Source: OCHA/UNMIT East Timor Integrated Humanitarian Coordination Team 2008/Issue No. 17: 1 October Humanitarian Update 13 - 26 September 2008
At present, no Governmental decision has been made regarding allocation of land and compensation for those currently living at ASPOL site. The eviction process has not yet begun.
• To date, 7,129 IDP families have received a recovery or reintegration package under the Hamutuk Hari’i Futuru (National Recovery Strategy) Program.
• A total of 16,000 families (including families already reintegrated/ resettled) have been registered for the recovery package. Registration and other administrative processes including final registration are ongoing.
• The return and reintegration of IDPs from Colegio Sao Jose IDP camp was completed on 17 September, with a total of 97 families assisted. The camp is now closed.
• Movement out of Hera Port IDP camp commenced on 22 September. As of Thursday 25 September, 298 families (of 368 registered for the recovery package) had moved. Seven families moved independently to the Hera Transitional Shelter Site. A long-term solution for those families is being sought by the Ministry of Social Solidarity (MSS) and partners. Ten families remain in the camp and ongoing dialogue/ mediation activities are underway to address their return and reintegration needs. It is expected that the return movement from this camp will be completed within the next two weeks.
• Assistance to the return and reintegration of IDPs from the three Tibar camps (Matadouro, Turleo and Ismaik) is expected to commence next week, upon completion of the verification and socialisation processes.
• Preparations for returns: The IOM return and reintegration team has been supporting the preparations for the dialogue in Terminal and Fatuk Francisco communities. The team has been active in ensuring the participation of the population presently living in Hera Port and Metinaro IDP camps as well as supporting the MSS dialogue teams working in Cristo Rei sub-district. The most recent tent-by-tent visit to ascertain the return intentions of IDPs residing in the camp was conducted at Metinaro IDP camp in the week beginning 15 September.
The IOM return and reintegration team also works in close coordination with CRS, CARE, Belun and all the MSS sub-district dialogue teams in support of community preparations for the return of IDPs from camps scheduled to benefit from the Government’s facilitated return and reintegration assistance. This has applied most recently to Obrigado Barracks, Canossa Balide and Tibar Matadouro and Turleu. The IOM team ensures that every NGO and sub-district dialogue team is provided with the joint list of people registered with MSS and/or the list compiled as a result of IOM return intentions assessments. The teams meet with all the relevant local authorities to inform them of upcoming returns and request their feedback about the families that are due to go back.
The data collected is compiled into a single document that is shared with relevant partners. This process, when complemented by pre-return tent-by-tent visits, allows MSS, IOM and partners to identify families that may face challenges upon return as well as communities reluctant to receive IDPs generally. Based on this the appropriate referrals and interventions are organised in cooperation with the dialogue teams and the NGOs in order to address the potential return issues prior the return movement.
• Tibar: Verification of IDPs returning home from Tibar Ismaek is complete and the MSS socialisation of the move is expected on Wednesday 1 October. The Ministry for Economy and Development has expressed interest in taking over part of the site for a ‘model Bamboo factory and nursery’ post 6 October. A room by room assessment is ongoing to establish the cases most in need of mediation by the MSS dialogue teams.
• Tasi Tolu: IDPs are awaiting MSS verification to return home, an estimated 75% of the TS population expects to be able to return in the near future, making rooms available for other IDPs.
• Becora Market: This site experienced a water shortage due to a lack of electricity from the EDTL lines, raising tensions with the local community.
• Hera: Six families from the closed Hera Port Camp are now residing in Hera TS, NRC is waiting for MSS to clarify if they wish NRC to formally take on the Camp Management role for the families recently arrived from Hera Port.
• Karantina: Triangle GH is still waiting for an answer from DNSAS/MSS to know if improvements to the water supply in the Karantina region are possible. Karantina TS suffers from a chronic lack of city water partially due to significant leaks in the network and taps being left open.
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