13 September 2018

Minister of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães

East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin Government of East Timor Warren Leslie Wright
Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães
Structure of the VIII Constitutional Government Ministry of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs is the government department responsible for designing, implementing, coordinating and evaluating the policy, defined and approved by the Council of Ministers on the development, harmonization and consolidation of the legal system, judicial reform, parliamentary affairs and in particular: to carry out a thorough study on the reform of laws, standardization and harmonization of legislation, as well as the assessment of the need for government or National Parliament intervention;

propose and promote the modernization of the legislative procedure;

propose and promote the reform and modernization of the judiciary;

analyse and prepare the projects and proposals of legal and regulatory diplomas of the Government, in coordination with the proposing ministries;

propose measures to promote the innovation of public administration, namely through the use of e-government instruments, the dissemination of Government actions and measures, and the organization of the form and manner of public intervention;

ensure regular coordination with the National Parliament; represent the Government at the Conference of Representatives of Parliamentary Assemblies and at the plenary sessions of the National Parliament, when the Prime Minister or Ministers responsible for the matter are absent or unable to attend;

translating or accompanying the translation of legal and regulatory diplomas as a measure to promote access to law by citizens;

propose the policy and elaborate the necessary legislation and regulation in the area of ​​the media; exercise oversight and tutelage over the state media; coordinate the dissemination of information on Government programs and actions.

In direct dependence of the Ministry of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs are: RTTL - Radio and Television of Timor-Leste, EP; TATOLI, Timor-Leste News Agency, IP.

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