Position Title : Coordinator of Parliamentary Research
Start Date: Immediate
Duration: Full-time
Duty station: Dili, Timor-Leste
Coordinator of Parliamentary Research
Re-Posting/Terms of References
Deadline for Applications: 24 October 2008
The National Parliament of Timor-Leste and The Asia Foundation Timor-Leste, with generous support from the United States Agency for International Development, the United States House Democracy Assistance Committee and the Library of Congress, have established a Parliamentary Library at the National Parliament building in Dili, Timor-Leste as of January 2008. The National Parliament now seeks a senior Timorese Research Coordinator to lead the establishment and management of the nation’s first Parliamentary Research Service.
This research professional, as Coordinator of Parliament Research (CPR), appointed by the Secretary General of Parliament, will serve to ensure that insightful and impartial research is provided to the National Parliament of Timor-Leste (NPTL) before and after the legislative drafting process. As such the CPR will manage the incremental development of a Parliament Research Service (PRS) which serves parliamentary committees and Members of Parliament. The PRS will seek to gather interdisciplinary resources, encourage critical thinking and create innovative frameworks to help legislators form sound policies and reach decisions on a host of difficult issues. These decisions will guide and shape the nation today and for generations to come.
The CPR will ensure that the PRS will be able to assist at every stage of the legislative process — from the early considerations that precede legislative drafting, through committee hearings and floor debate, to the oversight of enacted laws and various agency activities. However, initially given the existing funding and management constraints, the CPR will provide the Parliament him/her self with the analytical support the parliament needs to address foundational public policy issues facing the new nation and the nascent parliamentary system.
The CPR will focus initially on early considerations that precede legislative drafting. CPR will analyze current policies and present the impact of proposed policy alternatives, even if it means bringing to light facts that may be contrary to established assumptions.
The CPR will work under the direct supervision of the Secretary General of the National Parliament of Timor-Leste. The Coordinator will be in close collaboration with The Asia Foundation and will provide a monthly report to TAF. The CPR will work closely with all Members of Parliament (MPs). The Coordinator will be responsible for the formation and management of technical teams for research.
The CPR will provide the following services:
• Written reports on current legislative issues to MPs
• Supervising and reviewing the work of researchers
• Expert testimony in parliamentary sessions to MPs
• Tailored confidential memoranda, briefings and consultations to MPs
• Management of information requests for research from MPs
• Establish research team including recruiting research staff members for the PRS
• Coordinate with other donor and government-sponsored programs providing technical support to the PRS
• Coordinate research with other research centers
• Produce monthly progress report to The Asia Foundation and the Speaker of National Parliament of Timor-Leste
Qualifications and experience:
• Timor-Leste citizenship
• University Masters degree, preferably in social policy or any related subject
• Strong organizational skills
• Understanding of quantitative methodologies
• Proven legal and economic analysis
• Experience with government agencies, and international development partners working methods and ability to establish and maintain working relationships with people from a range of organizations.
• Experience in conducting research through written materials and the internet
• Good communication skills in Tetum and/or Portuguese, and English (written and
• Computer skills including Word, Excel, and Internet.
• Excellent interpersonal skills.
Personal specifications:
• Ability to work under tight pressure of deadlines.
• Analytical capabilities to integrate multiple disciplines and research methodologies.
• Program and legislative expertise.
• Ability to approach complex topics from a variety of perspectives and examine all
sides of an issue.
• Good person to person communication, rapport building and facilitation skills.
• Willingness to contribute to and work in a team.
• Detail-oriented.
• Excellent writing skills.
• Committed to assisting the MPs to enrich their knowledge on topics to be debated in the Parliament’s plenary sessions.
• Demonstrated political impartiality.
Applicants should send their CV with cover letter to The Asia Foundation Timor-Leste to address:
Fabia Tilman
Rua Jacinto Candido
Audian, Dili, Timor-Leste
Mobile: +670 7230917
E-mail: ftilman@asiafound.org or Filipe Menezes at: fmenezes@asiafound.org
Women candidates are encouraged to apply.
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