02 October 2011

Police urge evicted Sertorio family to move from public road

East Timor Legal News 02 October2011 Source: Televizaun Timor-Leste, September 30, 2011 language source: Tetun - The Dili District Police Commander Superintendent Chief Pedro Belo has called on Sertorio Pereira and his family to move from the street they occupy in Bairo Central, Dili so that the public can use the street.

Belo said the police will take strong action against them if they remain hell bent on staying on the road.

"As a human being then I think it is important to see this case carefully, but it is important also for them to move to another place in order to give space for public to use that road. We will continue to approach them and asking them to leave that place, because if they continue to stay there then it will prejudice public right to use that road."

Belo said that he has information saying that Sertorio's family are still getting access to the house they used tooccupy and that means they breach the decision made by the court to evict them from that house.

The Dili district court decided to evict Sertorio and his family because they lost in the trial process in the court that found that the house does not belong to them.

The Dili District Police forcibly evicted them on September 22 and the family made camp in the front of the house they used to stay in and that impedes the public from using that road.

He also called on the students who are holding rallies to defend Sertorio and his family to respect court's decision; decision of the court is the highest and legal decision in the country.

ETLJB Editor's Note:  See also

Police evict family occupying property for 30 years after court finds title remains vested in Timorese who fled Indonesian invasion in 1975

East Timor Land Rights: Restitution Not Possession - A Comment on the Draft Land Law

TIMOR-LESTE: Regulating land ownership "key to stability"

REDE BA RAI PRESS STATEMENT: More evictions to come / Eviksaun barak bele akontese ba oin

Q&A-Why is land such a big issue in East Timor?

East Timor land law fuels fears of evictions, conflict

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