17 November 2011

Soldier's body found on Dili beach

The grotto at MetiLaut beach, Dili
East Timor Legal News 17/11/2011 Source: Independente 16/11/2011 - A dead body which was found on a Dili beach in the city's suburb of Metiaut was a Timorese Defence Force (F-FDTL) soldier.

The family of the deceased believed that their loved one was killed by unknown people on the beach.

The family also called on the police and all judicial institutions to investigate the case for legal proceedings.

"The police are currently conducting an investigation into the case to find out what the motive was", the father of the deceased, Luis Alves Pereira said.

"He was a soldier abidng by his mission within the defence force, but now he is dead," he said.

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