26 February 2013

English translation published on-line: Traditional Knowledge of Timor

Image of cover of book entitled Matenek Lokal, Timor Nian!” (Traditional Knowledge of Timor!
ETLJB 26 February 2013 - The English translation of the book “Matenek Lokal, Timor Nian! (Traditional Knowledge of Timor!)” is now published on-line. 

The book was edited by Demetrio do Amaral de Carvalho and co-published by the Haburas Foundation, Timor Leste National Commission for UNESCO, and the UNESCO Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacific in Jakarta.

The nine (9) papers in the book explore the various aspects of local and traditional knowledge and its relation to nature conservation, land management and natural resource management, and industry.

The book ends with a set of recommendations for promoting local and indigenous knowledge and how to it could be integrated into developmental policies.

The original book (entirely in Tetum language), its English translation, and a summary of the English translation can be downloaded from this link: http://portal.unesco.org/geography/en/ev.php-URL_ID=15178&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic work.

This will become a bible guiding our indigenous and marine tourism, fishing, aquaculture and seafood industry development. :-)

Kind thanks Kevin