Head of state: Taur Matan Ruak
Head of government: Rui Maria de Araújo (replaced Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão in February)
Impunity persisted for gross human rights violations committed during the Indonesian occupation (1975-1999). Security forces were accused of arbitrary arrests and unnecessary or excessive use of force during security operations in Baucau district. Levels of domestic violence remained high.
In February, Rui Maria de Araújo, leader of the Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor (FRETILIN) was sworn in as Prime Minister. The new government included a coalition of most political parties, including Xanana Gusmão’s National Congress for Timorese Reconstruction. In September, Timor-Leste was reviewed by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.
Little progress was made in addressing crimes against humanity and other human rights violations committed by Indonesian security forces and their auxiliaries from 1975 to 1999. Many suspected perpetrators remained at large in Indonesia.
No progress by the authorities was reported in implementing recommendations addressing impunity from the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation (CAVR) and the bilateral Indonesia-Timor-Leste Commission of Truth and Friendship (CTF). In September, a follow-up report by the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances noted regret that Timor-Leste had yet to debate a draft law on the establishment of a Public Memory Institute, intended to implement the CAVR and CTF recommendations.
Justice system
Torture and other ill-treatment and unnecessary or excessive use of force by security forces continued to be reported. Accountability mechanisms remained weak.
Dozens of individuals were arbitrarily arrested and tortured or otherwise ill-treated by security forces as part of joint security operations in Baucau district between March and August. These operations were launched in response to attacks allegedly carried out by Mauk Moruk (Paulino Gama) and his banned Maubere Revolutionary Council (KRM) against police in Laga and Baguia subdistricts. Local human rights organizations documented dozens of cases of beatings by security officials who also destroyed property of suspected KRM members.[i] In August Mauk Moruk was shot and killed. The findings of investigations by the Provedor (Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice) were issued in November.
The justice system remained hampered by a lack of access to courts and due process. The expulsion of all international judicial officers employed as judges, lawyers and investigators in October 2014 continued to throw into question pending trials, including those addressing crimes against humanity.
Women’s rights
The 2010 Law mandating compulsory prosecution in domestic violence cases continued to be used although challenges remained. NGOs raised concerns on access to justice, limited protection for witnesses and victims, and a backlog of cases causing few women to actively file reports.
In November, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women recommended that Timor-Leste adopt laws to ensure comprehensive reparation for survivors of rape and other forms of sexual violence that occurred during the Indonesian occupation and 1999 referendum, and that there would be no impunity for sexual violence committed during the occupation.
[i] Timor-Leste: Dozens arrested and tortured in Timor-Leste (ASA 57/1639/2015)
Xefe Estadu: Taur Matan Ruak
Xefe Governu: Rui Maria de Araújo (troka Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão iha Fevereiru)
Impunidade kontinua ba violasaun grave hasoru direitus umanus ne'ebé komete durante okupasaun Indonézia (1975-1999). Forsa seguransa sira hetan akuzasaun katak sira halo kapturasaun arbitrária no uza forsa ne'ebé la nesesáriu ka exesivu durante hala’o operasaun seguransa iha Distritu Baukau. Nivel violénsia doméstika sei kontinua aas.
Iha Fevereiru, Rui Maria de Araújo, lider husi Frente Revolusionária de Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN) simu pose nu’udar Primeiru Ministru. Governu foun inklui koligasaun husi maioria partidu polítiku, inklui Xanana Gusmão nia Kongresu Nasionál Rekonstrusaun Timor-Leste. Iha Setembru, ONU nia Komisaun kona-ba Direitu Labarik nian revee Timor-Leste.
Iha progresu uitoan de’it hodi tau matan ba krime kontra umanidade no violasaun sira seluk kontra direitus umanus ne'ebé komete husi Indonézia nia forsa seguransa sira no sira-nia milísia entre 1975 - 1999. Ema barak ne'ebé deskonfia halo krime sei livre iha Indonézia.
Autoridade sira la relata progresu ruma kona-ba implementasaun ba rekomendasaun sira hodi tau matan ba impunidade ne'ebé fó-sai husi Komisaun Simu-Malu, Lia-loos no Rekonsiliasaun (CAVR) no komisaun bilaterál entre Indonézia-Timor-Leste kona-ba Lia-loos no Amizade (CTF). Iha Setembru, relatóriu segimentu ida husi ONU nia Grupu Serbisu kona-ba Desaparesimentu Forsadu ka La Voluntáriu lamenta katak Timor-Leste seidauk halo debate kona-ba ezbosu lei hodi estabelese Institutu ba Memória Públika, ho intensaun atu implementa CAVR no CTF nia rekomendasaun sira.
Sistema Justisa
Sei iha informasaun katak forsa seguransa sira halo tortura no tratamentu aat sira seluk ka uza forsa ne'ebé la nesesáriu ka exesivu. Mekanizmu responsabilizasaun sei fraku.
Ema lubuk ida hetan kaptura arbitrária no tortura ka hetan tratamentu-aat seluk ruma husi forsa seguransa sira nu’udar parte husi operasaun seguransa konjunta iha Distritu Baukau entre Marsu no Agostu. Operasaun hirak-ne’e lansa ona hodi responde ba atake sira ne'ebé tuir alegasaun halo husi Mauk Moruk (Paulino Gama) no nia Konsellu Revolusaun Maubere (KRM), nu’udar organizasaun ne'ebé bandu tiha ona, hasoru polísia iha Laga no sub-distritu Baguia. Organizasaun lokál sira ne'ebé tau matan ba direitus umanus dokumenta kazu lubuk ida ne'ebé ofisiál seguransa baku ema no mós harahun propriedade ba ema ne'ebé sira deskonfia sai membru KRM.[i] Iha Agostu Mauk Moruk hetan tiru no mate. Konkluzaun sira husi investigasaun Provedór nian (Provedór ba Direitus Umanus no Justisa) fó-sai iha Novembru.
Sistema justisa sei enfrenta obstákulu tanba falta asesu ba tribunál sira no prosesu ne'ebé loloos. Ofisiál judisiál internasionál hotu-hotu ne'ebé serbisu nu’udar juis, prokurador no investigadór sira hetan espulsaun iha Outubru 2014 ne'ebé kontinua kria problema ba julgamentu sira ne'ebé sei pendente hela, inklui julgamentu sira ne'ebé tau matan ba krime kontra umanidade.
Feto sira-nia direitu
Lei 2010 ne'ebé hatuur katak iha obrigasaun atu prosesa kazu violénsia doméstika kontinua aplika iha prátika maibé sei iha dezafiu. ONG sira hato’o preokupasaun kona-ba asesu ba justisa, protesaun limitada ba sasin-na’in no vítima sira, no kazu sira ne'ebé hada hela, no tanba ne’e feto uitoan de’it ho ativu hato’o keixa.
Iha Novembru, Komisaun CEDAW rekomenda katak Timor-Leste tenke adota lei sira hodi garante reparasaun abranjen ba vítima sira ne'ebé sofre violasaun seksuál no violénsia seksuál seluk ne'ebé akontese durante okupasaun Indonézia no referendu iha 1999, no sei laiha impunidade ba violénsia seksuál ne'ebé komete durante okupasaun.
[i] Ema lubuk ida hetan kaptura no tortura iha Timor-Leste (ASA 57/1639/2015)
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