United Nations Integrated Mission in East Timor Daily Media Review
Carrascalao: supports Xanana to debate with Alkatiri – Diario Naciional
President of Social Democratic Party (PSD) Mario Viegas Carrascalão has given his total support to Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão for a public debate with the former Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri about the accusation of corruption, collusion and nepotism (CCN).
“If I were the Prime Minister, I would accept to have the debate with Alkatiri as it is good for the public to know whether it is right of wrong it depends on Prime Minister Xanana, he accepts or not,” said Mr. Carrascalao on Monday (30/6) in the National Parliament. Mr. Carrascalão said that he supports the debate.
“If people accuse us, it is better to open ourselves and defend our position rather than keeping quiet then others will say that we recognize our guilt,” added Mr. Carrascalão.
UNMIT awards medals to 141 GNR – Diario Nacional
United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) through its Special Representative of Secretary-General (SRSG) Atul Khare awarded medals to 141 officers of Formed Police Unit (FPU) from Portugal (GNR) on Monday (30/6) in the Headquarter of GNR in Caicoli, Dili.
The award medals directly assisted by President Ramos-Horta, Minister of Justice Lucia Lobato, ISF Commander James Baker, Acting Police Commissioner Juan Carlos Arevalo and the Director of Police Academy of PNTL Carlos Geronimo.
“I want to congratulate the GNR members who provided security in critical [time] after the attempt of February 11. I just want to think back that as a police, should be critical to guarantee security and guarantee the security for the leaders,” said SRSG Khare.
Separately, the Commander of GNR João Martinho said that the awarded medals are very important and special to the 141 GNR members to think and continue dedicate their services for the peace.
The overall security situation in the country remains calm when GNR with the people maintain the security in the country.
Commander Martinho also said that GNR is also providing academic formation to PNTL during three months about tactics in taking anticipation to the law and order.
Investigation of PDHJ: no indication of corruption in the Ministry of Justice – Diario Nacional
The investigation which was undertaken by Provider of Human Rights and Justice proved that there is no corruption in the Ministry of Justice.
With reference to the allegation of corruption by the Provider of Human Rights against the Ministry of Justice, Lucia Lobato stated there should be an urgent investigation undertaken. Lobato said that when the result of the investigation does not indicate any corruption she will react against the Provider of Human Rights.
In response to this statement, Provider Sebastião Dias Ximenes said Minster Lucia Lobato has no competency to act against him because it was not Provider of Human Rights making the allegation. He added that Minister of Justice should act against the media and those who report the case because they got the report from media and some other sources.
Luis: no transparency of replacing Baucau District Administrator – Diario Nacional
The District Administrator of Baucau Luis Aparicio Guterres a plan by the Ministry of State to nominate another person to substitute him is not transparent because Minister of State does not keep his promise.
On 10 June 2008 the Ministry of State sent him a letter to discharge him from his position as district administrator.
In relation to this, Aparicio said it is hard to abandon his position because he really loves this nation and young people of Baucau, but as a civil servant he has to accept the decision from Ministry of State.
According to Mr Guterres, there is no transparency from the Minister of State Arcangelo Leite because on 29 May 2008 when he was inaugurated, the Minister stated he fully supported him.
James Baker: ISF to continue work with PNTL and UNPol – Timor Post
The FSI commander James Baker said after attending the medal ceremony for the UN’s GNR that the ISF will cooperate with UNPol and PNTL to maintain law and order in Timor-Leste.
“We have sent our soldiers to every district so we hope that with our presence may contribute to peace, stability, prosperity and success in this state”. Baker added “after 11 February attack the situation is under control, not only because of the the PNTL, UNPol and the ISF cooperation, but because of good and strong contribution from the societyl,” he said.
UNPol handover responsibility: PNTL ready to take over security responsibility – Timor Post
The commander-designate of PNTL Afonso de Jesus yesterday said “PNTL are ready to follow their duties to set security to secure this state.
“If UNPol will handover their duties for us (PNTL), but I (Afonso) ask to UNPol that before handover their mission they need to pay attention to some districts that still suffer from violence – it is there where the PNTL still needs to be accompanied by UNPol”.
The PNTL still faces some problems about lack of logistics, places, and transportation but as Timorese we try to cooperate with the government to strengthen the security for this state. Every problem that the PNTL faces, such as transport and equipments is temporary; in 2009 the government will approve funds to complete it,” said Afonso.
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