as at 8 May 2018 NOTE: Most citations are from my articles on issues in East Timor. Most are in English but several are in Portuguese, Tetum or Indonesian.
Politics and poverty, East Timor’s first post-independence elections Fabio Scarpello Citing press comments by me on the East Timorese elections
Tanah Yang Dijanjikan Wright, Warren (1999) Final Report on the Review of the Basic Agrarian Law 1960. Indonesia: Land Administration Project. WRM (2004)
Partisipasaun komunidade ba implementasaun tara bandu: studu kazu kona ba mudansa sosio-kultural iha suco Bucoli, distritu Baucau, Timor- Leste citing Wright, Warren 2009, Tara Bandu: The Adat Concept of the Environment, A translation of an article by Rogerio Soares in Direito (2003), Zacarias F. da Costa diakses tanggal 12 October2009.
Histories of Violence, States of Denial - Militias, Martial Arts and Masculinities in Timor Leste Henri Myrttinen A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Conflict Resolution & Peace Studies University of Kwazulu-Natal Citing Wright, Warren, 2009. “Witchcraft and Murder in East Timor,” East Timor Law Journal (online), 6/2009, accessed at
Property and Social Resilience in Times of Conflict: Land, Custom... isbn=131707470X -Daniel Fitzpatrick, Andrew McWilliam - 2016 - Law Land, Custom and Law in East Timor Daniel Fitzpatrick, Andrew McWilliam. governing law for East Timor that maintained 'the law as applied in East Timor ... law would not necessarily prejudice claims based on Portuguese titles (Wright 2004)
Examining the Changing “Rights” Discourse in East Timor since IndependenceMadhumitha Ardhanari 6 November 2013 Citing Wright, Warren. “What happens when abortion is illegal.” East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin 5 April 2009 & Wright, Warren. “East Timor: Language and The Law.” East Timor Law Journal 9 (2009)
Educational administration in Timor Leste : Language policy and building challenges in a post-conflict context International Journal of Educational Management 25(2):186-203 · March 2011 Citing Wright (2009)
Recognition of Indigenous Peoples in Indonesia: An International Human Rights Law Approach Marina Christina ANR: 388584 Master Thesis International and European Public Law – accent Human Rights Law University of Tilburg January 2012 Citing Wright, Warren L Final Report on the Review of the Basic Agrarian Law of 1960. December 1999. Page 93-94
Property and social resilience in times of conflict : land, custom and law in East TimorFitzpatrick, Daniel Citing: Wright, W. A Note on Land Rights in East Timor Government Regulation No 18 of 1991 On the Conversion of Land Rights in East Timor and the Purported Suspension of Article 5 by Government Regulation No 34 of 1992
Freedom House Report East Timor Citing Ibere Lopes, "Land and Displacement in Timor-Leste," Humanitarian Exchange Magazine 43 (June 2009), available at; "East Timor Land Rights: Restitution Not Possession – A Comment on the Draft Land Law," East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin, July 9, 2009, available at
Leaders, Lawyers & Lian Nains: Sources of Legal Authority in Timor-Leste Andrew Marriot Citing: Warren Wright 2009, 'Criminal Defamation in East Timor – A Miscarriage of Justice‘, East Timor Law Journal 5:1-2
Integrating climate change adaptation and mitigation in Timor-Leste Ingvar Anda Degrees: PhD: Sustainability and Technology Policy (Murdoch University) Bachelor of Arts, Honours, Politics, Philosophy and Sociology (Murdoch University) Faculty: Engineering, Health, Science and the Environment University: Charles Darwin University Master of Tropical Environmental Management (MTEM) Date of Submission: 06/11/2013 Citing Soares R, (2004) 'Tara Bandu: The Adat concept of the environment' (translated by Warren L. Wright) and East Timor Law Journal Wright WL (2010a) and 'The East Timor Land Law Program: Four Years On - Still No Land Law' East Timor Law Journal, http:// easttimorlegal. east-timor-land-law-pro gram-fouryears.html accessed 19/06/12Wright WL (2010b) 'Community Land in East Timer: A New Tragedy of the Commons?' East Timor Law Journal, /community-land-in-easttimor-a-new-tragedy-of-the-commons-3/ Accessed 19/06/12
The Ecology of Language Planning in Timor-Leste: A Study of Language Policy, Planning and Practices in Identity Construction by KJ Taylor-Leech 2007 Thesis (PhD Doctorate) Warren Wright mentioned in Acknowledgements
Valuing Women in Timor Leste: The need to address domestic violence by reforming customary law approaches while improving state justice Carolyn Julie Graydon ORCID iD 0000-0001-6602-3051 Submitted in total fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Citing: See Warren Wright ‘Morality, Religion and the Law-Abortion and Prostitution in East Timor’, (2005) 6 East Timor Law Journal Warren L Wright (2009) 'Witchcraft and Murder in East Timor' East Timor Law Journal 6.
Communal Violence, Trauma and Gender in Timor-Leste:An Exploration of how Informal Security Groups assist Timorese People to meet their Human Security Needs Laura Gilmartin parliament.html#sthash.fSLnqL5V.dpuf >, accessed 18 June 2014. Ximenes, Celestino, Dynamics of Martial Arts Related Conflict and Violence in Timor-Leste, (Dili: Belun, 2014). 4 Citations: Wright (ed)
‘2013 Closes with More Gang Violence on the Streets of Dili’,East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin, [news article], (19 January 2014) <>, accessed 17 June 2014. Wright, Warren L. (ed.),
Strategi Pembaruan Agraria untuk Mengurangi Kemiskinan /Lilis Mulyani, Herry Yogaswara, Leolita Masnun, Rina Mardiana– Jakarta, 2011. Citing citing W. Wright Final Review of the Basic Agrarian Law 1960 Indonesian Land Administration Project
‘Police Fail in Conflict Prevention in Timor-Leste as Civil Society Appeals for More Effective Efforts’ ,East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin, [news article], (29 July 2013) < >, accessed 18 June 2014. Wright, Warren L. (ed.),
‘Police Slow to Act against Gang Violence in Timor -Leste’, East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin, [news article], (6 July 2013) < >, accessed 18 June 2014. Wright, Warren L. (ed.),
‘Timor-Leste Member of Parliament Reports Another Case of Police Brutality’, East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin, [news article], (6 July 2013) Wright, Warren L. (ed.)
Historic Injustice as an impediment to good governance in East Timor Citing In October 2012, Warren L. Wright of the Dili-based East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin published a scathing critique of the existing justice system in East Timor. Headed "Perversion of the rule of law in East Timor and its impact on state legitimacy", it was a particularly courageous article because it criticised the country's former military chief Taur Matan Ruak not long after he had been elected as the country's second democratically-elected President and because it said what many citizens thought privately but were afraid to say.
Komentariu Kona-Ba Proposta Lei Kilat Nian Iha Timor-Leste Sarah Parker Citation text: Obrigadu espesiál ba Jim Della-Giacoma, Warren Wright no Vitor Teixiera, Inspctór, Directoriado Porto da Polícia Judiciária, Portugal, ba sira nia kontribuisaun ba iha dokumentu ida-ne'e.
Political Philosophy, Educational Administration and Educative Leadership Reynold Macpherson - 2013 - Education New York, NY: Mentor. Citing Wright, W. (2009). Witchcraft and murder in East Timor. East Timor Law Journal
TIMOR-LESTE: Unfulfilled protection and assistance needs hamper the return of the displaced A profile of the internal displacement situation 7 September, 2007
Reaching back to move forward: Using Adverse Possession to Resolve Land Conflicts in East Timor Charlotte C. Williams Citing Warren L. Wright, Some Land Tenure Issues in Post-Conflict East Timor, 2006 E. TIMOR L.J. 1 (2006)
Land Administration in Post-Disaster Areas: Case Study of Banda Aceh, Indonesia Master of Science thesis by Rizqi Abdulharis Citation text: Citing Wright, W.L., 1999: Final Report on the Review of the Basic Agrarian Law 1960, TA Land Law Adviser International, Jakarta
Witchcraft and Dispute Resolution in East Timor Global Voices 27 December 2012 Sara Moreira Citing Wright, W. Murder and witchcraft in Timor-Leste
The Case to Intervene and Stop East Timorese Killing ‘Witches’ Dr Nicholas Herriman Postdoctoral Research Fellow Centre of Southeast Asian Studies Monash Asia Institute Monash University
Witchcraft, Conflict and Resolution in Timor-Leste Libbis M.Citing Wright, W. Murder and witchcraft in Timor-Leste
Exploring the Tensions of Nation Building in Timor-Leste Proceedings of a forum held at The University of Melbourne 15 September 2006 Citing
Wright, W., 2004. Some observations on the report on research findings and policy recommendations for a legal framework for land dispute mediation prepared by Timor-Leste land law program. 2004 East Timor Law Journal, 10. Available from: 2000.
Some land tenure issues in post-Conflict East Timor. 2006 East Timor Law Journal,
Justice in the forest Rural livelihoods and forest law enforcement Marcus Colchester with Marco Boscolo, Arnoldo Contreras-Hermosilla, Filippo Del Gatto, Jessica Dempsey, Guillaume Lescuyer, Krystof Obidzinski, Denis Pommier, Michael Richards, Sulaiman N. Sembiring, Luca Tacconi, Maria Teresa Vargas Rios and Adrian Wells Citing Wright, W. 1999 Final report of the review of the Basic Agrarian Law 1960. Indonesia Land Administration Project. World Bank
Fragmented Property Systems Fitzpatrick D Citing See Warren Wright, President Horta Sends Land Law Back to Parliament, TIMOR LESTE L. & JUST. BULL. (Mar. 24, 2012),
The Rule of Law: Theoretical, Cultural and Legal Challenges for Timor-Leste Ema Denby Dec 2010 This paper attempts to respond to Warren Wright‟s comments that Timor-Leste‟s political leaders have not always demonstrated a clear comprehension of the rule of law and essential democratic principles. Warren Wright, The Rule of Law in East Timor: Death by a Thousand Cuts Peace and Collaborative Development Network 2009) <> at 7 August 2010.
Indonesia Basic Agrarian Law No 5 of 1960 Unofficial English translation October 5, 2017 | Penulis: Warren Wright | Kategori: Property, Legal Personality
Request for Consideration of the Situation of Indigenous Peoples in Kalimantan, Indonesia, under the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination’s Urgent Action and Early Warning Procedures Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Seventy-First Session W. Wright, Final Report on the Review of the Basic Agrarian Law 1960. Indonesia: Land Administration Project. World Bank, Jakarta, 1999. Available at:; Report No: 28178-IND, Washington DC. 30 July – 18 August 2007
Forest Peoples Programme Assault on the Commons Deforestation and the Denial of Forest Peoples’ Rights in Indonesia Colchester, Patrick Anderson and Sophie Chao
Justice in the Forest: Rural Livelihoods and Forest Law Enforcement Marcus Colchester - 2006 - Forestry law and legislation Report of the BC Forest Policy Review. BC Ministry of Forests, Victoria. Wright, W. 1999 Final report of the review of the Basic Agrarian Law 1960. Indonesia Land Administration Project. World Bank
AusAid and the Formation of Land Markets in Asia-Pacific Australian Overseas Development Assistance and the Rural Poor: Institute and 11.11.11 Author: Dianto Bachriadi In the Indonesian case, the World Bank and AusAid, through the Indonesian Land Administration Project, strongly recommended to change the Indonesian land law, especially the Basic Agrarian Law, or BAL, of 1960 (Government of Indonesia, 1994: RE 2-3; Wright, 1999: iv-v and 73-74; and World Bank, 2004: 33)
Beyond a Formal Legal Property System: Property Rights on Land, Land Apartheid and Development in Indonesia Origins of Pluralistic Land Law in Indonesia Prior to the enactment of the Basic Agrarian Law of 1960, in Indonesia, there were numerous colonial laws, which regulated land .... (Warren L. Wright, Land Administration Project: Final Report on the Review of the Basic Agrarian Law 1960,
BRIDGING THE GAP: CHALLENGES TO COMMUNITY FORESTRY NETWORKING IN INDONESIA Marcus Colchester Citing Wright, Warren, 1999, Final Report on the Review of the Basic Agrarian Law 1960. Indonesia: Land Administration Project.
Governing sex workers in Timor Leste Carol Harrington Article first published online: 3 APR 2011 DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8373.2011.01440.x © 2011 The Author. Asia Pacific Viewpoint © 2011 Victoria University of Wellington. ETLJ Article Cited: 2005 ETLJ 6 Wright, W. (2005) Morality, religion and the law – abortion and prostitution in East Timor. Retrieved 19 October 2010 from:
The Case to Intervene and Stop East Timorese Killing ‘Witches’ ETLJ Article Cited: 2009 ETLJ 6 Witchcraft and Murder in East Timor
First report on the herpetofauna of the Oecusse District, an exclave of Timor-Leste ETLJ Article Cited: 2004 ETLJ 4 Sandalwood and environmental law in East Timor
Reaching Back to Move Forward: Using Adverse Possession to Resolve Land Conflicts in East Timor ETLJ Articles Cited: 2006 ETLJ 1 Warren L. Wright, Some Land Tenure Issues in Post-Conflict East Timor ; 2004 ETLJ 2 Warren L. Wright, UNTAET Land Policy
Ethnicity, Violence, & Land and Property Disputes in Timor-Leste Andrew Harrington ETLJ Article cited: 2004 ETLJ 2 Warren L. Wright. UNAET Land Policy 2004 ETLJ 2 (Wright) (Accessed July 27, 2006)
Criminal Defamation and Democracy in Indonesia: Regulating or Relegating Free Expression? Arjuna Dibley ETLJ Article Cited: 2009 ETLJ 5 Wright, Warren. "Criminal Defamation in East Timor - a Miscarriage of Justice."
La’o Hamutuk Land Processes in Timor-Leste 15 June 2009 ETLJ Article Cited: 2009 ETLJ 10 Land Policy in East Timor – The Cart Before the Horse by Warren Wright, East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin (2 May 2009)
Timor-Leste A Relapsing “Success” Story Henri Myrttinen Taiwan Journal of Democracy, Volume 5, No.1: 219-239 ETLJ Article Cited: 2009 ETLJ 2 Bu Wilson, “Timor-Leste: The Curious Case of the Fake Policemen” (accessed April 16, 2009)
Land and displacement in Timor-Leste by Ibere Lopes Humanitarian Practice Network Issue 43 June 2009 ETLJ Article Cited: 2007 ETLJ 2 Andrew Harrington, ‘Ethnicity, Violence and Land and Property Disputes in Timor-Leste’
East Timor: Thoughts on Abortion A Few Days Before Law Approval Global Voices 30 May 2009 ETLJ Article Cited: 2009 ETLJ 15 What happens when abortion is illegal
Timor Leste Armed Violence Assessment Dealing with the kilat An historical overview of small arms availability and arms control in Timor-Leste ETLJ Article Cited: 2008 ETLJ 4 Parker, Sarah. 2008. Commentary on Draft Arms Law in Timor-Leste
Commentary on the Draft Arms Law in Timor-Leste Sarah Parker
Beyond Democratic Tolerance: Witch Killings in Timor-Leste by R Strating - 2015
Investigações a responsáveis de Timor-Leste "vão continuar" Nov 6, 2014
Youth Time magazine - Art As A Haunt For Timor Leste Youth . Jun 20, 2017 -, photo by Warren Wright.
Mediating land conflict in East Timor Daniel Fitzpatrick » Reader/Associate Professor, College of Law, Australian National University, Canberra citing:
Wright, W 2004, ‘An overview of the provisions of East Timor’s Law No. 1 of 2003 on the juridical regime on immovable properties’ East Timor Law Journal 2004,
‘Some observations on the report on research findings and policy recommendations for a legal framework for land dispute mediation
ABC The World Today - East Timor removes international judges 27/10/2014
ABC East Timor government to sack foreign judges, advisers - ABC News
Assaults on Judges in East Timor Law Society Journal - October 2017
Housing, Land, and Property Rights in Post-Conflict United Nations,%20Property,%20and%20Land%20Rights%20in%20East%20Timor.pdf Scott Leckie - 2009 - Business & Economics
Transition from Illegal Regimes under International Law Yaël Ronen – 2011
Property and Sovereignty: Legal and Cultural Perspectives James Charles Smith - 2016 - Law Citing Waren L Wright A note on Land rights in east Timor and UNTAET Land Policy
Networked Governance of Freedom and Tyranny: Peace in Timor-Leste John Braithwaite, Hilary C. Charlesworth, Adérito Soares - 2012 - History Citing Wright, Warren L. 2009 'Witchcraft and murder in East Timor'
‘Empty Land’? The Politics of Land in Timor-Leste A New Era? Timor-Leste After the UNMeabh Cryan Citing Wright, W. 13/7/2009. Only Brief Thoughts from Baucau Allowed on the New Land Law. Timor Leste Land Studies blog. au/2009/07/only-brief-thoughts-from-baucau-allowed.html.
Ford, J. (2015). Regulating Business for Peace: The United Nations, the Private Sector, and Post-Conflict Recovery. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139583725 Citing Wright W An Overview of UNTAET Regulation No 2002/5 2004 East Timor Law Journal 18 & Wright W Sandalwood and Environmental Law in East Timor 2004 East Timor Law Journal 4
Housing, Land, and Property Rights in Post-Conflict United Nations and Other Peace Operations: A Comparative Survey and Proposal for Reform Indonesia: Law and Society - Page 223 - Google Books Result Timothy Lindsey - 2008 - Law Thorburn, Craig C (2004) 'A Hard Row to Hoe: Decentralisation, "Reformasi" and Land Management Policy in Indonesia', Digital Library of the Commons, <http://dlc.dlib. ... State, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit, Project ID P077206, Report 27246, November. Washington: World Bank. Wright, Warren L ...
Wright, Warren. 2000. Review of Existing Land Laws for the Purpose of Creating anEquitable Land Administration System. UNHABITAT Report, August 2000.
Wright, Warren. 2000. On the Reconstruction of the Record of Land Ownership in East Timor. UNHABITAT report.
Institute of Social Studies GRADUATE SCHOOL OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES The Role of Mininum Holding Regulations in Agrarian Reform: A Case Study of Indonesia A RESEARCH PAPER PRESENTED BY Nur Hidayat (Indonesia) In partial fulfillment of the requirements for obtaining the degree of MASTER OF ARTS IN DEVELOPMENT STUDIES SPECIALIZATION: RURAL LIVELIHOODS AND GLOBAL CHANGE Wright, Warren (1999), Final Report on the Review of the Basic Agrarian Law. <> [Accessed December 29 , 2004]
East Timor: Expert calls for end to legal language barriers Dili, 24 Jan. (AKI)
Rebecca Strating (2013)
East Timor's Emerging National Security Agenda: Establishing “Real” Independence, Asian Security, 9:3, 185-210, DOI: 10.1080/14799855.2013.832212 citing Wright Warren L. The Complexities of Timor-Leste-Indonesia Border Control
Promised Land: Palm Oil and Land Acquisition in Indonesia - Implications for Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples was first published in 2006 by Forest Peoples Programme, Perkumpulan Sawit Watch, HuMA and the World Agroforestry Centre Citing Wright, Warren (1999) Final Report on the Review of the Basic Agrarian Law 1960. Indonesia: Land Administration Project.
Land Reform Dari Masa Ke Masa Citing Wright, Warren L. 1999. Final Report on The Review of the Basic Agrarian Law 1960. Jakarta: Indonesian Land Administration Project (ILAP) Part C
Adinistration:Assessment of the Current Situation andFuture Prospects in East TimorFinal Report Mark MarquardtJon UnruhConsultants, Associates in Rural DevelopmentLena HeronUSAID, Washington D.C.Submitted to USAID East Timor9 October, 2002 Citing UN-HABITAT Wright, Warren, “Land Law In East Timor: Review Of Existing Land LawsFor The Purpose Of Creating An Equitable Land Administration System”, 22 August2000.
Land access and livelihoods in post-conflict Timor-Leste: no magic bullets Citing Wright, W. L. 2010. Community Land in East Timor – a New Tragedy of the Commons? 21 February Timor-Leste Land Law and Policy Information Centre. June 1, 2015).
Makalah Pengantar Ilmu Hukum Raka Septian Raka Septian Citing Wright, Warren L. Final Repot on The Review of The Basic Agrarian Law 1960. TA Land Adviser International, December 1999.
Smoke and Mirrors: The Development of the East Timorese Police1999-2009 A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of The Australian National University The Australian National University Bu Vicki Elizabeth Wilson Bachelor of Science (Honours), Murdoch University Master of Laws, Northern Territory University January 2010 Acknowledgments include Warren Wright
Tanah Yang Dijanjikan Wright, Warren (1999) Final Report on the Review of the Basic Agrarian Law 1960. Indonesia: Land Administration Project. WRM (2004)
Partisipasaun komunidade ba implementasaun tara bandu: studu kazu kona ba mudansa sosio-kultural iha suco Bucoli, distritu Baucau, Timor- Leste citing Wright, Warren 2009, Tara Bandu: The Adat Concept of the Environment, A translation of an article by Rogerio Soares in Direito (2003), Zacarias F. da Costa diakses tanggal 12 October2009.
Histories of Violence, States of Denial - Militias, Martial Arts and Masculinities in Timor Leste Henri Myrttinen A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Conflict Resolution & Peace Studies University of Kwazulu-Natal Citing Wright, Warren, 2009. “Witchcraft and Murder in East Timor,” East Timor Law Journal (online), 6/2009, accessed at
Property and Social Resilience in Times of Conflict: Land, Custom... isbn=131707470X -Daniel Fitzpatrick, Andrew McWilliam - 2016 - Law Land, Custom and Law in East Timor Daniel Fitzpatrick, Andrew McWilliam. governing law for East Timor that maintained 'the law as applied in East Timor ... law would not necessarily prejudice claims based on Portuguese titles (Wright 2004)
Examining the Changing “Rights” Discourse in East Timor since IndependenceMadhumitha Ardhanari 6 November 2013 Citing Wright, Warren. “What happens when abortion is illegal.” East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin 5 April 2009 & Wright, Warren. “East Timor: Language and The Law.” East Timor Law Journal 9 (2009)
Educational administration in Timor Leste : Language policy and building challenges in a post-conflict context International Journal of Educational Management 25(2):186-203 · March 2011 Citing Wright (2009)
Recognition of Indigenous Peoples in Indonesia: An International Human Rights Law Approach Marina Christina ANR: 388584 Master Thesis International and European Public Law – accent Human Rights Law University of Tilburg January 2012 Citing Wright, Warren L Final Report on the Review of the Basic Agrarian Law of 1960. December 1999. Page 93-94
Property and social resilience in times of conflict : land, custom and law in East TimorFitzpatrick, Daniel Citing: Wright, W. A Note on Land Rights in East Timor Government Regulation No 18 of 1991 On the Conversion of Land Rights in East Timor and the Purported Suspension of Article 5 by Government Regulation No 34 of 1992
Freedom House Report East Timor Citing Ibere Lopes, "Land and Displacement in Timor-Leste," Humanitarian Exchange Magazine 43 (June 2009), available at; "East Timor Land Rights: Restitution Not Possession – A Comment on the Draft Land Law," East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin, July 9, 2009, available at
Leaders, Lawyers & Lian Nains: Sources of Legal Authority in Timor-Leste Andrew Marriot Citing: Warren Wright 2009, 'Criminal Defamation in East Timor – A Miscarriage of Justice‘, East Timor Law Journal 5:1-2
Integrating climate change adaptation and mitigation in Timor-Leste Ingvar Anda Degrees: PhD: Sustainability and Technology Policy (Murdoch University) Bachelor of Arts, Honours, Politics, Philosophy and Sociology (Murdoch University) Faculty: Engineering, Health, Science and the Environment University: Charles Darwin University Master of Tropical Environmental Management (MTEM) Date of Submission: 06/11/2013 Citing Soares R, (2004) 'Tara Bandu: The Adat concept of the environment' (translated by Warren L. Wright) and East Timor Law Journal Wright WL (2010a) and 'The East Timor Land Law Program: Four Years On - Still No Land Law' East Timor Law Journal, http:// easttimorlegal. east-timor-land-law-pro gram-fouryears.html accessed 19/06/12Wright WL (2010b) 'Community Land in East Timer: A New Tragedy of the Commons?' East Timor Law Journal, /community-land-in-easttimor-a-new-tragedy-of-the-commons-3/ Accessed 19/06/12
The Ecology of Language Planning in Timor-Leste: A Study of Language Policy, Planning and Practices in Identity Construction by KJ Taylor-Leech 2007 Thesis (PhD Doctorate) Warren Wright mentioned in Acknowledgements
Valuing Women in Timor Leste: The need to address domestic violence by reforming customary law approaches while improving state justice Carolyn Julie Graydon ORCID iD 0000-0001-6602-3051 Submitted in total fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Citing: See Warren Wright ‘Morality, Religion and the Law-Abortion and Prostitution in East Timor’, (2005) 6 East Timor Law Journal Warren L Wright (2009) 'Witchcraft and Murder in East Timor' East Timor Law Journal 6.
Communal Violence, Trauma and Gender in Timor-Leste:An Exploration of how Informal Security Groups assist Timorese People to meet their Human Security Needs Laura Gilmartin
‘2013 Closes with More Gang Violence on the Streets of Dili’,East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin, [news article], (19 January 2014) <>, accessed 17 June 2014. Wright, Warren L. (ed.),
Strategi Pembaruan Agraria untuk Mengurangi Kemiskinan /Lilis Mulyani, Herry Yogaswara, Leolita Masnun, Rina Mardiana– Jakarta, 2011. Citing citing W. Wright Final Review of the Basic Agrarian Law 1960 Indonesian Land Administration Project
‘Police Fail in Conflict Prevention in Timor-Leste as Civil Society Appeals for More Effective Efforts’ ,East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin, [news article], (29 July 2013) < >, accessed 18 June 2014. Wright, Warren L. (ed.),
‘Police Slow to Act against Gang Violence in Timor -Leste’, East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin, [news article], (6 July 2013) < >, accessed 18 June 2014. Wright, Warren L. (ed.),
‘Timor-Leste Member of Parliament Reports Another Case of Police Brutality’, East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin, [news article], (6 July 2013) Wright, Warren L. (ed.)
Historic Injustice as an impediment to good governance in East Timor Citing In October 2012, Warren L. Wright of the Dili-based East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin published a scathing critique of the existing justice system in East Timor. Headed "Perversion of the rule of law in East Timor and its impact on state legitimacy", it was a particularly courageous article because it criticised the country's former military chief Taur Matan Ruak not long after he had been elected as the country's second democratically-elected President and because it said what many citizens thought privately but were afraid to say.
Komentariu Kona-Ba Proposta Lei Kilat Nian Iha Timor-Leste Sarah Parker Citation text: Obrigadu espesiál ba Jim Della-Giacoma, Warren Wright no Vitor Teixiera, Inspctór, Directoriado Porto da Polícia Judiciária, Portugal, ba sira nia kontribuisaun ba iha dokumentu ida-ne'e.
Political Philosophy, Educational Administration and Educative Leadership Reynold Macpherson - 2013 - Education New York, NY: Mentor. Citing Wright, W. (2009). Witchcraft and murder in East Timor. East Timor Law Journal
TIMOR-LESTE: Unfulfilled protection and assistance needs hamper the return of the displaced A profile of the internal displacement situation 7 September, 2007
Reaching back to move forward: Using Adverse Possession to Resolve Land Conflicts in East Timor Charlotte C. Williams Citing Warren L. Wright, Some Land Tenure Issues in Post-Conflict East Timor, 2006 E. TIMOR L.J. 1 (2006)
Land Administration in Post-Disaster Areas: Case Study of Banda Aceh, Indonesia Master of Science thesis by Rizqi Abdulharis Citation text: Citing Wright, W.L., 1999: Final Report on the Review of the Basic Agrarian Law 1960, TA Land Law Adviser International, Jakarta
Witchcraft and Dispute Resolution in East Timor Global Voices 27 December 2012 Sara Moreira Citing Wright, W. Murder and witchcraft in Timor-Leste
The Case to Intervene and Stop East Timorese Killing ‘Witches’ Dr Nicholas Herriman Postdoctoral Research Fellow Centre of Southeast Asian Studies Monash Asia Institute Monash University
Witchcraft, Conflict and Resolution in Timor-Leste Libbis M.Citing Wright, W. Murder and witchcraft in Timor-Leste
Exploring the Tensions of Nation Building in Timor-Leste Proceedings of a forum held at The University of Melbourne 15 September 2006 Citing
Wright, W., 2004. Some observations on the report on research findings and policy recommendations for a legal framework for land dispute mediation prepared by Timor-Leste land law program. 2004 East Timor Law Journal, 10. Available from: 2000.
Some land tenure issues in post-Conflict East Timor. 2006 East Timor Law Journal,
Justice in the forest Rural livelihoods and forest law enforcement Marcus Colchester with Marco Boscolo, Arnoldo Contreras-Hermosilla, Filippo Del Gatto, Jessica Dempsey, Guillaume Lescuyer, Krystof Obidzinski, Denis Pommier, Michael Richards, Sulaiman N. Sembiring, Luca Tacconi, Maria Teresa Vargas Rios and Adrian Wells Citing Wright, W. 1999 Final report of the review of the Basic Agrarian Law 1960. Indonesia Land Administration Project. World Bank
Fragmented Property Systems Fitzpatrick D Citing See Warren Wright, President Horta Sends Land Law Back to Parliament, TIMOR LESTE L. & JUST. BULL. (Mar. 24, 2012),
The Rule of Law: Theoretical, Cultural and Legal Challenges for Timor-Leste Ema Denby Dec 2010 This paper attempts to respond to Warren Wright‟s comments that Timor-Leste‟s political leaders have not always demonstrated a clear comprehension of the rule of law and essential democratic principles. Warren Wright, The Rule of Law in East Timor: Death by a Thousand Cuts Peace and Collaborative Development Network 2009) <> at 7 August 2010.
Indonesia Basic Agrarian Law No 5 of 1960 Unofficial English translation October 5, 2017 | Penulis: Warren Wright | Kategori: Property, Legal Personality
Request for Consideration of the Situation of Indigenous Peoples in Kalimantan, Indonesia, under the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination’s Urgent Action and Early Warning Procedures Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Seventy-First Session W. Wright, Final Report on the Review of the Basic Agrarian Law 1960. Indonesia: Land Administration Project. World Bank, Jakarta, 1999. Available at:; Report No: 28178-IND, Washington DC. 30 July – 18 August 2007
Forest Peoples Programme Assault on the Commons Deforestation and the Denial of Forest Peoples’ Rights in Indonesia Colchester, Patrick Anderson and Sophie Chao
Justice in the Forest: Rural Livelihoods and Forest Law Enforcement Marcus Colchester - 2006 - Forestry law and legislation Report of the BC Forest Policy Review. BC Ministry of Forests, Victoria. Wright, W. 1999 Final report of the review of the Basic Agrarian Law 1960. Indonesia Land Administration Project. World Bank
AusAid and the Formation of Land Markets in Asia-Pacific Australian Overseas Development Assistance and the Rural Poor: Institute and 11.11.11 Author: Dianto Bachriadi In the Indonesian case, the World Bank and AusAid, through the Indonesian Land Administration Project, strongly recommended to change the Indonesian land law, especially the Basic Agrarian Law, or BAL, of 1960 (Government of Indonesia, 1994: RE 2-3; Wright, 1999: iv-v and 73-74; and World Bank, 2004: 33)
Beyond a Formal Legal Property System: Property Rights on Land, Land Apartheid and Development in Indonesia Origins of Pluralistic Land Law in Indonesia Prior to the enactment of the Basic Agrarian Law of 1960, in Indonesia, there were numerous colonial laws, which regulated land .... (Warren L. Wright, Land Administration Project: Final Report on the Review of the Basic Agrarian Law 1960,
BRIDGING THE GAP: CHALLENGES TO COMMUNITY FORESTRY NETWORKING IN INDONESIA Marcus Colchester Citing Wright, Warren, 1999, Final Report on the Review of the Basic Agrarian Law 1960. Indonesia: Land Administration Project.
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Smoke and Mirrors: The Development of the East Timorese Police1999-2009 A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of The Australian National University The Australian National University Bu Vicki Elizabeth Wilson Bachelor of Science (Honours), Murdoch University Master of Laws, Northern Territory University January 2010 Acknowledgments include Warren Wright
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