ETLJB 17/03/2014 - The Government met on Tuesday, 11 March 2014, in the Council of Ministers’ Meeting Room, at the Government Palace, in Dili, and approved:
1. Decree Law approving the Statute of the Leaders of the Pre Administrative DeconcentrationStructures
With the establishment of pre-administrative deconcentration structures, the Government begins a process of reorganization on local State administration, by integrating, under a single structure of administrative control, a significant part of the peripheral services of the State administration. These services will be responsible for performing a growing number of administrative tasks, which definition, nature and form of delegation, will be established by the different government departments.
This diploma, which ensures the concretion of n. 3, of the article 115th, of the Constitution of the Republic, sets the statute of the leaders of pre-administrative deconcentration structures - District Managers and District Managers’ Secretaries – who will have their own and necessary statute, appropriated to the nature and dimension of the responsibilities being taken.
2. Government’s Resolution on the Special Procedure for the Selection of the Leaders of the Pre-administrative Deconcentration Structures
According to the Statute of the Leaders of the Pre Administrative Deconcentration Structures, approved at this meeting of the Council of Ministers, the District Managers and the District Managers’ Secretaries will be appointed by the Council of Ministers, after conducting a special selection procedure. This special procedure is framed by the Statute, however, due to its special and exceptional nature, it is necessary to regulate and operationalize the actions and procedures to perform, for the process to go on, in a stringent, exempt and transparent way.
3. Decree Law which establishes and Approves the National Logistics Centre
The National Logistics Centre (CLN) is a body of the indirect State administration, provided with administrative, directive and technical autonomy, under tutelage of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Environment.
It is governed by the principles of cost efficiency and effectiveness in the implementation of government policies and programs, including food social solidarity and price regulation (rule of "fair price"). It is an integrated system of continuing availability of transportation, warehousing, maintenance of stocks and of essential goods to the population (not only food but also in the construction and public works sector) in satisfaction of collective needs.
4. Government’s Decree approving the remuneration of the Executive Secretary and Board Members of the National Commission for Combating HIV-AIDS in Timor-Leste
Following the approval the establishment of the National Commission to Fight HIV / AIDS in Timor-Leste (TL-NCFA) and its own Statute, at the meeting of the Council of Ministers of October 22nd, 2013 and, recognizing the complexity of national responsibility assumed by the Commission, the Government today approved the remuneration to be paid to the Executive Secretary and Board Members of this Committee.
The Council of Ministers also analysed:
1. Guide for the Use of Financial Resources of the Sucos – Suco Fund for Urban Cleaning
The Suco Fund for Urban Cleaning regulates the existing law and encourages a healthy base of cooperation between the community and the Government, with the aim of keeping the city of Díli clean, thus contributing to sustainable development and public health.
It is intended to be the community itself to manage and develop projects of cleaning of their own Sucos. With this initiative, the Government also wants to encourage the community to improve administrative skills, thus developing the management capacity of the Sucos.
2. Current status of the Process of Accession of Timor-Leste to ASEAN
The Minister of State and for Foreign Affairs, along with the Secretary of State for ASEAN Affairs, presented to the Council of Ministers the current status of the process of accession of Timor-Leste to join ASEAN. Various documents were presented, including the report on the Accession Process of Timor-Leste to ASEAN; Alertness of Timor-Leste and preliminary summary on the Study of the Policy and Community Security in ASEAN (ASEAN Political-Security Community) and Readiness of Timor-Leste; the list of duties, rights and responsibilities of the Member States of ASEAN; information on the three pillars of ASEAN (Political-Security, Economic and Socio-cultural); and information on Data Collection on Cooperation for the accession of Timor-Leste to ASEAN.
3. Organic Structure of the Mission Unit for Sub-regional Integrated Economic Development
The Head of Mission Unit for the negotiation and establishment of the platform on regional cooperation and integrated economic development between Timor-Leste, Indonesia and Australia presented to the Council of Ministers a proposal of organizational structure and definition of competencies for this Mission. Source: Presidency of the Council of Ministers V Constitutional Government Press Release 11 March 2014
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