11 April 2013

Timor-Leste Legal News 10 April 2013

ETLJB 11 April 2013 There follows English translations of legal news reports from East Timorese media on 10 April 2013. These English translations are issued by the Timor Leste Media Development Centre.

Two Indonesian citizens pass police rank promotion - Suara Timor-Lorosae reports that a Member of the National Parliament from the Fretilin opposition party bench has questioned the process of rank promotion in the Timorese National Police (PNTL) as two officer who are of Indonesian origin were promoted.

MP David Dias Ximenes said that, as a member of Parliamentary Committee B for Defence, Security and Foreign Affairshe rejected the promotions.

He is reported as saying that “Two members of PNTL are from Atambua and Bali and they were promoted to the position of chief sergeant.”
Public Prosecution summons MP Faculto to testify in porn video case
- Suara Timor-Lorosae also reported that the Public Prosecution has sent a letter to the National Parliament, asking for MP Eladio Faculto from the Fretilin Party to testify in the court regarding a porn video case in which CPD-RDTL members are suspected of being engaged in sexual abuse.

MP Facultu said he would not testify in the court as he was not involved with the porn video involving CPD-RDTL’s members.

“I am confused by the Public Prosecution which has summoned me to be a witness in the porn video and I will not be present in the court to give my testimonial statement,” Faculto said.

Faculto called on the Public Prosecution to investigate those who were the actors in the porn video.

Related report
CPD-RDTL members suspected of committing sexual abuse
Foreign nationals have no right to purchase land in Timor-Leste - A further article in Suara Timor-Lorosae reports on statements by the State Secretary for Land and Property, Jaime Xavier Lopes, regarding the ownership of land in Timor-Leste. He is reported as saying that foreign nationals have no right to purchase land in Timor-Leste despite some of them had bought land from local residents in the country.

“Foreign nationals have no right to land in the country as the Constitution Article 74 states that only Timorese people have the right to land,” Lopes said.

Lopes called on the Timorese people not to support Chinese people in purchasing land in the country because it would impact the country’s new generation.

 For more reports on land issues in East Timor, please visit ETLJB's related blog, East Timor Land Studies.
Parliament not yet responded to Court's request to remove MP Borlaco’s political immunity - Timor Post reports that, although the law requires the Parliament to respond to requests from the Court's to lift the immunity from prosecution of sitting members of parliament, it has not yet done so.

The Dili District Court sent such a letter to the Parliament last week in relation to the corruption proceedings against the State Secretary for Institutional Empowerment (SEFI), Fransisco Borlaco but, according to the Timor Post report, the President of the Parliamentary Committee F  on Ethics, Mateus de Jesus said they had received the notification letter from the Court but they had not yet processed it because trial is not set down for hearing until 28 May.

“We have not yet processed the notification letter because the agenda for the trial is on May 28, 2013, therefore, we have not removed Borlaco’s political immunity,” Mateus told journalist after a plenary session of the Parliament on Tuesday.
*Government yet to enact prostitution law - Timor Post also reports observations by the State Secretary for Promotion and Gender Equality (SEPI), Idelta Maria Rodrigues, that the this year the Government had no plan to produce a law to regulate prostitution activities.

“This year we do not put a prostitution law as the top priority, but I think it is important that the National Parliament pay attention to this issue by creating a law to regulate prostitution activity,” Idelta told journalists at UNTL FASPOL in Caicoli of Dili on Tuesday 9.

Idealta explained that to create good prostitution law needed money, and time, including experts to see the law.

See further An Analysis of the Social Problem of Prostitution in East Timor

Source: Timor-Leste Media Development Centre Edited by Warren L. Wright

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