Although the East Timor Law Journal has closed, it still has several good articles on various topics and are still accessible at
1. The Rule of Law: Theoretical, Cultural and Legal Challenges for Timor-Leste
1. Community land in East Timor – A New Tragedy of the Commons?
2. The East Timor Land Law Program: Four Years On – Still No Land Law
3. Lawyers condemn pardoning of criminals in East Timor as an erosion of democracy and the rule of law
1. The Regulation of Martial Arts in East Timor: An Overview of Law No 10 of 2008 on the practice of martial arts
2. Timor-Leste - The Curious Case of the Fake Policemen
3. Violation of the Rule of Law and Criminal Justice in East Timor
4. Defamation in East Timor: A Criminal Offence or Not: A Legal Analysis
5. Criminal Defamation in East Timor - A Miscarriage of Justice
6. Witchcraft and Murder in East Timor
7. The Case to Intervene and Stop East Timorese Killing ‘Witches’
8. Handle with Care: Private Security Companies in Timor-Leste
9. East Timor: Language and The Law
10. Land Policy in East Timor: The Cart Before the Horse
11. East Timor Land Rights: Restitution Not Possession - A Comment on the Draft Land Law
12. Political interference in judicial processes in East Timor
13. Communal Land Tenure Systems in East Timor to have no legal status under new draft land law
14. Draft land law provisions on land rights for foreigners in East Timor will smother development
15. What happens when abortion is illegal - The case of East Timor
16. HIV-AIDS and Homophobia in East Timor
17. Homosexuality in East Timor
18. New gun laws in East Timor defeated in Parliament
19. Environmental laws fail to protect endangered fauna in East Timor
1. Justice for Serious Crimes Committed during 1999 in Timor-Leste: Where to From Here?
2. Joint Command for PNTL & F-FDTL Undermines Rule of Law & Security Sector Reform in Timor-Leste
3. Criminal Justice in East Timor and the Constitution of East Timor
4. Commentary on the Draft Arms Law in Timor-Leste
5. Deleted
1. The Law on Political Parties (No 3/2004) & the Decision of the Timor-Leste Court of Appeal in the case of Vitor da Costa & Ors v Fretilin
2. Ethnicity, Violence & Land & Property Disputes in Timor-Leste
3. East Timor: Reconciliation & Reconstruction
4. Legal opinion on the appointment of the Prime Minister and the formation of Government in Timor-Leste
5. A legal opinion on the Formation of an Unconstitutional Government in Timor-Leste
6. Commission for Truth Friendship East Timor Competing Concepts of Justice
7. 25th of May 2006 Massacre & War Crimes in Timor-Leste
1. Some Land Tenure Issues in Post-Conflict East Timor
2. Extradition from Indonesia to East Timor & the Serious Crimes Process in East Timor 1999 - 2005
3. East Timor: Internal Security, States of Seige & Emergency: A Note on the Constitutional Provisions & the Internal Security Law 2003
4. East Timor: The Constitutional Process Governing the Dismissal of the Government
5. Guidelines for Preparation of Outgoing Requests by East Timor for International Judicial Assistance - Extradition Requests & Letters Rogatory - A Practice Manual
6. Roles of the President and the Prime Minister in the Current Constitutional Crisis in East Timor
7. Institutions & the East Timorese Experience
8. An Early Warning System for Timor-Leste: A Framework Concept of the Need & Possibility of an Early Warning System for the Timorese People
1. The Timor-Leste Maritime Boundaries Case
2. Deleted
3. On the occasion of the International Conference on Traditional Dispute Resolution & Traditional Justice in Timor-Leste
4. General Facts on the Timor Sea & Facts on the Negotiations on a Permanent Maritime Boundary between Timor-Leste & Australia
5. Deleted
6. Morality, Religion & the Law: Abortion & Prosititution in East Timor
1. A Note on Land Rights in East Timor (Indonesian Government Regulation No 18 of 1991 on the Conversion of Land Rights in East Timor) & the Purported Suspension of Article 5 by Government Regulation No 24 of 1992
2. UNTAET Land Policy
3. Some Observations on UNTAET Regulation No 27/2000 on the Temporary Prohibition on Transactions in Land by Indonesian Citizens
4. Sandalwood & Environmental Law in East Timor
5. Some Observations on the Report on Research Findings & Policy Recommendations for a Legal Framework for Land Dispute Mediation in East Timor
6. An Overview of East Timor's Law No 1 of 2003 on the Juridical Regime on Immovable Properties
7. Report on Research into Adat Land Law in East Timor
8. Short Analysis of UNTAET Executive Order No 2 of 2002 on the Decriminalisation of Defamation
9. An Overview of the Constitutional Drafting Process in East Timor
10. Some Notes on East Timor Government Decree No 1/2004 on the Orthographical Standard of the Tetum Language
11. UNTAET Guidelines for the Administration of Public & Abandoned Property by District Administrations
12. Tara Bandu: The Adat Concept of the Environment in East Timor
13. Finding Ways of Resolving Land Problems in East Timor
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