07 November 2013

Customary laws preserve the environment in East Timor

ETLJB 7 November 2013 - State Secretary for Environment, Nominando “Buras” Martins and local residents of Tutuluro village in East Timor's southern district of Manufahi have held a traditional law-making ceremony called “tara bandu” [traditional prohibition] to ban people from cutting and burning trees recklessly.

Speaking to journalists, State Secretary Buras said this traditional prohibition was aimed at banning people from cutting trees and slaughtering wild animals throughout the country.

Acting Police Commander for Manufahi District, Valerio Ximenes, said the police would help control communities from destroying their own environments. Any community member who is found guilty of cutting the trees and burning forest would face the customary sanctions. Source: Televizaun Timor-Leste 29 October 2013 Edited by Warren L. Wright

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Tara Bandu for Conflict Prevention - Belun & The Asia Foundation Research in Timor-Leste
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