27 November 2011

Police should talk with Public Prosecution to detain criminals

East Timor Legal News 27/11/2011 Source: Independente 25/11/2011 - Deputy President of the Parliamentary Committee B for Defence and Security, MP Paulo de Fatima Martins has called on the Criminal Investigation Service (SIC) to liaise with the Public Prosecution before detaining the suspects.

MP Martins said it was important for the SIC to approach the Public Prosecution so that they could release an authorisation letter to allow them to detain the suspects they had identified.

MP Martins made the statement regarding the murder case of a cadet of the Timorese Defence Force (F-FDTL), the murder case of the foreign manager of the Garden Beach Hotel and the death of a Sao Jose High School student.

“The police should make efforts to detain the criminal actors and send them to court as what they did could damage the country’s image internationally,” he said.

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