ETLJB 11 NOvember 2013 - On 30 October 2013 the Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP), through its Legal Research Unit (LRU) provided legal training about “access to the formal law” in Baricafa Village, Luro Sub-District, Lospalos District.
The participants in this training included members of the village administrative structure, namely the Village Chief, Sub-Village Chief, elders, women and youth representatives. There were 30 participants in this training, comprising 17 men and 13 women.
The training materials covered issues relating to the rights of all citizens, the formal justice system in Timor-Leste, the role of judicial actors such as judges, prosecutors, private lawyers and public defenders, the classification of public crimes and semi public crimes in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code and the Penal Code (the positive law).
“This training for local leaders is part of a commitment and concerted effort by JSMP to continue providing legal information to community leaders and all elements of the village administrative structure. As they are the ones with primary responsibility in remote areas, it is hoped that they will pass on the information to other members of the community who are not yet aware of the formal justice system”, said the Executive Director of JSMP, Luis de Oliveira Sampaio.
The Village Chief of Baricafa, Lamberto Soares, in his welcoming speech expressed his admiration and pride that JSMP had chosen to provide information about the legal process administered by the courts, including explanations about the advantages and complexities involved, to the residents of the aforementioned village.
The Village Chief said that this type of training can increase their knowledge about legal matters and how they can resolve a case through the formal justice system and at the same time they can learn about their rights and responsibilities in relation to their involvement or association with a criminal act and the legal process.
Therefore, in his capacity as the Village Chief he requested for the members of the community, and in particular the elements of the village administrative structure, who participated in this training to pay full attention to the information provided by the facilitator so that this information could be passed on to family members and other members of the community.
Almost all of the participants actively participated in the training and showed a high level of enthusiasm to find out about the formal justice process.
They also requested for JSMP to continue organizing the same kind of training in their village and in other villages because many members of the community have not received this kind of training about the formal justice process.
This training program training was carried out with the financial support of the government Finland, in Jakarta. Source: JSMP Press Release 4 November 2013 Edited by Warren L. Wright
See also
Timor Leste Legal Education Project - Free Legal Texts on Professional Responsibility, Contracts and Constitutional Law in English, Tetum and Portuguese
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