26 March 2009

United Nations Development Assistance Framework 2009-2013 for East Timor

Date: 24 Mar 2009 Full_Report (pdf* format - 563.9 Kbytes) http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/rwb.nsf/db900sid/MYAI-7QF825/$File/full_report.pdf

Executive Summary

The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) is the result of an ongoing consultative process intended to analyse how the United Nations can most effectively respond to Timor-Leste's national priorities and needs in a post-conflict context. It is guided by the goals and targets of the Millennium Declaration, which has been endorsed by the Government, as well as the Programme of the IV Constitutional Government for 2007-2012, the International Compact for Timor-Leste, the 2007 National Recovery Strategy and other relevant documents. The UNDAF translates these into a common operational framework for development activities upon which individual United Nations organisations will formulate their actions for the period 2009-2013.

Consolidating peace and stability represents the cornerstone for the UNDAF; under this overarching goal, three inter-related areas of cooperation have emerged as particularly critical for United Nations support to the people and Government of Timor-Leste during this five-year period: (1) Democratisation and Social Cohesion, including deepening State-building, security and justice; (2) Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Livelihoods, with particular attention to vulnerable groups, including youth, women, IDPs and disaster-prone communities; and (3) Basic Social Services, encompassing education, health, nutrition, water and sanitation, and social welfare and social protection.

In all three, the United Nations offers compartive advantages with regard to achieving further tangible progress toward the Millennium Development Goals, drawing on its values, successful global knowledge base, best practices and lessons learnt; its strong normative mandate and track record in Timor-Leste; its neutrality; and its ability to support efficient coordination among donors.

Not only does the UNDAF provide a framework for future collaboration, but it also reflects a consultative, comprehensive and dynamic strategic priority-setting process with a broad range of stakeholders, including members of the Government, staff from national institutions, donor partners, and national and international non-Government organisations. The UNDAF elaboration process took place in close collaboration with the International Financial Institutions (ADB, IMF, and WB) in Timor-Leste, whose work is complementary with the work of the United Nations in Timor-Leste. As a result of these rich and intensive discussions, specific UNDAF Outcomes and Country Programme Outcomes are represented by the following:

UNDAF Outcome 1:

By 2013, stronger democratic institutions and mechanisms for social cohesion are consolidated

The following are the three Country Programme Outcomes:

CP Outcome 1.1: State organs and institutions are more efficient, transparent, accountable, equitable and gender-responsive in planning and delivery of services

CP Outcome 1.2: People have greater access to effective, transparent and equitable justice

CP Outcome 1.3: Timorese society is better able to internalise democratic principles and use nonviolent conflict mitigating mechanisms

UNDAF Outcome 2:

By 2013, vulnerable groups experience a significant improvement in sustainable livelihoods, poverty reduction and disaster risk management within an overarching crisis prevention and recovery context.

The following are the three Country Programme Outcomes:

CP Outcome 2.1: Vulnerable groups, particularly IDPs, disaster-prone communities, women and youth, benefit from opportunities for sustainable livelihoods

CP Outcome 2.2: Local communities and national and district authorities practice more effective environmental, natural resource and disaster risk management

CP Outcome 2.3: Youth have better employability and access to sustainable gainful employment

UNDAF Outcome 3 :

By 2013, children, young people, women and men have improved quality of life through reduced malnutrition, morbidity and mortality, strengthened learning achievement and enhanced social protection.

The following are the three Country Programme Outcomes:

CP Outcome 3.1: 20 percent more children access, and 25 percent more children complete, free compulsory quality basic education

CP Outcome 3.2: Families and communities have improved access to and utilisation of quality health care services

CP Outcome 3.3: Families and communities have improved feeding and caring practices and increased access to and utilisation of quality nutrition services

CP Outcome 3.4: Vulnerable populations, particularly from rural areas, enjoy safe living environment, including increased access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene

CP Outcome 3.5: Vulnerable populations, especially children and women, benefit from quality social protection, particularly social welfare services, including in emergencies

The total anticipated resources to be mobilised in support of UNDAF strategies(1) in Timor-Leste amounts to about US$314 million over a five-year period. About 25.8 percent of the total resources will be spent within the focus area of Democratisation and Social Cohesion ($81 million); 36.3 percent on Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Livelihoods ($114 million); and 37.9 percent on Basic Social Services ($119 million). This reflects national development needs, priority areas for UN support to Timor-Leste and the alignment between United Nations assistance and ongoing or pipeline development cooperation.

Throughout implementation of the UNDAF, the United Nations will focus on the most vulnerable groups in society, with explicit provisions for ensuring their active and effective participation in decision making as a key to fortifying peace and stability. Moreover, as noted above, to contribute to the reduction of rural-urban and regional disparities that underlie much of the poverty and conflict in Timor-Leste, the United Nations will target poor rural areas and specific impoverished groups. Particular importance will be given to effective links between the State and civil society.


Table of Contents
5 Executive Summary
7 Signature Page
9 Section I: Introduction
13 Section II: UNDAF Results
15 UNDAF Outcome 1: Democratisation and Social Cohesion
17 UNDAF Outcome 2: Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Livelihoods
19 UNDAF Outcome 3: Basic Social Services
21 Section III: Initiatives Outside the UNDAF Results Matrix
23 Section IV: Estimated Resource Requirements
25 Section V: Implementation
27 Section VI: Monitoring and Evaluation
29 Acronyms and Abbreviations
31 Annex A: UNDAF Results and Resources Framework
55 Annex B: UNDAF Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
100 Annex C: UNDAF Monitoring and Evaluation Calendar

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