03/12/2015 Government of East Timor Press Release - The Council of Ministers met extraordinarily this Monday, November 30th, 2015, in the meeting room of the Council of Ministers, at the Government Palace in Dili, and approved:
1. Staff Regulations of the Presidency of the Republic
The Staff Regulations of the Presidency of the Republic recognize the administrative and financial autonomy of the Office of the Presidency and take into account the specific roles and responsibilities of personnel supporting this sovereign body. This diploma also takes into account the civil servants working in the Presidency of the Republic, linked to the Civil Service Regulations, and their special work needs.
It should be recalled that the revision of the Organizational Structure Law of the Presidency of the Republic, in January 2014, repealed the provisions relating to the management of human resources, referring its solution to the approval of the Staff Regulations of the Presidency of the Republic, which has now been approved by the Council of Ministers.
2. Timor-Leste’s Investment and Export Promotion Agency, P.I. - Tradeinvest
This project, examined at the meeting of the Council of Ministers of November 24th, 2015, aims to reformulate the Specialised Investment Agency - Invest Timor-Leste, transforming it in Timor-Leste’s Investment and Export Promotion Agency, P.I. - Tradeinvest Timor-Leste. This measure aims to create a dissemination strategy of Timor-Leste abroad, promoting investment opportunities in the country, encouraging national entrepreneurship and increasing exports.
The project foresees that the new agency will focus its action on the promotion, dissemination, coordination, streamlining and monitoring of investment opportunities in the country and on exports of goods and services produced in Timor-Leste, working as the privileged vehicle of the nation’s economic promotion.
3. Decree-law that establishes the National Register of Vessels and Ships of Timor-Leste
This diploma creates a registry of ships and vessels with motors, giving them the privilege of flying the national flag and navigating under the jurisdiction of Timor-Leste, guaranteeing them a clear legal situation, whether public or private. Registration conditions are established to ensure compliance with security rules and navigation conditions, as well as necessary inspections.
This measure allows for the quality control of the growth of maritime transport, which will result from economic development and expansion of the country's maritime capabilities.
The Council of Ministers also examined:
1. Preparation Plan for Climate Change
This plan, developed by the Ministry of the Interior, takes into account studies on the impact of climate change in Timor-Leste, the vulnerabilities Timor-Leste faces with these changes, and measures already taken - ratification of international agreements (Convention to Combat Desertification, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Convention on Biological Biodiversity) and national deliberations (National Policy and Strategies for the Forestry Sector, Environmental Licensing, Legislative Authorization on Environmental Matters and National Action Programme to Adapt to Climate Change).
Cross-cutting measures directed at the reduction of the adverse effects of climate change were identified, for the promotion of development and sustainable use of natural resources and for the response to the effects of natural disasters. This response is the responsibility of the National Authority for Civil Protection. According to the plan, the Ministry of the Interior shall finalise the necessary legislation for Civil Protection and submit it to the relevant entities, as well as prepare a Special Emergency Plan for Civil Protection against adverse conditions caused by the El Niño climate phenomenon.
The Ministry of the Interior shall now work with the relevant ministries to define and develop concrete tasks, detailing the required resources and appointing a focal point for constant communication with the National Authority of Civil Protection.
2. National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity
The national working group for biodiversity, coordinated by the General Directorate for the Environment of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Environment (MCIE) submitted to the Council of Ministers the fifth Timor-Leste report to the Convention on Biological Diversity.
This report updates the status of biodiversity in Timor-Leste, provides the evaluation on the strategic implementation and national action plan for biodiversity, and reflects the nation’s progress to reach Aichi’s goals for biodiversity (defined in the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity for the period 2011 to 2020, held in the city of Nagoya, Province of Aichi, Japan).
The information contained in this report concentrates mainly on four areas: agricultural biodiversity, forestry biodiversity, aquatic biodiversity, and communication.
The drafting of this report had the support of the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Bank’s Global Environment Facility.
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