ETLJB 27 November 2013 - The Government met on 22 October 2013, in the Council of Ministers' meeting room, at the Government's Palace, in Dili, and approved:
1. Draft Law that approves the State Budget for the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste for 2014
The draft law on the State Budget (OGE) for 2014 covers all revenues and expenditures of the State of Timor-Leste and covers the period from January 1,2014 and December 31, 2014. The estimated total revenue from all sources (oil, non- oil, tax and non-tax revenues and revenues from loan) of the State Budget for this period is $2,430.5 million U.S. dollars. The budget allocations, in U.S. dollars, are as follows:
1 - $166.932 millions of dollars for Salaries and Wages;
2 - $475.636 millions of dollars for Goods and Services;
3 - $292.175 millions of dollars for Public Transfers;
4 - $39.713 millions of dollars for Minor Capital;
5 - $525.544 millions of dollars for Development Capital.
Excluding the autonomous services and funds, special funds and loans, the total budget is $1,020,620 millions of dollars.
The estimated expenditure for the autonomous funds and services in 2014 is $14.245 millions, of which $9.476 millions is transferred from the state budget in order to subsidize expenses that exceed their own revenue.
The total budget allocation for the Fund for Infrastructure, including loans, is $425.135 millions and $374.087 millions excluding loans. The balance carried over from the year 2013 according to the law, is $221.013 millions of
The total budget allocation for the Fund for the Development of Human Capital is $40 million, of which the value of $3.078 millions is the balance carried over from the year 2013, in accordance with the law.
The total estimated expenditure of the state budget is $1,500 millions of dollars. The maximum total approved for funding using the public debt in 2014 is $51.049 millions of dollars.
Non-oil revenues are estimated at $161.4 million dollars.
2. Government Resolution that approves the Agreement between the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor -Leste and the Government of Japan for the rehabilitation of Mola's Bridge.
The approval of the agreement ("Grant Agreement") between the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Government of Japan for the project of rehabilitation of the Mola Bridge ("Project of River Training for the Protection of Mola Bridge") has two major objectives: on the one hand to promote the rehabilitation of this important infrastructure and on the other, to strengthen the bonds of cooperation with the Development Partners of Timor-Leste.
3. Government Resolution that approves the Agreement between the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia for the exemption of visa for the holders of diplomatic and service passports
Given the friendly relations between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Republic of Indonesia, and in order to further strengthen relations between the two countries on a reciprocal basis, the Council of Ministers approved the agreement for exemption of visas for holders of diplomatic and service passports. Thus, nationals of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and nationals of the Republic of Indonesia, holders of diplomatic or service passports will not be required to obtain a visa for entry, transit and residence in the territory of the other country for a period that must not exceed thirty days from the date of entry.
4. Government Decree that approves the Special Incentive for the Intensive Training of Teachers
The Ministry of Education, with a view of improving the quality of the education system in Timor-Leste, identified the need to hold, as a matter of urgency, intensive training of teachers. The Intensive Training Course for Teachers will run still in 2013 and will last 29 days, which, by the particular and exceptional nature, needs the allocation of a special incentive under Article 51. of the Statute of the Teaching Career, for the teachers who participate in this training.
5. Law Decree that approves the creation of the Timor-Leste's National Commission for Combating HIV/AIDS (CNCS-TL) and its Statute
This law approves National Commission for Combating HIV/AIDS and defines its structure, composed of the National Council (plenary body that sets the policies) and the Secretariat (executive body who is responsible for technical and administrative management and promotion of activities to combat HIV/AIDS).
The establishment of the National Commission for Combating HIV/AIDS is an integral part of the macro - policy strategy approved in 2003, which sets out the Government's objectives in the medium and long term as to combat and control the spread of the AIDS virus in Timor-Leste. Thus, in 2006, the government approved the National Strategic Plan for HIV/AIDS and appointed the Chairman of the National Commission for Combating HIV/AIDS.
The Commission depended directly from the Ministry of Health and faced several difficulties associated with the definition and implementation of Government policies to control diseases and raising funds to fight HIV/AIDS, so it became essential to establish an independent Commission policy advice and support the implementation of strategies to combat HIV/AIDS established by the Government.
6. Salary of the Director of the NDI
The government approved a decree establishing the salary of the Director of the National Defence Institute, a body within the Ministry of Defence and Security, but endowed with administrative and financial autonomy.
The Council of Ministers also analysed:
1. Development of a National Payments System
The Banco Central de Timor-Leste (BCTL) submitted to the Council of Ministers a proposal to develop a sound and efficient National Payments System (NPS). Recognising that this is essential for both economic development and financial inclusion of all levels of society, the BCTL has launched a programme to develop the NPS to match the most advanced international standards. This programme comprises three main elements: a NPS development strategy covering the next three to five years; upgrading the legal and regulatory environment to recognise new methods and systems of payment; and an introduction of an Automated Transfer System (ATS).
The ATS will serve all the banks in Timor-Leste as well as the Treasury, the General Directorate of Customs and the General Directorate of Taxes. Source: Government of East Timor Council of Ministers 7/11/2013 Edited by Warren L. Wright
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