F-FDTL Commander Lere Anan Timor |
"We have received a report from the military police but we have not heard anything from the victim," said Commander Lere as reported by Televizaun Timor-Leste today.
"It is therefore difficult for us to make a decision on the case", he said.
The Commander also called on the community not to take such cases to the Office of the Prime Minister or the President because neither of them were judges.
Police have not yet found missing gun - Televizaun Timor-Leste reported today that the Commissioner of Police, Longinhos Monteiro has said that the police have not yet found the gun that was lost by one of his officers at a brothel in Dili last month.. The Commissioner appealed to the community to help find the missing weapon.
The Commander made the comments after signing a memorandum understanding with Anti-Corruption Commission (KAK) last Friday (7/9/2012.
He added that the police were continuing their investigation of the case and confirmed that the police officer who lost the gun had been suspended.
“It has not yet been found but we are continuing our efforts to locate it. If anyone in the community finds the gun, it must be handed back to the police because it belongs to the state,” he said.
Commissioner Monteiro denied widespread rumors that there were about 30 police guns missing.
Jornal Independente reported the Commissioner has saying that "it is only one gun that has gone missing, not thirty as some reports have said".
He added that the person who took the gun will be prosecuted because stealng is a criminal offence.
Meanwhile, Diario Nacional reports that the former guerrilla fighter Commander for Region III, Cornelio “L-7” Gama has called on the National Police (PNTL) Commander Longuinhos Monteiro to be responsible for the missing police weapon.
Mr. L-7 said he was concerned about the police’s weapon that has gone missing and said it was because of the incapability of the General Commander, Commissioner Longuinhos Monteiro.
“We in FALINTIL [national liberation army] are concerned about the police weapon that was lost or stolen. The police commander should take responsibility for the case,” he said.
He added that the missing weapon could severely impact on security as it could be used to threaten people’s lives.
Indonesian ambassador says good bye to President TMR - The Indonesian Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Eddy Setia Budi, has met with the President of the Republic Taur Matan Ruak to say good bye as his mission in Timor-Leste has ended.
Speaking to journalists, Mr. Setia Budi said that he appreciated Timor-Leste’s contribution to peace and stability both within the country and between Timor-Leste and Indonesia.
“Since 2002 up to present ,Timor-Leste has reached some progresses in security and peace,” he said.
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