Meeting of the Council of Ministers of May 3rd, 2016
Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Sixth Constitutional Government
Dili, May 3rd, 2016
Meeting of the Council of Ministers of May 3rd, 2016
The Council of Ministers met this Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016, at the Government Palace in Dili and approved:
1. Draft Law for Commercial Companies
The current Law N. 4/2004 is largely out-of-date in its solutions. Given the economic development programme designed by this Government, it is necessary to establish a legal regime for commercial companies, so as to simplify and facilitate the creation of small and medium-sized commercial enterprises. The drafting of this proposal has been preceded by a study done with the technical support of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and its results were presented in November 2015 to the private sector, to the relevant ministries and other development partners, for discussion and debate. This draft law is part of a programme of legislative reforms that includes a legal regime review for SERVE (“SERVE - Serviço de Registo e Verificação Empresarial”), the laws for Commercial Registration and Licensing Procedures and a Law on Insolvency and Corporate Recovery.
2. Decree-Law on the Legal Regime for Licensing and Operation of Travel Agencies
The present diploma, submitted by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, regulates the licensing process and operation of travel agencies and aims to safeguard the rights of all that use them. Travel agencies are of great importance for the growth of the tourism, sector, one of the strategic sectors identified in the National Development Plan.
3. Decree-Law on the Legal Regime for the Classification of Camping Sites
Because of the extraordinary characteristics of the country for adventure tourism and the predicted growth in numbers of visitors hiking and camping, the Government has moved to regulate the licensing, installation, classification, operation and supervision of camping sites, to guarantee, in particular, safety, health and hygiene conditions in this type of infrastructure.
4. Proposal for a National Parliament Resolution: approval of UNESCO’s Constitution
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization has a mission “to contribute to the building of a culture of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information.”. Timor-Leste acceded to UNESCO on June 5th, 2003, and, under point (a) of article 115 of RDTL’s Constitution, the Government now presents to the National Parliament a proposal for the ratification of UNESCO’s Constitution.
The Council of Ministers also reviewed:
1. Draft Decree-Law on the Establishment of Special Tourist Areas
The Council of Ministers examined a proposal to establish special tourist areas with a view to attracting investment in the tourism sector. The development of policy in this area seeks to create high quality tourism infrastructure whilst preserving and enhancing Timor-Leste’s natural beauty. Special tourist areas are a basis for sustainable tourism development, particularly in regards to landscape preservation and environmental management.
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