11 November 2017

Timor-Leste: World Bank Conducts Extensive Public Consultations

World Bank consultations with EastTimor Leste
The World Bank NEWS RELEASE 10 November 2017 Noticias Berita News East Timor Leste

Timor-Leste: World Bank Conducts Extensive Public Consultations
Systemic Country Diagnostic to review Development Opportunities, Constraints and Priorities
Dili, 11 November, 2017 – The World Bank Group has conducted a wide consultation process, welcoming views from civil society organizations, the academic community, the private sector, and citizens to finalize its Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) report on Timor-Leste.

The Timor-Leste SCD will outline key challenges and opportunities for poverty reduction and shared prosperity, and has been developed in consultation with more than 100 stakeholders, through a series of consultation sessions.

“The SCD draws upon all available information, including new and existing World Bank Group research, and views gained through consultation.’ said Macmillan Anyanwu, World Bank Country Representative for Timor-Leste. “We hope that the final report will be a useful planning tool for government and development partners as it will identify priority pathways for Timor-Leste’s development.”

The final report is expected to be released in December 2017 and those with an interest in Timor-Leste are encouraged to share their views online here.

The SCD report will be followed by the Country Partnership Framework (CPF), which will inform the World Bank Group’s partnership with the government of Timor-Leste and its program in the country for the next four years.

Since 2009, the World Bank has assisted the Government of Timor-Leste to rebuild national infrastructure, stabilize the economy and strengthen government institutions. In 2017 we’re working to help improve service delivery especially in health and education, build climate-resistant road infrastructure, support non-oil economic development, and improve the efficiency of government spending.

In Dili: Matt Wilkinson, +67 78440429, mwilkinson@worldbank.org 
For more information about the World Bank Group’s work in Timor-Leste, please visit: www.worldbank.org/tl

Matt Wilkinson | Timor-Leste Communications Consultant | The World Bank
T  +670 3324 649  |  M +670 7844 0429 | E mwilkinson@worldbank.org

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