Dear TLSA list members
Just a quick reminder that abstracts for the 2009 Timor-Leste Studies Association Conference, Understanding Timor-Leste: A Research Conference (Dili, 2-3 July). are due this Friday March 27.
Up to date conference information is available on the new TLSA website, where we will soon add registration and other relevant information, such as accommodation and travel advice: http://tlstudies.org/index.html
A few conference updates:
- We have now received more than 60 abstracts, in all four conference languages, and expect more to come in the next few weeks. So the conference promises to be a great event.
- The Tetum version of the call for papers has been online for a few weeks now: http://tlstudies.org/ConferenceTetum.html
- A full conference program will be available shortly after March 27.
- A number of exciting events are being planned for the Expos on the weekend following the conference (4-5 July). Further details will be distributed as these are confirmed.
We look forward to seeing many TLSA members in Dili in July. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.
Please note that conference queries can also be made in: Tetum-Dili: to Antero da Silva, National University of Timor-Lorosae. anterob@gmail.com Portuguese: to Nuno Canas Mendes, Technical University of Lisbon. ncm@iscsp.utl.pt Bahasa Indonesia: to Setyo Budi. budi@infoxchange.net.au
with best regards
Michael Leach for the TLSA.
Dr Michael Leach
Senior Lecturer in Politics
Faculty of Life and Social Sciences
Swinburne University of Technology
1 John St Hawthorn VIC
Phone: +61 3 9214 5357
Fax: +61 3 9819 0574
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