ETLJB 11 May 2013 - The Ministry of Justice has held a seminar at Hotel Vilaverde to discuss the draft of the country’s proposed new land law.
Minister for Justice Dionsio Babo said this law was very important for communities who are currently facing land dispute problems.
The Minister made the comments during a speech at the ceremony for the opening of the seminar.
He confirmed that the law would help resolve the communities’ land dispute problems, especially for the communities in the Capital of Dili.
Babo added his ministry had consulted with NGOs and other international organizations on the draft of the law and said they good feedback and submissions from those organizations.
The previous land law that was enacted by the IV Constitutional Government was vetoed by the then President, Jose Ramos Horta. Source: Televizaun Timor-Leste, May 1, 2013 Edited by Warren L. Wright
See related reports on land issues on the East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin
Community Land in East Timor: Compensation for Acquisition for Public Purposes
President vetoes land and property law
Land and Housing Rights in Timor-Leste
Land disputes a continuing cause of violence in Timor-Leste
Land conflicts the most common dispute in Timor-Leste but draft land law is incoherent
Custom and conflict:The uses and limitations of traditional systems in addressing rural land disputes in East Timor
Land dispute triggers more violence in Timor-Leste
Murder in East Timor the result of land dispute
PM Gusmao recognises land disputes as a serious problem
Four suspects in Atabae murders case in custody
See also Timor-Leste Land Studies
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