24 April 2013 - There follows a selection of legal news reports published by the Timor Leste Media Development Centre.
One house set on fire during a clash in Beto - Televizaun Timor-Leste 23/04/2013 - One house was set on fire and six other houses were destroyed at about three o'clock on Monday morning in the sub-village of Beto in the Dili suburb of Comoro. Two young gang members were believed to have committed the attacks who have been arrested by the police.
The victim whose house was burned down called on the two groups of which the suspects are members to end
violence in the area and called for the police to arrest all those involved.
The village chief said the police should arrest these people as they had made people there to lose their sense of calm.
Minister Babo informs land issues to President TMR Timor-Post 23/04/2013 - The Minister for Justice, Dionisio Babo Soares has informed the President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) about land and property issues in the country including the Ministry's efforts to produce the law to resolve land and properties disputes in the country.
“I explained the Land and Property Law to the president of the republic and we have contacted civil society organisations and international organisations to accumulate their opinions before presenting it to the Council of Ministers,” Babo said.
President TMR was happy with the work of ministry of justice as it has made efforts to produce a new land law to move forward with the land and property issues in the country, as it would impact the development process if the issue is unresolved.
Combating crimes, PNTL should not be involved in politics Suara Timor Lorosae 23/04/2013 - Combating crime in all countries, including Timor-Leste is important, therefore, the police should not be involved in politics although they can cooperate with other institutions.
“There is no country which can combat the organised crime alone, therefore, the Timorese National Police (PNTL) should cooperate with other police to do their mission and vision, but it should be out of political issues,” PNTL Commander Longuinhos Monteiro told STL at PNTL Headquarter in Caicoli of Dili on Monday 22.
Monteiro explained that PNTL should be trained well to have a wide vision regionally and internationally, such as PNTL’s current cooperation with POLRI (Police of the Republic of Indonesia), AFP (Australian Federal Police), FBI (American Police Institution), and GNR (Republican National Guard – Portugal) which aimed at providing capacity building for PNTL members. Source: TLMDC 23/04/2013 Edited by Warren L. Wright
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