Parliamentary Chamber of the people |
On 4 July 2018 the National Parliament elected members to the chair of the Permanent Specialised Committees of the National Parliament. JSMP congratulates the members of parliament chosen to act as President, Vice-President and Secretary of the Chair of the Permanent Specialised Committees of the National Parliament for the 2018-2023 period.
"JSMP hopes that members of the new structure can effectively lead the Committees in accordance with the Parliamentary Rules of Procedure to contribute to the productivity of the National Parliament in accordance with the Constitution so they can carry out their legislative, supervisory and political decision making powers during their mandate, especially important laws such as the Law Against Corruption, Law on Reparations, Law on a Public Memory Institute, Law on Child Protection, etc", said the Executive Director of JSMP, Luis de Oliveira Sampaio.
The names of the MPs elected to the positions of President, Vice-President and Secretary of the Permanent Specialised Committees are as follows:
Committee A - Dealing with Constitutional Issues and Justice; Committee President Ms. Carmelita Caetano Moniz (CNRT), Vice-President Mr. Francisco de Vasconcelos (PLP) and Secretary Mr. Óscar de Araújo (CNRT).
Committee B - Dealing with Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security Issues; Committee President: Mr. Adérito Hugo da Costa (CNRT), Vice-President: Ms. Maria Rosa da Câmara (CNRT) and Secretary: Mr. Leandro Lobato (CNRT).
Committee C - Dealing with Public Finance Issues; Committee President: Ms. Maria Fernanda Lay (CNRT), Vice-President: Ms. Rosalina Ximenes (PLP) and Secretary: Mr. Antonio M .N .A. Tilman (KHUNTO).
Committee D - Dealing with Economic and Development Issues; Committee President: Ms. Virgínia Ana Belo (CNRT), Vice-President: Mr. Ricardo Baptista (CNRT) and Secretary: Mr. Jose Virgílio R. Ferreira (CNRT).
Committee E - Dealing with Infrastructure Issues; Committee President: Mr. Abel Pires Ximenes (PLP), Vice-President: Mr. Marcos Xavier (CNRT) and Secretary: Ms. Maria Anabela Sávio (FRETILIN).
Committee F - Dealing with Education, Health, Social Security and Gender Equality Issues; Committee President: Ms. Maria Gorumali Barreto (CNRT), Vice-President: Mr. Noé da Silva Ximenes “BukaTuir” (PLP) and Secretary: Ms. Luisa Taeki (CNRT).
Committee G - Dealing with Education, Youth, Culture and Citizenship; Committee President: Ms. Albina M. Freitas (CNRT), Vice-President: Mr. Sabino Soares “Guntur” (PLP) and Secretary: Mr. Gabriel Soares (CNRT).
Tetum Version: JSMP kongratula membru deputadu eleitu sira ba estrutura Komisaun Espesiáliza Permanente sira Lejizlatura V Parlamentu Nasionál nian
Iha 04 Jullu 2018, Parlamentu Nasionál, hala’o eleisaun ba estrutura meja Komisaun Espesializada Permanente Parlamentu Nasionál. JSMP kongratula membru deputadu sira ne’ebé eleitu ba Prezidente, Vise-prezidente no Sekretáriu ba Meja Komisaun Espesializada Permanente sira iha Parlamentu Nasionál ba períodu tinan 2018-2023.
“JSMP espera katak membru estrutura foun sira ne’e bele prezide ho di’ak no efetivu Komisaun sira ne’e tuir Rejimentu Parlamentu nian hodi bele kontribui ba produtividade Parlamentu Nasionál tuir Konstituisaun haruka atu halo lei, fiskalizasaun no foti desizaun polítika durante sira-nia mandatu, liu-liu lei importante sira mak hanesan Lei Anti Korrupsaun, Lei Reparasaun, Lei Institutu Memoria Públika, Lei Protesaun Labarik, nsst”, dehan Diretór Ezekutivu JSMP, Luis de Oliveira Sampaio.
Naran deputadu sira ne’ebé eleitu ba kargu Prezidenti, Vise-prezidenti no Sekretáriu iha Komisaun Espesializada Permanente sira mak hanesan:
Komisaun A-Trata Asuntu Konstituisaun no Justisa; Prezidente Komisaun Sra. Carmelita Caetano Moniz (CNRT), Vise-prezidenti Sr. Francisco de Vasconcelos (PLP) no Sekretáriu Sr. Óscar de Araújo (CNRT).
Komisaun B Trata Asuntu Negósiu Estranjeiru, Defeza no Seguransa; Prezidente Komisaun: Sr. Adérito Hugo da Costa (CNRT), Vise-prezidenti: Sra. Maria Rosa da Câmara (CNRT) no Sekretáriu: Sr. Leandro Lobato (CNRT).
Komisaun C Trata Asuntu Finansas públika; Prezidente Komisaun: Sra. Maria Fernanda Lay (CNRT), Vise-prezidenti: Sra. Rosalina Ximenes (PLP) no Sekretáriu: Sr. Antonio M .N .A. Tilman (KHUNTO).
Komisaun D Trata Asuntu Ekonomia no Dezenvolvimentu; Prezidente Komisaun: Sra. Virgínia Ana Belo (CNRT), Vise-prezidenti: Sr. Ricardo Baptista (CNRT) no Sekretáriu: Sr. Jose Virgílio R. Ferreira (CNRT).
Komisaun E Trata Asuntu Infraestrutura; Prezidente Komisaun: Sr. Abel Pires Ximenes (PLP), Vise prezidenti: Sr. Marcos Xavier (CNRT) no Sekretáriu: Sra. Maria Anabela Sávio (FRETILIN).
Komisaun F Trata Asuntu Edukasaun, Saúde, Seguransa Sosiál no Igualdade Jéneru; Prezidente Komisaun: Sra. Maria Gorumali Barreto (CNRT), Vise-prezidenti: Sr. Noé da Silva Ximenes “BukaTuir” (PLP) no Sekretáriu: Sra. Luisa Taeki (CNRT).
Komisaun G Trata Asuntu Edukasaun, Juventude, Kultura no Sidadania; Prezidente Komisaun: Sra. Albina M. Freitas (CNRT), Vise prezidenti: Sr. Sabino Soares “Guntur” (PLP) no Sekretáriu: Sr. Gabriel Soares (CNRT).
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