09 April 2012

FM Calls for an End to Inflammatory Rhetoric

Fundasaun Mahein’s, 09 March 2012 Press Release - In late February of this year, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) condemned PNTL General Commander, Longuinhos Monteiro’s order to his officers to shoot on sight anyone trying to derail the general elections following the actions of unknown persons who threw Molotov Cocktail bombs at the offices of the Secretariat For Technical Electoral Support (STAE). We argued that this was another demonstration that the PNTL was not a ‘community-oriented’ police force and that the PNTL had once again proven to be a typical reactionary force, always reacting with
excessive force after a crime has been committed. (PNTL commander
accentuates the rise of violence, 23rd of February:

Last week, local media (DN Independente 04rd of March quoted the Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL) Commander, Major General Lere Anan
Timur giving out a similar statement, threatening to shoot dead anyone
who will commit acts of violence during the general election period.
Once again FM laments the very violent tone of this comment, which
serves only to accentuate tensions and increase trauma and fear among
the general population. This also serves as a barrier to ordinary
citizens to actively participate in the democratic process of choosing
our country’s next head of state.

FM would like to remind the commanders of both security forces of the rights of citizens as enshrined in the relevant laws and Constitution
of the RDTL. The role of the F-FDTL & PNTL is to protect and serve the
community and to uphold the rule of law. We have a system of justice
and our security forces cannot take the law into their own hands by
applying the system of shoot first, ask later.

FM calls on both security forces to actively engage with communities
instead of using such violent rhetoric. The traditional Timorese form
of dialogue Nahe biti Boot could be used as a model for both the
F-FDTL & PNTL when engaging with the community. Their role is to
maintain order and security while upholding the rule of law and FM
once again calls for greater integration of both force’s operations
and activities during this election period.

FM also recommends that commanders of both the police and army instead make statements that are problem solving oriented. They could use their positions of influence to call attention to politicians to steer
away their militants from confrontation so as to create a peaceful
democratic process. Timor-Leste is a small nation but nonetheless
well known internationally and FM hopes our country can set an example
to other post-conflict countries.

For further information on this report please contact
Nelson Belo,
Director of FundasaunMahein
Email: nelson@fundasaunmahein.org ,
Tlp +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 09 Marsu 2012

Komunikadu Imprenza

FM Bolu Atu Hakotu Estetmentu Provokativu

Iha fulan Fefreiru tinan ida ne’e , FM kondena maka’as PNTL nai
Kommandado Geral, Longuinhos Monteiro, nian ordem atu tiru iha fatin
ema ne’ebe mak hakarak estraga elesaun geral wainhira STAE hetan
ataka ho bomba Molotov husi ema diskuinhesidu. Iha tempu ne’eba FM
kondena katak ordem Kommandante Geral nian ordem ne’e hatudu katak
PNTL laos Polisia Komunitaria no ida ne’e hatudu katak PNTL, hanesan
baibain, nunka antisipa situasaun seguransa maibe so hatene halo
reasaun boot deit wainhira krimi akontese tiha ona. (Komandu PNTL
haforsa numeru violensia) 23 Febreru:

Iha semana kotuk liu ba media, DN Independente iha dia 4 March, sita
steitmentu komandante F-FDTL Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, katak ema
ne’ebe mak halo atus violensia durante eleasaun sei tiru mate durante
elisaun jeral, dala ida tan FM deskontenti los ba estatementu ida
ne’ebe haforsa violensia, tensaun, trauma no hatauk ba populasaun.
Estetementu ida ne’e mos hanesan bareira ida atu taka fali prosessu
demokratiku ne’ebe mak populasaun atu halao hodi hili ita nian ulun
boot estadu nian.

Ho oportunidade ida ne’e FM hakarak fo’o hanoin ba kommandante
institusaun rua ne’e nian katak direitu povu nian hakerek nanis tiha
ona iha ita nian lei no ita nian Lei Inan. PNTL no F-FDTL nian Kna’ar
mak tenke defende lei no proteze i serve komunidade. Ita nian sistema
justisa iha ona, ne’e duni ita nian forsas seguransas sira labele tau
lei iha sira nian liman ho sistema ida tiru uluk depois mak husu ikus.

FM husu ba institusaun seguransa sira nian atu halo aprosimasaun ho
povu duke uza liafuan retorikal ne’ebe ho violensia. Tradisaun
Timor-Leste nian hanesan sorumutu Nahe Biti Boot hanesan modelu ida
hodi ba F-FDTL ho PNTL halo aprosimasaun ba komunidade . kna’ar forsas
rua nain maka tenke manteina ordem no seguransa ne’ebe difini ona iha
lei. Dala ida tan FM husu para forsas rua ne’e halo atividade ida
ne’ebe integradu iha sira nia operasaun durante periode elesaun.

FM mos rekomenda ba komadante PNTL no F-FDTL atu halo deit estetmentu
hirak ne’ebe mak hatudu intensaun ida ne’ebe mak resolve problema.
Sira bele uza sira nian pozisaun hodi apela ba politik nain sira katak
politik nain sira tenke hado’ok sira nian milititantes husi
konfrontasaun hodi atu kria paz iha prosessu demokratiku ida ne’e.
Timor-Leste nasaun ida ne’ebe mak ki’ik maibe koinhesidu iha mundu
tomak maibe FM husu nafatin nasaun ki’ik ida ne’e hatudu nian exemplu
diak ida ba nasaun pos-konflitus sira seluk iha mundu ida ne’e.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu
Nélson Belo,
Diretor Fundasaun Mahein
Email: nelson@fundasaunmahein.org ,
Tlp +670 737 4222

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