The community in Usitasase Village, Oecusse Municipality express gratitude to JSMP: Materials on Rights of the Child and Access to Justice are very useful for them
The community in Usitasase Village, Oesilio Administrative Post, Oecusse Municipality expressed gratitude to JSMP and stated that materials on the rights of the child and access to justice are important and useful for them. Members of the community expressed their thoughts when participating in training on the rights of the child and access to the formal justice system which was facilitated by JSMP on 17 November 2017.
This training was attended by 30 people include members of the village administration and the community, comprising 12 women and 18 men. Participants came from Buqui, Sifin and Pune Sub-Villages.
This training followed on from training in other municipalities aimed at raising the knowledge of community members in rural areas about issues related to rights of the child in the justice sector and issues relating to access to formal justice.
The materials presented and discussed during the training covered issues on children's rights and definitions of children's rights, types of crimes and violence against children according to the applicable law, and relevant State institutions that have an obligation to protect children, according to national and international law as well as the concept of crimes against children.
“This training is important and very useful for communities especially members of the village administration because it can increase their knowledge about the rights of the child, and access to the formal justice system,” said Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, Executive Director of JSMP.
In this training the participants conveyed problems they have encountered such as the abandonment of children and a range of different types of violence against children. In addition, participants also asked about cases of sexual abuse against minors that regularly occur in their village.
The Usitasae Village Chief, Mr. Thomas Colo, in the opening and closing sessions asked the participants to remember that as parents it is very important that they understand the materials relating to rights of the child. He added that as parents it is important for them to understand their obligation to care for and protect children from all violence, and avoid being the perpetrators of violence against children.
This activity was made possible with the financial support of the Canadian Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia.
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