laran. Prosesu ne’e nu’udar maneira ida atu halo aktu prevensaun no lisaun ida bá futuru bá testamuña sira ne’ebé mak la kumpri sira nia dever.
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