17 November 2012

Court sentences former militia members to 15-30 years in prison

ETLJB 17 November 2012 - In a landmark decision, the Dili District Court has sentenced members of the former Indonesian-backed militia Besi Merah Putih which engaged in serious crimes in 1999 during the violent breakaway from Indonesia to between 15 and 30 years in prison.

Suara Timor Loro Sae reported the Court's decision yesterday. The former militia members were names as Faustino Filipe, Salvador and Miguel Soares. They were found guilty of killing two victims in Ulmera village, in Bazartete of Liquisa district. The court sentenced them under Article 124 of the Penal Code.

Besi Merah Putih was a militia group armed with weapons by the Indonesian military force before and after the referendum held in 1999.

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