19 December 2009


Dear All

Monday, 16 November 2009



Accusation witnesses wipe out the Prosecutor Office version on the arrival of Major Reinaldo at Dili on 11 February 2008.

Ongoing trial” 11 February 2008 case ", the Dili District Court continues by interviewing the 134 witnesses of the accusation. In this stage, are heard by the procedural actors the witnesses listed by the Office of the Prosecutor, in case represented by international prosecutor from Cabo Verde, Dr. Felismino Cardoso. Finished the examination of evidence of the allegation, the Court will reap the witnesses testimony indicated by the Defence, requests put forward measures from argued Angelita Pires, such as for example, new forensic evidence; what will happen, possibly by month February or March 2010.

On 9, 10 and 11 of November 2009, last week, were notified to be present at the Court approximately ten (10) people. However, not all attended. Among those omitted some justified absence and other simply did not attend the determination of the Court. This break forward an order issued by one of the Organs of Sovereignty is demonstrating that the Timorese citizen is not yet fully aware that an order Judicial magistrate is to be fulfilled. Yes, citizen opposition concerned, but only through recourse to the Second Judicial Instance in this case, the Court of Appeal, as legal forecast.

A witness who did not attend nor justified is Augusto da Silva that, in the police (27/03/2008), provided clarifications on their outward to Ermera District along with Câncio Pereira, his brother-in-law, on 9 and 10 February 2008. They stayed, he said, without interruption, at that District until the evening of August 10. They slept over at Letefoho.

Augusto da Silva claimed that on 9 February 2008 received an invitation from his brother-in-law to go along with to Ermera to supervise a public work, which Câncio is the contractor (Letefoho).They departed with a Government car (a mini bus, white), that the President made available to MUNJ and Câncio held control and make use of. Augusto denies that Câncio Pereira has left Dili to Ermera accompanied by other MUNJ elements; it has coming directly to Dili on 9 and then on the following day, returned to Lauala. In the version of the witness, only he and Câncio went to check work of Letefoho on day 9. The following day, at the request of Câncio, left him at a crossing, not knowing where it was throughout that afternoon. At nightfall, Câncio would have been brought up to work for any element not identified. It was dark and it rains.

Augusto da Silva version does not have support in other testimonials and nor even harmonizes with the provided by own Câncio Pereira in Court. The other elements of the MUNJ, Câncio itself, as well as, the people that were in Lauala, home of the Major Alfredo Reinaldo, on 9 February 2008; provided to the Court that Câncio was together with other elements of MUNJ, in the car used by the lawyer Alfredo Benevides Correia Barros for a meeting at Lauala. According to these witnesses, four (4) or five (5) elements of MUNJ, not including Augusto da Silva, went and came back together Dili/Lauala and of Lauala/Dili on the same day 9 February 2008.

For Câncio Pereira, he would have used the Government's mini bus to go again Letefoho on 10 February. His brother-in-law, Augusto da Silva, would have taken until a crossing and from there, without saying anything, would have met with Major and the Group about 17 or 18 hours. He denies that drove any car that day. He would have been near the House of Salsinha, walking to the residence and then took a ride on a motorbike from a Salsinha element up to Major house in Lauala. There are discrepancy testimonials.

Perhaps for that, Augusto da Silva omits to testify in Court. Lie in legal proceedings under commitment, is a crime and punished by existing legislation.

The affirmation of Câncio and Augusto, both are not supported in other evidence and were contradicted, mainly, by José de Mendonça reliable testimony and without stain (10/11/09), a civilian, rude man and simple, who helped Major group in Lauala in domestic, as well as, by previously testimony provided by Victor de Souza and Teresa, which also were visiting Major on 10 February.

In José de Mendonça version MUNJ elements went to Lauala and were gathered with the Major, Salsinha and group on 9 February, including Câncio Pereira and used only one car. That night, left Lauala together. On the following day Câncio was using a dark car with black glass, returned to Lauala before lunch with their elements. Angelita Pires, Eliza Morato, Victor de Souza, Teresa de Souza and a child in another car, belonging to Lino Lopes, Rui Lopes brother and Eliza's uncle arrived in Major house too. All of them had lunch.

The evenings, Angelita group came down to Dili, only Câncio Pereira had stayed at Lauala, Major and their men. Late night Câncio driving his dark car with black glass and Major driving the car that used to the Ramos Horta House on 11 February, as well as another car, also dark, left from Lauala towards Gastão Salsinha house, which is close of the Major home.

Consequently, Câncio Pereira was not taken a ride in one of Salsinha elements; but in his own car to carry the Major and his group in Lauala and bring to Dili. Also he did not leave before Angelita and stayed in home to make sure that the Major wouldn't missing "the meeting" with President.

He had some appointment also has doubts. Susar said in first interrogation; Salsinha said, when the first interview journalists and Taboko, an element still unidentified, in the interview he gave the Jose Belo and an Australian journalist, confirmed the meeting of Reinaldo and Ramos Horta.

As for audiences, did not appear the journalist Jose Belo (10/11/09) alleging immunity from the criminal procedural law. In the same situation was the priest Natalino Verdial de Souza (10/11/09), which is not justified why not have answered the determination of judge President. However, do not have reason such witnesses. Should appear in Court, legal before an oath the judges, then invoke the fact that the duty to protect their sources, as well as, confessional secret. They may also be conducted by police force, up to the Court, since not even without justifying constitutes serious disregard of the judiciary and obstruction of justice. On 11/11/09, journalist Jose Belo was working during the audience and was withdrawn and prevented to remain there, because he could still be compelled to testify, if do not voluntarily.

José Barreto de Jesus was sick appeared and requested exemption because it wasn’t able to provide evidence that day. He was feverish. He was conceded and will return one of the forthcoming hearings. The Court, the Prosecution or Defence the main aim was only to discover the truth. There is no interest in coerce or bullying witness to extract the version that do not know about the facts.

Germiniano Amaral dos Reis (Liquicera), friend and supporter of Major Reinaldo, clarified that Angelita Pires was only girlfriend, Reinaldo partner and so went to Lauala to be with the boyfriend; that the Government did not resolve the crisis when could and should and that, on the contrary, was the Government who supported the rebels with cars, fuel and even money; that would have a seminar in Ermera/Gleno in February 2008 and that both the President and the Major Reinaldo were speakers in this event. That the President neither had communicated to witnesses who would not be in Timor-Leste in mid February and nor cancelled this seminar (meeting). Therefore, more once the accusation that Angelita was intellectual mentor of Reinaldo fell to the ground.

Antonio Caldeira Duarte Delgado, Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão's wife bodyguard, justified the non-attendance. In the same approach was Verônica das Dores. Correct attitude. They may be interrogated without being conducted by police authority, on another occasion.

Manoel Barbosa Pina and Euzébio Salsinha nothing important brought that could consolidate the accusation. Latter, Augusto Junior Trindade uncle denied that he knew. What is that any linkage with the elements of the MUNJ; with Augusto Junior Trindade; with Rui Lopes, Câncio Pereira and Joanico Gonçalves cause resentment of those who are present to judges, under legal commitment. Like Pilates, wash their hands!

Clarice do Céu (Ameta), Alfredo Reinaldo ex-lover and ex-FDTL pretended to pass the image of submissive woman and unconnected to the father of his daughter (Reinaldo): pretended to consider a disposed of. She said that did not know that the "husband" was a fugitive from justice; did not know where he was when was not with her in the Same District; nor knew his phone number; who lived as husband and wife but, he did not leave clothing, personal documents and objects in her home; that the Major always phoned her the number 7361338 and which sometimes appeared and disappeared. She: "As good timorese woman asked nothing. I trusted blindly on him ".

Clarice do Céu version is not credible. She is an educated woman in the military arts; English language teacher for military classes and also belonged to the military force FDTL. E.g.: knew very well everything occurred at the level of rebellion and maintained direct contact with the Major, with Salsinha, with Lucas Soares, with Câncio Pereira and other elements not by no:7361338, but by no: 7291243.

This is because:

Clarice says that the Major rang systematically her to know about the couple's daughter. However, no 7361338 had only 5 Major calls during the months of December 2007, January and February of 2008 (fls. 3.912/39150. It is not credible that the father of the child called only 5 times, 3 months to learn the daughter, especially when Clarice itself stated that he was an excited father and concerned with the child. If did not telephone the number Ameta says belong to her; however, for the number 7291243, Reinaldo phoned in the same period, more than 120 times. What will come with a part of the Clarice testimony: they talked almost daily.

To be interrogated by the defence, she confirmed that personal agenda (mobile phone 7361338) belonged to her. It was exclusively of her and there was plainly no 7291243 registered as it belonged to AAA @, his brother. In this personal agenda contained the names of friends and relatives only of her: Clarice.

However, clashing calls made by the woman who had no 7291243; all calls to that number link to Ameta family, MUNJ members, Major elements and Major himself.

In addition, the woman who had this phone, SMS to Major Reinaldo in 10 February 2008 by 22.30 hs, knowing that he was in Dili and would have a "seminar"; a meeting. Clarice confirmed in an interview to the local press that really had sent message to Reinaldo, but changes the content of that wrote! Clarice is afraid to say that this phone was in its possession. The message sent to ex-lover, that night and after 22.30 hs, connected to a possible attack, whether it is that this crime existed. She also called the next day and days after the death of Alfredo Reinaldo for number of the deceased, using this mobile phone.

The investigator of UNPOL CP7676, Manuel Araújo, NID/NIU Team Leader, even with all evidence linking Clarice do Céu (Ameta) phone no. 7291243; inexplicably, assigned to Angelita Pires possession such apparatus (fls. 4.307 Vol. 24). It expresses the desire to create a scapegoat, and while, at the time, unfounded and premature declarations of PGR Longuinhos Monteiro, as well as the President of the Republic against Angelita Pires it alleged account of thousands of dollars and the authoring moral of "crimes"; the police use and led the investigations in order to undermine it, any evidence which could, indeed, get rid of the facts and make real criminals. For this reason, the Defence of Angelita Pires requested that the Court ordered to TIMOR TELECOM to find out all calls from and to phone no: 7291243, as well as of Alfredo Reinaldo and another number provided by Ameta, antenna/antenna. This proof will demonstrate that all calls from Same District and not Dili or Australia, places where was Angelita Pires before the attacks.

Therefore, either the policemen who conducted investigations under International prosecutor, Dr. Felismino Cardoso, cannot prove to Court the improbable, because the evidence produced in this ruthless phase ended up by annihilating the thesis itself that seek out, avidly, sustain.


-What can expect to the Accusation for subsistence of his thesis; this stage that is uniquely it’s, the thesis of the attack and authoring moral already collapsed to the ground?


Felismino Garcia Cardoso, the magistrate who lied



Comments: "depart of the Felismino give victory to Angelita Pires, so server of Ana Pessoa insists on having this liar and God knows who else in the process. This Ana Pessoa is another great disappointment, joined bunch of unscrupulous guys and will them protecting the coups! What did she want it was perch and that ruin the laws ... "

We must say more which: "give victory to Angelita Pires ". It must be said: The Angelita Pires and virtually all those who are sitting in the dock at the trial of the case 11 February 2008.

So therefore can read in comments related to the illegalities produced by the PGR for the 11 February case, which is to be tried in Dili district Court. It was not enough Longuinhos Monteiro era to prepare all the illegality, omissions, forged evidence, "disappearances" of evidence and destruction of same to conceal the real people responsible for everything happened that date and morning in Dili, and we still have evidence the Timorese Ana Pessoa, now PGR, previously belonged to Longuinhos Monteiro, does nothing to detoxify the process and the PGR who directs, consisting of professional of Justice demonstrated to be liars and who act in contravention of the laws in grievance and contempt by the Court itself.

People with their criticisms relate objectively the magistrate Felismino Garcia Cardoso, which last week, was caught in flagrant offence to lie to the Court, have always ensured that the Ministry Public, PGR, assurance there are no photographs of the Alfredo Reinaldo and Leopoldino Exposto autopsies, that never had knowledge. The records have already been shown.

Defences submitted the opposite before the Court. They submitted macabre photographs and extremely shocking autopsies. A medical team should proceed basically with rigour the autopsies of the two executed bodies on the President Ramos Horta housing complex in that morning. That team in pictures printed as trophies Alfredo Reinaldo organs, smile and smiled unashamedly, without professionalism, without humanity and respect for the dead. Visiting team was Felismino, a liar magistrate, as confirmed in photos that we replicated here in timely TLN a few days ago.

Felismino Garcia Cardoso shows us a shameless face of the ex- Longuinhos Monteiro PGR and also Ana Pessoa, the current PGR. He must be removed and punished we saw the acquiescence of Ana Pessoa with the farce produced by Longuinhos Monteiro the farcical process of 11 February 2008. Everything is contaminated in that process. Longuinhos Monteiro did to conceal politicians names who now are occupying the highest positions of the Timorese Nation, the signs always pointed to this and increasingly is show, for example, Alfredo Reinaldo he was attracted to Dili, PR Ramos Horta House to be murdered to be muted in accusations that was doing against Gusmão, some of these public accusations and others that still come out in his diary, which certainly appears … It is conviction that Xanana Gusmao did not escape, there is no attack. The staging of the attack has what was and is public that there is data that can be demonstrated if the pressures on witnesses cease to exist and the fears of reprisals if dissipate. To do this simply that Gusmão and a few more to lose powers who have now. Including the powers of manipulation, demonstrated by Monteiro and also by Felismino. This is obvious. It has always been clear. It is scandalous.

Let us not be surprised that for all this people begin to angry and require that really justice in the case of 11 February, which retrieve the justice in East Timor and that the real criminals and in contempt of the laws, of the Constitution, law and order and democracy are tried accordingly.

The shamefulness of Felismino Cardoso and his confidence lies in full the Court is so repellent on the sad reality that is shown in photos that we published last week. Also not be surprised the existence of comments as follows, also being clear that bad health professionals are on the photographs, sad spectacle must be called to the disciplinary action as it deserves. Is it this way what will the criticism? Understandably criticism of authors is not to reveal identities, until the Justice, democracy and freedom there is in East Timor.

Another comment: "it is incredible how much humans being can descend ...

Shameful behaviour of doctors, which breached human dignity. These people pay a disservice to East Timor and should go. Shameful was also the behaviour of Mr Magistrate Felismino Garcia that should be removed from this process and liable to disciplinary action and criminally.

One last note: If Mr. Attorney says that the goal of this process is not to establish who killed Reinaldo and Exposto that is waiting to open an investigation and add processes? Will not be murder a crime epitomized in Criminal Code? Or is this double murder is special, and that here too there is "national interest" is not investigated?

It seems that the strategy is crumbling ... "

Still not much. But it has been said and demonstrated a lot right for the defence of Democracy and Justice in East Timor. Whether the PGR Ana Pessoa will continue to lead a decayed PGR made in Longuinhos Monteiro, that undoubtedly need a cleaning-up with extreme measures, corresponding to a country which wants to be democratic and where there's exercise of Legality and Justice, in accordance with the commitment of the donor countries and international solidarity, as well as restoration all misfortunes of the Timorese for centuries, but mainly from the last three decades. And the UN, UNMIT, will continue to pretend that nothing knows and nothing seems to collaborate on all farces and illegalities of this decomposed regime?

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