National Directorate LAND, PROPERTY AND
Nature The National Directorate of Land , property and Cadastral Services (DNTPSC) is the service responsible for the creation and management of an information system concerning the use and ownership of real estate and implementation of an efficient system of state property management.
incumbent upon DNTPSC:
To support government departments in the management of real estate in the public domain and the private domain of state assets;
Promote the necessary measures, in accordance with Law, start the recovery process of the real estate
State assets;
Promote information and operate the administrative procedures to resolve conflicts of possession and ownership of real estate;
Collaborate with the judicial authorities and alternative dispute resolution institutions litigation in resolving ownership disputes and real estate property;
Administer the estate homes that, under the Act are considered abandoned, lost or reverted to the State;
Create a National Geographic Service;
Create a national property register;
Prepare land titles for subsequent registration in the Land Registry;
Collaborate, within their competence, with the remaining agents of the justice services and other relevant entities.
1 - The National Directorate of Land, Property and Cadastral Services is made
by the District Directorates and the following departments:
Department of Administration;
Securities Department of Registration and Land Dispute;
Department of Registration, Information and Evaluation;
Department Goods Administration Public Buildings;
Department of Land Management and Spatial Data Development;
2 - The powers of the departments can be delegated in organic subunits directly under the Head of Department, when there is a workload or complexity to justify it .
National Director
The National Director:
Leading the National Directorate of Land, Property and Cadastral Services in the implementation of land policy and property;
Develop the strategic plan of the National Directorate of Land, Property and Cadastral Services, taking into account the current responsibilities and services to be provided in the future by the Directorate;
To supervise the activities of all Departments and District or Regional Directorates, ensuring the coordination of the work performed;
Conclude the contracts of special lease and addenda to renew leases and transmission of the lessee 's position;
Ensure transparency and the quality of services provided by DNTPSC and encourage improvements in the quality of services provided by the District Directorates and Regional coordination with DNTPSC in Dili;
Meet periodically with the bosses District directions for planning coordination with DNTPSC Dili;
Presenting the program of activities to the Minister of Justice, according to the legislative measures and policies adopted by the Ministry in the areas of land and property registration services;
Present the periodic report of DNTPSC activities to the Minister of Justice.
Propose the appointment of department heads and district directors;
Perform other duties as assigned by law or delegated by the Minister of Justice
District Director
1 - The Director of the District Directorate.
Ensure implementation of the powers of the District Board;
Coordinate the activities of the District Directorate with the National Director;
Develop the business plan of the District Directorate and present its budget to the National Director;
Submit periodic activity report to the National Director;
Ensure efficiency and transparency in the administration of the District Board;
Perform other duties as assigned by law or delegated by the National Director;
2 - The office of District Director is equivalent to the post of Head of Department, under the terms and according to the law.
Head of Department of Skills
The Department Head: To
ensure and supervise the execution of the powers of the Department;
Prepare the action plan in collaboration with the other Heads of Departments and the National Director;
Submit periodic activity report to the National Director;
Perform other duties as assigned by law or delegated by the National Director;
Central Services
Department of Administration
1 - The Department of Administration is the service responsible for the file of the administration and management of human, financial, logistical and of DNTPSC.
2 - The Department of Administration:
1 - The Department of Administration is the service responsible for the file of the administration and management of human, financial, logistical and the National Directorate.
2 - The Department of Administration:
Organize all secretarial hours, ensuring their reception, registration and classification;
Prepare, in coordination with the National Directorate of Administration and Finance the budget proposal and the annual action plan and monitor its implementation, propose the necessary amendments;
Prepare plans for financial management, logistics and personnel;
Prepare requests for budget appropriations funds;
Manage resources and financial resources available to the DNTPSC, ensuring the necessary administrative procedures;
Receive funds and issue receipts on rates or fees charged for public services provided within its competence;
Collect, organize and maintain updated information concerning human resources;
Supervise the administrative activities related to staff assigned to the National Directorate and proceed to attendance records and staff seniority;
Organize and instruct the processes related to professional status of staff, and ensure the necessary administrative coordination procedures with the National Directorate of Administration and Finance;
Realize and ensure the file in electronic form, of all documentation;
Ensure, in close collaboration with the National Directorate of Administration and Finance, the operating system and computer equipment;
To ensure the distribution of resources and equipment within the DNTPSC;
Ensure the monitoring, security, cleaning and storage of their premises;
Perform other duties as assigned by law or delegated by the National Director.
Department of Registration of Deeds and Land Disputes
1 - The Department of Registration of Deeds and Land Dispute is the service responsible for identifying the real estate and the management of dispute resolution mechanisms on the possession or ownership of real estate.
2 - It is incumbent upon the Department of Registration of Deeds and Land Dispute:
Perform the assignment registration of property rights;
To register of state property;
To register all legal acts which by law are required to be registered;
To proceed with the subsequent registration of all acts which by law must be recorded to the record;
Ensure the legitimacy and integrity of registration and settlement documents;
Prepare and issue the certificates provided for by law;
Prepare and provide to the public information available on real estate as well as certificates confirming the information contained in the national registry database of real estate;
Provide service to the public in matters relating to registration and endorsements;
Coordinate with the Department of Registration the exchange of relevant information to the registry;
Provide customer service, providing information about the status of complaints, its processing and receive the plaintiffs documents relating to claims filed,
promote screening and prepare the records of each complaint;
Facilitate coordination with other services of the public administration or judicial authorities for forwarding relevant issues with the registration or exchange of information relating to complaints.
Perform the necessary steps to resolve the conflicts of possession and ownership of property in the possession of individuals;
Promote mediation between the conflicting parties in the complaint process;
Develop together with the parties, the terms of the Mediation Agreement;
Create and maintain a system of information on the allocation of titles obtained through mediation agreements;
Exercise oversight of the District Directorates mediation activities and promote training courses to district or regional officials;
Producing regular reports with information on the number of cases referred to mediation, the percentage of resolved disputes and other relevant data;
Support and guide the Director in response to judicial notifications and administrative complaints;
Coordinate with the prosecution the state's participation in judicial proceedings involving ownership issues or abandoned property or state property;
Perform other duties as assigned by law or delegated by the National Director.
3 - The skills referred to in subparagraphs a) to i) of the previous number are temporarily exercised by the Department of Registration of Deeds and Land Dispute until they are assured of appropriate infrastructure to its exercise by the National Directorate of Registries and Notaries.
4 - The skills identified in points n) r) of No.2 are temporarily exercised by the Department of Securities Registration and Land Dispute to implementation of an official institution for mediation and alternative dispute resolution.
Department of Registration, Information and Evaluation
1 - The Department of Registration, Information and Evaluation Service is responsible for the preparation and administration of the register, as well as the assessment of land in the country.
2 - It is incumbent upon the Department of Registration, Information and Evaluation:
Create and manage the information system on real estate;
Carry out technical surveys;
Establish technical standards and specifications in the register;
Create, update and maintain the cadastre and manage the geodesic network within the national territory;
Produce the newsletter registration information and provide copies to the public, through the general system of care;
Control Surveyor and certifying activity;
Ratify cadastral nature of work carried out by other entities.
Certify the geographical location and the geometric configuration of the cadastral plans;
Proceed to the identification of the property and create cadastral base maps;
Approve the cadastral nature of work carried out by other entities.
Provide information on the real estate to DNTPSC departments and other government departments;
Prepare and update, at the request of the National Director, the technical evaluation tables land and buildings;
Undertake an evaluation of land and buildings of the whole territory;
Prepare grant proposals for grace periods or the amount of income adjustment for lease agreements and submit them to the Minister of Justice.
Perform other duties as assigned by law or delegated by the National Director.
Department of Real Estate Management of the State
1 - The Department of Real Estate Management is the service responsible for managing the State 's real estate and property abandoned buildings.
2 - It is incumbent upon the Department Goods Administration Public Buildings:
Develop, maintain and update, in coordination with the District Directorates, a database cataloging all state property or under its management;
Prepare technical reports on the properties to be leased.
With a case of allocation of state property to bodies or government services;
Promote and realize the lease of real estate of the State or under its management for residential purposes of commercial, agricultural or industrial, diplomatic missions and international organizations.
Hold a systematic file, with a database of leases of real property of the State and under management managed by the Department, including special contracts and those awarded by the District Directorates;
Promote the regularization of nationals illegally occupying state property assets under management or by concluding special lease contracts;
Implement a payment control system of rents from the leases of state property or in state administration;
Oversee the collection of payments owed and instruct the collection of the fine on the rent due under the legislation.
Develop updated database on situations of default;
Issue notification of administrative eviction to the occupants in an irregular situation under the legislation.
Promote and monitor, in legal terms, the administrative eviction of illegal occupants of real property of the State or under its management and prepare a report on each case;
Inform the Minister of Justice on any legal consequences or interventions pertaining to the administrative eviction procedures;
Proceed to award leases, under the legislation in force;
Perform other duties as assigned by law or delegated by the National Director;
Department of Land Management and Development of Spatial Data
1 - The Department of Land Management and Spatial Data Development is the service responsible for the certification of technical aspects in the location of land for a specific use and support the delimitation of administrative boundaries and borders International;
2 - It is incumbent upon the Department of Land Management and Spatial Data Development:
Make the technical aspects of the location of land for a specific use;
To survey and research the land use change and determine its classification;
Perform spatial studies, monitoring of land use change and support the project planning;
Cartograms prepare for specific purposes;
Supporting Public Administration services in the delimitation of administrative boundaries and international borders;
To ensure and promote the conservation and maintenance of the landmarks installed on the lines of boundaries and administrative boundaries;
To ensure and maintain the files and the geographic database in the fields of its competence;
Organize national cartographic series;
Develop and monitor the mapping and surveying production work;
Develop technical standards of cartographic production;
Issue certification to qualified professionals to mapping activities;
Produce, process and store geographic information in general;
Acquire and process aerial photography and orthophotomaps;
Acquiring satellite images and processing them so they can be used for mapping purposes;
Building the management of a metadata information system;
Available archived geographic information;
Coordinate with the rDepartamentos DNTPSC and other public or private institutions to obtain relevant data for the production of geographic information;
Perform other duties as assigned by law or delegated by the National Director. Prepare grant proposals for grace periods or the amount of income adjustment for lease agreements and submit them to the Minister of Justice. Perform other duties as assigned by law or delegated by the National Director. Department of Real Estate Management of the State 1 - The Department of Real Estate Management is the service responsible for managing the State 's real estate and property abandoned buildings. 2 - It is incumbent upon the Department Goods Administration Public Buildings: Develop, maintain and update, in coordination with the District Directorates, a database cataloging all state property or under its management; Prepare technical reports on the properties to be leased. With a case of allocation of state property to bodies or government services; Promote and realize the lease of real estate of the State or under its management for residential purposes of commercial, agricultural or industrial, diplomatic missions and international organizations. Hold a systematic file, with a database of leases of real property of the State and under management managed by the Department, including special contracts and those awarded by the District Directorates; Promote the regularization of nationals illegally occupying state property assets under management or by concluding special lease contracts; Implement a payment control system of rents from the leases of state property or in state administration; Oversee the collection of payments owed and instruct the collection of the fine on the rent due under the legislation. Develop updated database on situations of default; Issue notification of administrative eviction to the occupants in an irregular situation under the legislation. Promote and monitor, in legal terms, the administrative eviction of illegal occupants of real property of the State or under its management and prepare a report on each case; Inform the Minister of Justice on any legal consequences or interventions pertaining to the administrative eviction procedures; Proceed to award leases, under the legislation in force; Perform other duties as assigned by law or delegated by the National Director; Department of Land Management and Development of Spatial Data 1 - The Department of Land Management and Spatial Data Development is the service responsible for the certification of technical aspects in the location of land for a specific use and support the delimitation of administrative boundaries and borders International; 2 - It is incumbent upon the Department of Land Management and Spatial Data Development: Make the technical aspects of the location of land for a specific use; To survey and research the land use change and determine its classification; Perform spatial studies, monitoring of land use change and support the project planning; Cartograms prepare for specific purposes; Supporting Public Administration services in the delimitation of administrative boundaries and international borders; To ensure and promote the conservation and maintenance of the landmarks installed on the lines of boundaries and administrative boundaries; To ensure and maintain the files and the geographic database in the fields of its competence; Organize national cartographic series; Develop and monitor the mapping and surveying production work; Develop technical standards of cartographic production; Issue certification to qualified professionals to mapping activities; Produce, process and store geographic information in general; Acquire and process aerial photography and orthophotomaps; Acquiring satellite images and processing them so they can be used for mapping purposes; Building the management of a metadata information system; Available archived geographic information; Coordinate with the rDepartamentos DNTPSC and other public or private institutions to obtain relevant data for the production of geographic information; Perform other duties as assigned by law or delegated by the National Director. Prepare grant proposals for grace periods or the amount of income adjustment for lease agreements and submit them to the Minister of Justice. Perform other duties as assigned by law or delegated by the National Director. Department of Real Estate Management of the State 1 - The Department of Real Estate Management is the service responsible for managing the State 's real estate and property abandoned buildings. 2 - It is incumbent upon the Department Goods Administration Public Buildings: Develop, maintain and update, in coordination with the District Directorates, a database cataloging all state property or under its management; Prepare technical reports on the properties to be leased. With a case of allocation of state property to bodies or government services; Promote and realize the lease of real estate of the State or under its management for residential purposes of commercial, agricultural or industrial, diplomatic missions and international organizations. Hold a systematic file, with a database of leases of real property of the State and under management managed by the Department, including special contracts and those awarded by the District Directorates; Promote the regularization of nationals illegally occupying state property assets under management or by concluding special lease contracts; Implement a payment control system of rents from the leases of state property or in state administration; Oversee the collection of payments owed and instruct the collection of the fine on the rent due under the legislation. Develop updated database on situations of default; Issue notification of administrative eviction to the occupants in an irregular situation under the legislation. Promote and monitor, in legal terms, the administrative eviction of illegal occupants of real property of the State or under its management and prepare a report on each case; Inform the Minister of Justice on any legal consequences or interventions pertaining to the administrative eviction procedures; Proceed to award leases, under the legislation in force; Perform other duties as assigned by law or delegated by the National Director; Department of Land Management and Development of Spatial Data 1 - The Department of Land Management and Spatial Data Development is the service responsible for the certification of technical aspects in the location of land for a specific use and support the delimitation of administrative boundaries and borders International; 2 - It is incumbent upon the Department of Land Management and Spatial Data Development: Make the technical aspects of the location of land for a specific use; To survey and research the land use change and determine its classification; Perform spatial studies, monitoring of land use change and support the project planning; Cartograms prepare for specific purposes; Supporting Public Administration services in the delimitation of administrative boundaries and international borders; To ensure and promote the conservation and maintenance of the landmarks installed on the lines of boundaries and administrative boundaries; To ensure and maintain the files and the geographic database in the fields of its competence; Organize national cartographic series; Develop and monitor the mapping and surveying production work; Develop technical standards of cartographic production; Issue certification to qualified professionals to mapping activities; Produce, process and store geographic information in general; Acquire and process aerial photography and orthophotomaps; Acquiring satellite images and processing them so they can be used for mapping purposes; Building the management of a metadata information system; Available archived geographic information; Coordinate with the rDepartamentos DNTPSC and other public or private institutions to obtain relevant data for the production of geographic information; Perform other duties as assigned by law or delegated by the National Director.
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