21 December 2012

Draft Law on State Budget 2013, Fireworks Banned, One Month Bonus Pay for Public Servants

ETLJB 21 December 2012 - The V Constitutional Government of Timor-Leste met on Monday, December 10, 2012, in the meeting room of the Council of Ministers at the Government Palace in Dili, and approved the following:

1. Law Proposal for the State Budget of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste for 2013
The V Constitutional Government will continue the successful programs already initiated by the previous government and is determined to transform Timor-Leste into a middle-high income country, with a healthy, educated population living in a climate of safety by 2030.

The Government Programme outlines the policies needed to achieve this goal, and this proposed State budget estimates budgetary allocations to finance these policies for next year.

 The Law Proposal on the 2013 State Budget (OGE) includes all revenues and expenditures of the State of Timor-Leste and it covers the period from January 1 to December 31, 2013. The total estimated revenue from all sources (oil, no oil, funds from development partners and non-tax revenues) The OGE for this period is $2.987,8 million U.S. dollars.

The budgetary allocations in U.S. dollars are as follows:
1 - $160.257 million for Salaries and Wages;
2 - $461.744 million for Goods and Services, of which $ 42.448 million corresponds to the Development of Human Capital Fund;
3 - $236.473 million for Public Transfers;
4 - $47.150 million for Minor Capital;
5 - $891.895 million for Development Capital of which $ 752.877 million is allocated to the Infrastructure Fund.

The total amount of the State Budget is $1.797,519 million U.S. dollars.

Excluding the autonomous services and funds, special funds and the loan, the total budgetary allocations is thus of $862.047 million dollars.

The Infrastructure Fund (with a budget of $752.877 million including loans) will continue to assist the Government in building the infrastructure of Timor-Leste and is a unique tool that allows a secure, efficient and transparent execution of multi-year contracts.

The balance carried over from the year 2012 under the law is $444.351 million dollars. The Development of the Human Capital Fund (with a budget of $42.448 million, of which $ 8.549 million is the balance carried over from 2012, under the law) ensures a form financing multi-annual projects for human resources training, increasing the capacity and training of professionals in strategic sectors of development, such as justice, health, education, infrastructure, agriculture, tourism, oil and financial management. Based on article 20.0, Law no 13/2009 of October on Budget and Financial Management and the Law No 13/2011 of February, 21, on the Regime of the Public Debt, the Government presents to the National Parliament a proposal debt ceiling for which legal any obligation must be intended only to build strategic infrastructure for the development of the country.

2. Government Resolution on banning the sale and use of pyrotechnics
The use of pyrotechnic articles (panchons, candles, carnival bombs, rockets and snaps) is a recurrent situation and use of these materials is becoming more widespread. The sale of these artifacts was done without the knowledge of the proper authorities and it represents a potential danger for the population, especially for children. The sale, transportation, burning and use of these materials can cause serious injury when they are made by unauthorized persons.

As it is the State's duty to ensure the public peace, the full exercise of citizenship, law and order and the protection of personal property of all citizens, the Government decided to ban the sale, transport and use, in any form, of these materials and pyrotechnic derivatives (panchons, candles, carnival bombs, rockets and snaps) until such a time that regulation can be adopted for this purpose. As an exception, it may be allowed to use fireworks in festivals and ceremonies, at a time and place previously designated by the qualified professionals and licensed by the government members responsible for the areas of Security and of Commerce.

3. Decree-Law that approves the extraordinary payment of one month's basic salary in the public sector
This decree approves the extraordinary payment of one month's basic salary to the Civil Service, the one’s listed in article 2.º and to employees and agents, albeit temporary, contracted at least one year on the payment date set by this Decree-Law. This measure is fair, though exceptional, and comes as recognition of the work done and increased performance by state employees.  

Source: V Constitutional Government Presidency of the Council of Ministers Press Release 10 December 2012

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