18 December 2009

The Asia Foundation in East Timor: Request for Proposals for Parliamentary Watch Project

ETLJB Note about The Asia Foundation: The CIA created TAF as a means of extending U.S. Cold War policy through civil-societal and cultural channels, and continued to covertly fund the organization throughout the late 1960s, long after they had publicly declared termination of support. It is generally believed that the Foundation served as a cover for intelligence operations while carrying out legitimate development programs at the same time. During the Cold War, TAF development aid was reserved for anti-Communist countries, or for indirectly building resistance against Communism.

Has this leopard changed its spots? ETLJB thinks not! So beware and be aware, applicants!


The Asia Foundation Access to Justice Program in Timor Leste invites organization that provide service in law, human rights, civic education, journalism and public policy which fulfil the following criteria may apply for the Parliamentary Watch Project in Timor Leste. The duration of the project is for 12 months, start in January – December 31, 2010 and extendable for another year depend on work performance.

The Asia Foundation Access to Justice Program – supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Criteria for application:

1. Working in Law, Human Rights, civic education, journalism and public policy;

2. Has at least two years good experiences in providing legal analyses and has professional skills in doing monitoring on legislative development to contribute to legal reform in Timor Leste;

3. Has organizational credibility within society (i.e. perceived as independent, impartial and fair);

4. Shows strong commitment to implement the program;

5. Registered Organization with the government or with FONGTIL;

6. Has clear Organizational structure and strong leadership;

7. Proposal Format should follow The Asia Foundation Proposal Format including work plan for 12 months starting January 1, 2010 and budgeting;

The Asia Foundation will receive proposal start from the publication of this announcement until December 31, 2009 COB.
Please feel free to contact us for further information:

Hugo Fernandes
The Asia Foundation
Rua Nu Laran No. 20- Bairro dos Grilhos, Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: (670) 331-3457 * Fax: (670) 332-4245
Email: hfernandes@asiafound.org



Programa Asesu ba Justisa - Fundasaun Azia iha Timor-Leste konvida organizasaun ne’ebe servisu iha area Lei, Direitus Umanus, Edukasaun Sivika, Jornalizmu no Politika Publika (Public Policy) atu hato’o proposta ba Projetu Monitoramentu Parlamentar iha Timor Leste. Durasaun ba Projetu ne’e fulan 12, hahú husi loron Janeiru – 31 Dezembru 2010 ho posibilidade extensaun ba tinan ida tuir mai depende ba dezempeñu servisu.
Programa Asesu ba Justisa - Fundasaun Azia hetan suporta orsamental husi Ajensia Estadus Unidus ba Dezenvolvimentu Internasional (USAID).

Kriterias ba aplikasaun:

1. Servisu iha area Lei, Direitus Umanus, Edukasaun Sivika, Jornalizmu no Politika Publika (Public Policy);

1. Minimal tinan rua iha esperiensia diak konaba fornese analiza legal no iha abilidade profisional iha halao monitoramentu konaba dezenvolvimentu legislativu hodi kontribui ba reforma legal iha Timor Leste;
2. Iha kredibilidade organizasional iha sosiedade nia leet (Ezemplu persevidu hanesan Organizasaun ida ne’ebe independente, imparsial no justu);
3. Hatudu komitmentu ne’ebe forte hodi implementa projetu;
4. Organizasaun ne’ebe registu ona iha governu/ho FONGTIL;
5. Format proposta tenke tuir format proposta Fundasaun Azia nian inklui detalle konaba planu servisu ba fulan 12 nian no orsament.

7. Estrutura Organizasional ne’ebe klaru no lideransa ne’ebe forte;
Fundasaun Azia sei simu proposta hahú iha loron publikasaun anunsiu ne’e to’o loron 31 Dezembru 2009 oras servisu.

So organizasaun ida ne’ebe kualifikadu no priense kriterias hirak iha leten maka bele hetan kontaktu atu kontinua ho prosesu tuir mai.

Atu hetan informasaun liu tan favor kontaktu:

The Asia Foundation
Rua Nu Laran No. 20 * Bairo dos Grilhos * Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: (670) 331-3457 * Fax: (670) 332-4245
Email: tdedeus@asiafound.org

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