East Timor Legal News Source: Timor Post 19/12/ 2011 - The Executive Director for the Timorese Human Rights Defender (HAK) Rogerio Viegas Vicente said that based on of HAK's report some members of the Timorese National Police (PNTL) have been involved in 90 criminal cases in the country but the legal process for those cases are pending in the court.
Vicente said that the 90 cases that directly involve police officers are classified as the worst assaults and physical aggression to people using repressive force repressive and weapons to threaten people in the country.
In responding, Commissioner of Police Afonso de Jesus has called on HAK to present the list based on complete identity of the officers involved in the cases.
"We should not only report general cases like this because if HAK has no justification then it means that this report was unclear and HAK should make a report identitying the criminals in order to help us identifying those who are involved in these cases," Neves said.
"Based on police statistics we have some indiscipline cases but we have resolved them and we have sacked the officers who have violated indisciplinary norms in the police institution," De Jesus said.
Related story: PNTL Deputy criticises NGO’s Human Rights report
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