Land data collection to begin in Liquica and Manatuto
The Prime Minister, the Minister of Justice, the American Ambassador and other esteemed guests today participated in the launching of Timor-Leste's National Property Cadastre at the National Directorate for Land, Property and Cadastral Services (DNTPSC), Balide, Dili.
The National Property Cadastre will be a comprehensive database of claims to land ownership, and could eventually form the basis for a national registry of land rights in the country. The creation of the National Property Cadastre was authorized by a Ministerial Decree that sets the legal basis for a systematic collection of data on land and land ownership across the country.
This data collection will be undertaken with support from the USAIDfunded "Ita Nia Rai" project, a five-year, $10 million dollar initiative that aims to collect claims to land ownership across the country for the purpose of land registration and land administration."The Decree on the Cadastre authorizes the National Directorate for Land, Property and Cadastral Services (DNTPSC) to begin collecting information about land in a systematic way, according to a pre-determined geographic order," commented the Minister of Justice, Lucia Lobato.
Antonio Verdial de Sousa, the Director of DNTPSC, added: "this data collection will begin in 2 pilot areas, in the cities of Liquica and Manatuto. Once the technical process has been tested, the data collection will be expanded to other districts of Timor-Leste".
The Decree on the Cadastre, N. 229/2008, sets the standards for this data collection and also states that the collection will be preceded by public information campaigns. All information collected will be publicly displayed locally, nationally and internationally for no less than 30 days to allow individuals and communities to verify the results."
The creation of a national cadastre is a significant step in the life of a new nation, and the American Government is proud to be a part of this process," commented US Ambassador Mr. Hans G. Klemm. "We will continue to support the Government of Timor-Leste to create a transparent land administration system which will benefit all Timorese citizens", he added.
Formalizing property rights is a key step in Timor-Leste's struggle to reduce poverty, as it can open the way to private sector investment, and help men, women and families to access to rural credit.
In addition, the Government hopes that a public land demarcation process will help to increase stability and reduce future conflicts over land.Strengthening Property Rights in Timor-Leste (known locally as the "Ita Nia Rai" or "Our Land" program) is a five-year program funded by USAID and implemented by ARD Inc. and ACDI/VOCA. Both implementing organizations have worldwide experience in developing land systems in post-conflict countries and in conflict prevention for community stabilization.
Working with the National Directorate for Land, Property and Cadastral Services and the Ministry of Justice, the program provides technical and policy support to develop a sustainable and transparent property rights system in Timor-Leste.
Balide, Dili, Timor-Leste For more information, please contact:Breanna Ridsdel TEL: +670 731 2407 Email: bridsdel@sprtl.tlJose Caetano Guterres TEL: +670 730 4325 Email:
Distribui kedas.28 Jullu 2008
Foti dadus sei hahu iha Liquica no Manatuto
Primeiro Ministro Xanana Gusmao, Ministra da Justica Lucia Lobato, Ambaixador Amerikanu Hans G. Klemm no konvidadus seluk tan ohin asiste iha ceremonia lansamentu Kadastru Nasional ba Propriedades iha Direçcão Nacional Terras e Propriedades e Serviços Cadatrais (DNTPSC), Balide, Dili.
Kadastru Nasional Propriedades maka hanesan baze ba dadus ida ne'ebe rekorde informasaun kona-ba rai no ema nia deklarasaun nudar na'in ba rai iha Timor-Leste, no aban bainrua sei bele forma baze ba Rejistu Nasional Propriedades. Kriasaun Kadastru Nasional Propriedades sei bazeia ba Despachu Ministerial N. 229/2008, ne'ebe fo baze legal ba prosesu foti dadus sistematika kona-ba rai no na'in ba rai. Prosesu foti dadus ne'e sei halao ho asistensia husi Governu Amerikanu liu husi programa "Ita Nia Rai".
Programa ne'e ho durasaun tinan lima ne'ebé hetan fundus husi USAID hodi tulun DNTPSC atu hala'o levantamentu nasional kona-ba rai – hanesan sensus ida kona-ba rai fisiku no ema nia deklarasaun nudar na'in ba rai hodi administra rai iha Timor Leste. "Despachu Ministerial ne'e autoriza Direçcão Nacional Terras e Propriedades e Serviços Cadatrais (DNTPSC) atu hahu foti dadus kona-ba rai, iha maneira sistematika no tuir ordem geografika pre-determinada", komentariu ne'e husi Ministra da Justica Lucia Lobato.
Iha tempu hanesan Director DNTPSC, Sr. Antonio Verdial de Sousa, hateten katak: "Levantamentu dadus ne'e sei hahu iha area 'pilotu rua' iha Liquica no Manatuto. Bainhira prosesu tekniku pilotu nian loos ona, levantamentu sei habelar ba distritu rua ne'e no mos ba Distrito seluk tan." Despachu Ministerial N. 229/2008 estabelese standards ba dadus ne'ebe foti husi levantamentu nasional, no mos deklara katak levantamentu tenke hala'o hamutuk ho kampana informasaun publiku.
Despachu garantia mos katak dadus hotu-hotu ne'ebe rekolha tenke fo sai ba publiku iha nivel lokal, nasional no internasional, durante pelu menus loron 30, hodi ema hotu-hotu no komunidade sira bele hare rezultadu. "Kria Kadastru Nacional ne'e hanesan etapa importante iha historia nasaun nia", lian hirak ne'e husi Ambaixador Amerikanu Hans G. Klemm. "Governu Amerikanu sente orgullio bo'ot atu suporta prosesu ne'e", nia hatutan tan.
"Governu Amerikanu liu husi USAID sei kontinua fo apoio ba Governu Timor-Leste hodi kria sistema administrasaun rai ne'ebe transparente, hodi sidadaun hotu-hotu Timor-Leste bele hetan benefisiu husi sistema ne'e." Hametin direitu ba propriedade hanesan pasu importante ida ba Timor-Leste hodi hamenus kiak. Direitu ne'ebe klaru ba propriedade bele loke dalan ba investimentu husi seitor privadu, no aban bainrua bele fo ba mane, feto no familia sira oportunidade atu hetan asesu ba kreditu.
Governu mos espera katak prosesu publiku atu identifika direitu ba rai bele hametin seguransa no prevene konflitu kona-ba rai iha komunidade nia le'et. Programa Hametin Direitu ba Propriedade ka "Ita Nia Rai" mak hanesan programa ho durasaun tinan lima ne'ebé hetan fundus husi USAID no implementa husi ARD Inc. no ACDI/VOCA.
Kompania rua ne'e hanesan ulun boot mundial iha area rai no propriedade no prevensaun konflitu. Servisu hamutuk ho Direçcão Nacional Terras e Propriedades e Serviços Cadatrais (DNTPSC) nomós ho Ministerio da Justiça, programa ida ne'e atu fó asistensia téknika no suporta regulamentu atu harii sistema direitu ba propriedade iha Timor-Leste. Projetu ne'e koñese ho naran "Ita Nia Rai" hodi fó recoñesimentu ba sidadaun Timor-Leste hotu nia direitu ba propriedade. /end.
Post sponsored by East Timor Law Journal - Towards the rule of law in Timor-Leste!
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