Parliament delays debate on additional budget law - The National Parliament has delayed debate on the Government's proposed amendment to the budget law for additional appropriations as decided at the Council of Minister's meeting on 14 September.
The amendments proposed the following additional appropriations: over $ 55 million dollars transferred to the Infrastructure Fund for
two projects at Tasi-Mane and the expenses not paid into the
Consolidated Fund in order to cover the following:
Pension for Veterans – $ 26.9 million;
Allowance for Seniors – $ 7.1 million;
Contingency Fund – $ 6.1 million;
Contingency Fund – $ 6.1 million;
Ministry of Education – $ 1.7 million;
Goods and Services – $ 2.4 million;
Transfers to the Church and Civil Society – $ 1.4 million;
Ministry of Health – $ 1.2 million;
Operation of the Berlin-Nakroma – $ 1.2 million;
Water and Sanitation – $ 1.2 million;
Institute of Management Equipment – $ 1.2 million;
External audit – $ 1.1 million; and
Last payment to LIFESE by the Secretariat of State for Defence – $ 1.1 million.
The proposed amendment has been referred to Parliamentary Committee C for finance to analyse the proposal.
Meanwhile, Fretilin has called on the Government to amend the country's tax and finance laws to improve development.
Fretilin MP Estanislau da Silva made the call at the opening of a seminar on the additional state budget which was held at Hotel Flamboyan in Baucau on Monday (17/9).
Chief Judge concerned about judges' salaries - Timor Post reported today that East Timor's Chief Judge, Claudio Ximenes, who is the President of the country's highest court, the Court of Appeal, has expressed his concern about the salary levels of judges.
According to Judge Ximenes, the Government needs to improve judges' salaries in the expectattion that they would improve their work. Some of the judges has already informed their concerns about their salaries to the President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak at a meeting at the Presidential Palace in Aitarak Laran in Dili on Monday (9/17).
"I attended the President's office to also discuss the conditions in the courts"," Mr. Ximenes said.
Defence Force completes second training exercise - The East Timor Defence Force completed its second training exercise called Cobra on 17 September last after a week and a half of military training in Bobonaro and Ermera.
The State Secretary for Defence (SED), Julio Thomas Pinto, said that the Cobra Exercise was a routine exercise which F-FDTL undergoes twice a year to acquaint F-FDTL members with the field and to improve their skills.
"The Exercise is done to maintain the armed force' capacity and to improve the commands' capacity in controlling the armed forces," he said.
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