20 September 2012

East Timor Legal News 19 September 2012

Police killing of student case nearing completion - The case of the police shooting dead a student, Armindo Pereira Alves, after bashing him during the instability that broke out after the post-election CNRT conference in July when it was decided to exclude Fretilin from the V Constitutional Government is nearing completion according to the National Criminal Investigation Service Commander, Calisto Gonzaga. Police officers from the Hera police station were involved in the killing.

Diario Nacional reported today that Commander Gonzaga said that "the Hera case is about to be finalised. The process is continuing and right now we are still working on a few administrative matters."

The police officer suspected of involvement in the killing was suspended pending the results of the investigation.

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Assault of security guard by military under investigation - The case involving the vicious assault of a civilian security guard at a Dili nightspot by soldiers including the son of the East Timor Defence Force is under investigation according to the Criminal Investigation Service Commander Calistro Gonzaga.

On 4 September, in Tuana-Laran, the victim Maximiano Amaral was seriously wounded after being assaulted by some of F-FDTL members at the My Flower bar in the capital on 4 September last.

It is understood that the soldiers bashed the guard because he was too slow in opening the gates to the carpark at the bar to allow the soldiers to enter.

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President and Parliament concerned about land law - The Minister for Justice, Dionisio Babo Soares and his deputy Ivo Valente have met with President Taur Matan Ruak to inform him about the Justice Ministry's programs.

Speaking to journalists, Deputy Minister for Justice, Ivo Jorge Valente said "the President of the Republic is considering some proposals from the Ministry for the finalisng the enactment of the land law," he said.

Meanwhile,Fretilin MPs in the Parliament consider the country's land law to be of critical importance and should be debated in the National Parliament.
"We, the MPs from Fretilin, consider that the land law must be discussed and we will do so after the Parliament's deliberations on the proposed law for the additional state budget that has been submitted by the Government for 2013," MP Aurelio Freitas said.

Mr. Freitas said land disputes have been happening every day in the country.

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Communities in border area call on police to control drugs trafficking -Citizens living at the border area of Timor-Leste and Indonesia have called on the police to control drugs trafficking and other illegal activities.

Recommendations from the local communities were given through the representatives of the women's organisation in Timor-Leste, Laura Pina, in her speech when meeting with the State Secretary for Promotion of Equality (SEPI) at CAVR's office in Balidi of Dili.

"In security sector, the people in Bobonaro District call on the police to control drugs and human trafficking to protect young Timorese from various diseases," she said.

But the Criminal Investigation Service police (SIC) says that it has not identified any drugs trafficking in the country during the last nine months.

SIC commander, Superintendent Calistro Gonzaga, said that the statistics show that there were no drug trafficking cases filed between January and September this year.

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