29 July 2008

East Timor UNPol Press Advisory

Press Advisory- Traffic disruptions in Dili on Thursday 31 July


This is an advisory of the UN Police in Timor-Leste to provide you with information about the security situation around the country.

Tuesday, 29 July


UNMIT is requesting the assistance of the local media to advise the general public in Dili that there will be disruptions to traffic tomorrow, Thursday 31 July between 7am and 5pm. This information is also to relieve any distress that may be caused to the public by the filming of the Balibo Movie. Certain areas in the centre of Dili will be closed to allow for the filming. The scenes to be shot on this day depict the invasion of Dili in 1975 and the conveyance of locals and foreigners to the waterfront. The three sides around the Palacio de Governo will be closed periodically and in front of Europe House (on the beach side).

The specific roads affected are:

Rue de Fernando between Rue L.R. Noronha and Ave Jose Maria Marques in Colmera area
Ave de Lisboa (in area of University)
Ave Bispo Medeiro (outside Europe house)
Front of Palacio de Governo (Ave Governado Alves Aldela)

Dili waterfront in front of Palacio Please also note that F-FDTL will be releasing white flares will be released between 7 am and 10 am and that tyres will be burned to create smoke. There will also be 60 to 70 locals involved and 30 FFDTL soldiers dressed as Indonesian soldiers carrying fake rifles. The National Traffic Unit will be assisting with traffic direction and every effort will be made to minimise traffic disruption during filming There will be no firing of live ammunition.


Relatoriu Polisia ONU nian iha Timor Leste atu fo informasaun ba imi kona-ba situasaun seguransa iha rai laran.

Terca Ferra, 29 July


UNMIT husu daudaun tulun husi media lokal nian atu akonsella ba publiku jeral iha Dili katak aban loron Kinta 31 fulan-Julu entre 7 dadeer no 5 lokraik, movimentu tanzitu nian sei sai atrazadu/barullu. Informasaun nee mos atu ajuda halakon tristeza ruma nebe afeta ba publiku ho razaun aprezentasaun filmazen Balibo nian nebe sei hatudu.

Fatin balun iha sentru Dili nian sei taka nunee atu permite ba aprezentasaun filmajen nian. akontesimentu iha loron nee sei fo hanoin ba ita kona-ba invazaun iha Dili iha tinan 1975 no ema lokal no estranjeiru sira nebe tula sai ba iha tasi ibun nian. Estrada tolu nebe tama ba iha area Palacio de Governo nian sei taka periodikamente no mos inklui estrada iha Komisaun Eropeia nia uma oin (iha parte tasi ibun nian) Estrada espesifiku hirak nebe sei utiliza ba aprezentasaun nee mak hanesan:

Rue de Fernando entre Rue L.R. Noronha no Ave Jose Maria Marques iha area Colmera nian;
Ave de Lisboa (iha area Universidade nian;
Ave Bispo Medeiro (Uma Komisaun Eropeia nia liur;
Palacio de Governo nia oin (Ave Governado Alves Aldela.

Tasi ibun ka portu Dili iha Palacio nia oin. Favor nota katak F-FDTL sei haforu ka husik suar mutin entre tuku 7 no 10 dadeer no sei sunu roda hodi hamosu suar. Ema sivil nebe involve iha aprezentasaun nee hamutuk nain 60 toao 70, no soldadu FFDTL nain 30 nebe ho kilat no hatais farda hanesan soldadu Indonezia nian. Unidade Tranzitu Nasional sei asiste iha diresaun tranzitu hotu no sei halo esforsu tomak atu minimiza tranzitu barullu durante hatudu aprezentasaun filmazen nian.

Sei laiha kilat musan ida mak tarutu.

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