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On 20 June 2018 JSMP held a regional seminar in the jurisdiction of the Oecusse District Court within the Special Administrative Region of Oecusse-Ambeno on the role of the sovereign organs, public participation in the law making process and access to formal justice.
The aim of this seminar was to facilitate direct contact between representatives of the justice sector and village representatives, community members and the LGBT community who have received training on democracy, the role of the sovereign organs, public participation in the law making process and access to formal justice. This seminar allowed local authorities and members of the LGBT community to increase their knowledge as well as convey their thoughts and concerns relating to the role of the sovereign organs.
This seminar was attended by village chiefs, sub-village chiefs and members of village councils from Bobometo Village, Oesilo Administrative Post, Abani Village, Passabe Administrative Post and Beneufe Village, Nitibe Administrative Post and included members of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community. There were 25 participants in total.
“JSMP considers this to be a very important activity and a way to enable village representatives and members of the LGTB community to present their concerns regarding formal justice in Timor-Leste especially in cases encountered in the village so that judicial actors can respond directly and allay their concerns regarding their experiences as the grass roots level”, said Executive Director of JSMP, Luis de Oliveira Sampaio.
The speakers were judicial actors from the jurisdiction of the Oecusse District Court in the Special Administrative Region of Oecusse-Ambeno. The Court was represented by Judge Administrator of the Special Administrative Region of Oecusse-Ambeno Court, His Excellency Judge João Ribeiro, who spoke about the role of the courts in the Timor-Leste formal justice system, and the Public Prosecution Service was represented by His Excellency Prosecutor, Mateus Nesi, who spoke about the role of the Public Prosecution Service and challenges, and the Office of the Public Defender was represented by Calisto Tout, who spoke about the role of the Office of the Public Defender in providing legal aid to vulnerable persons in accordance with the Constitution and the law. During their speeches they stated that challenges faced by judicial actors in the jurisdiction of the Oecusse District Court included a lack of facilities and human resources that have affected the services provided by court actors to the community in terms of access to formal justice.
The participants conveyed their concerns about how criminal and civil cases are processed, the competency of village authorities to resolve cases in accordance with customary norms and also how domestic violence cases are resolved at the village level. Also they raised the issue of family neglect, those who father a child and then do not take responsibility.
The Judge Administrator of the Special Administrative Region of Oecusse-Ambeno Court stated that civil cases and criminal cases are handled differently by the courts. Criminal crimes are directly linked to the public interest, because if a crime occurs the Public Prosecution Service is the institution that represents the State in penal actions and has the competence to immediately intervene and prosecute such cases.
Meanwhile civil cases are linked to personal interests where the parties involved present their claim and seek a legal representative to represent their interests when the matter is brought to court. He also emphasised that civil cases can be resolved at the village level if the two parties agree to have the matter resolved with the involvement of the local authorities.
Villages can resolve semi-public criminal cases and civil cases when the parties agree to resolve the matter at the village level, but in cases of domestic violence the matter can be dealt with at the village level but criminal proceedings continue in court because domestic violence is a public crime and therefore the matter will prosecuted until the court hands down a decision.
Cases involving family neglect can be criminal or civil in nature, and can be resolved through civil proceedings if the defendant complies with his responsibilities to provide alimony to the victim, however if he fails to do so then family neglect can be processed in accordance with the penal code. In relation to fathering a child, the judge stated that most importantly evidence must be presented that a man is the father of the child whereby from the outset the name of the child's father must be included in the baptism certificate so the court can prove paternity of the child and can order the defendant to uphold his responsibilities in accordance with the law.
JSMP hopes that forums like this can provide useful references for court actors in the jurisdiction of the Oecusse District Court that they can apply in practice and consider the needs of the community who use the Timor-Leste formal justice process, which is still being developed and consolidated.
This program was made possible due to the financial support of the Australian Government through the DFAT program.
JSMP hala’o semináriu regional ba iha membru konsellu suku sira no komunidade sira inklui LGBT iha Distritu Baukau
Iha 14 Juñu 2017, JSMP realiza semináriu rejionál kona-ba demokrásia, knaar órgaun soberanu, partisipasaun públiku iha prosesu halo lei no asesu ba justisa formal. Semináriu ne’e hala’o iha salaun tipografia Diocese Baucau, Distritu Baukau.
Semináriu ne'e ho objetivu atu fasilita kontaktu no interasaun direita entre membru konsellu suku sira no komunidade sira inklui grupu minoria sira hanesan Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) ho autór judisíariu sira hodi bele hakle'an tan sira-nia koñesementu kona-ba asuntu sira ne’ebé grupu hirak-ne’e hetan ona liuhosi treinamentu sira ne’ebé antes ne’e JSMP fornese ona ba sira.
"Atividade divulgasaun informasaun ba públiku ne’e importante tebes ba membru konsellu suku sira, partikularmente ba membru grupu LGBT sira ida-ne’e bele ajuda hasa’e no hakle’an liután sira-nia koñesimentu kona-ba papél autór judisíariu sira-nian no oinsá lori sira-nia kazu ba hetan justisa iha tribunál, tanba sira hetan oportunidade hasoru malu diretamente ho autóridade judisiáriu sira”, dehan Diretór Ezekutivu JSMP, Luis de Oliveira Sampaio.
Oradór ba semináriu ne’e hosi autór judisiáriu mak hanesan Juis Administradór Tribunál Distritál Baukau, Dr. Afonso Carmona esplika kona-ba knaar tribunál nian hodi administra justisa. Prokuradór Distritál Baucau, Dr. Gustavo Moreira ko’alia kona-ba kna’ar Ministériu Públiku no hosi Defensoria Públiku reprezenta hosi Xefi Defensória Públiku, Dr. Grigorio de Lima koali’a kona-ba knaar defensória públika bainhira fornese asisténsia legál ba ema kbiit laek sira.
Kestaun ne’ebé partisipante sira foti iha sesaun semináriu ne’e kona-ba prosedimentu krime públiku no semi públiku, deve osan ho valor boot, divórsiu no oinsa prosesu alimentasaun ba menór sira, krime violénsia doméstika, kualidade hosi defensoria públiku no advogadu privadu, polísia haruka fila suspeitu krime baku malu entre joven sira, prosesu oinsa ba hato’o keisa, kazu rai no diskriminasaun ba membru LGBT iha kampo de servisu (hapara atu la kontinua asina kontratu tanba dehan la cocok iha pozisaun refere).
Relasiona ho kestaun sira ne’ebé partisipante sira foti, Juis Carmona esplika katak kuandu ema ruma iha problema rai no konsidera katak na’in duni ba rai, bele hatama petisaun inisiál kautelár atu hapara konstrusaun ka halo rahun kontrusaun iha rai desputa ne’e.
Dr. Gustavo Moreira nu’udar prokuradór esplika katak krime semi públiku bele rezolve iha autóridade lokal ka liuhosi kultura timor nian. Ministériu Públiku laiha lejitimidade atu kaer prosesu ne’e kuandu vítima rasik hakarak atu taka ka lakohi atu kontinua prosesu ne’e. Purezemplu krime semi públiku mak hanesan baku kmaan (ofensa simples), estraga ema ninia sasan ka na’ok ema ninia sasan maibé ho valor kiik.
Iha parte seluk, ba krime públiku sira, autoridade lokál sira laiha kompetensia atu rezolve ka taka krime ne’e. Tenki prosesa iha tribunál no mezmu rezolve ona tuir kustume timor nian maibé sai deit nu’udar sirkunstansia atenuante (hakman) ba ema ne’ebé halo krime refere. Tanba ne’e autoridade lokál ho polísia tenke komunika ho ministériu públiku. Kazu sira ho kategoria krime públiku mak hanesan oho ema, violasaun seksuál, abuzu seksuál ba menór, violénsia doméstika, na’ok ema ninia sasan ho valor boot. Nia subliña katak ba kazu violénsia doméstika ka krime públiku sira seluk tantu autóridade lokál ka polísia sira tenke fasilita hodi lori ba prosesu. Se autóridade ka polísia sira taka kazu ne’e, konsidera komete krime naun partisipasaun.
Kona-ba kazu divórsiu, nia esplika katak iha prosesu divórsiu estadu sei tau interese labarik aas liu hotu-hotu. Ne’e signifika katak ministériu públiku sei tau konsiderasaun ba labarik nia futuru, inklui fahe responsabilidade inan no aman hodi kontinua tau-matan no proteze labarik sira to’o boot intermus saúde, edukasaun, ben-estar no seluk-seluk tan. Se la kumpri alimentasaun ne’e, inan ka aman komete tan krime la halo tuir obrigasaun alimentár. Ba membru LGBT ne’ebé hetan diskriminasaun bainhira aplika vaga servisu, nia esplika katak konstituisaun Timor Leste la halo diskriminasaun ba ema ruma, nune’e husu halo reklamasaun no aprezenta prova sira ne’ebé iha atu prosesa. Tanba ne’e nia propoin katak tuir loloos ministériu públiku tenki iha seksaun ida kona-ba atendimentu kontratu.
Kordenador Defensoria Públiku Distritál Baucau, Dr. Grigorio de Lima, iha nia intervensaun hateten katak advogadu sira tantu advogadu privadu ka defensoria públiku, intermus kualidade hotu-hotu iha kualidade, tanba partisipa iha Sentru Formasaun Jurídiku no Judisiáriu. Maibé iha deferensia entre knaar advogadu privadu no defensoria públiku. Defensoria públiku tuir ninia estatutu propria estabelese atu fornese asisténsia legál ba komunidade kbit-laek sira ho gratuita (la selu) tanba estadu mak selu sira ninia saláriu. Enkuantu advogadu privadu, arguidu tenke selu tanba sira moris hosi servisu asistensia legál. Dr. Grigorio esklarese katak Defensoria Públiku Baukau mantein papél atu fó deit asistensia ba ema kbiit laek. Dr. Lima mós aviza ba partisipante sira katak se mak hatene ka iha prova defensor balun husu osan, bele hato’o keisa. Entretantu kona-ba kazu rai, Dr. de Lima dehan katak presiza iha provas sufisiente bainhira reklama katak na’in ba rai ruma. Entertantu ba kazu rai ne’ebé to’o agora la hatene nia kontinuasaun, nia husu ba partisipante ne’ebé iha problema rai ne’e atu lori fali ba iha DP tanba DP iha ona klínika justisa ne’ebé bele tun ba iha baze atu hare kestaun ne’e.
Semináriu ne’e abertura hosi Reprezentante Administradór Munisípiu Baukau, Sr. Francisco Xavier Guterres, ne’ebé espresa ninia sentidu apresiasaun kle’an ba atividade ne'e no agradese ba JSMP tanba bele realiza semináriu ne'e ba komunidade sira. Nia mós husu ba partisipante sira ne'ebé tuir semináriu atu aproveita tanba xefe suku ho xefe aldeia mak ukun povu iha baze liu, tanba kazu sivíl no krime barak mak sempre akontese iha área rural.
Partisipante sira iha semináriu ne’e mai hosi xéfe suku sira, delegadu feto, konsellu no lia-na’in ne’ebé kompostu hosi reprezentante Suku Lakawa, hosi Postu Administrativu Luro, Munisípiu Lautem no Suku Bubulai ho Postu Administrativu Ossu, Munisipíu Viqueque. Seminariu ne’e partisipa mós hosi grupu LGBT sira hosi Munisipiu Baucau-Vila.
Programa ne’e realiza tanba hetan apoiu hosi Governu Australia liuhosi Embaixada Austrália iha Timor-Leste.
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