01 May 2009

East Timor Government Launches Land Data Collection in Baucau and Aileu

For Immediate Release 29-30 April 2009 Timor-Leste Government Launches Land Data Collection in Baucau and Aileu

The Director of the National Directorate for Land, Property and Cadastral Services (DNTPSC), launched on 29 April Baucau, and on 30 April in Aileu, the land data collection process in these two districts. The community land data collection, by which individuals, groups and organizations can submit a claim to land ownership, will begin in selected areas in the two districts on 11 May 2009, following community consultation.

This brings to four districts so far the coverage of the land claims registration activity being undertaken through the locally-named "Ita Nia Rai" (Our Land) program, a five-year project supported by USAID that is working with the Ministry of Justice and the DNTPSC to develop property rights and land administration systems in Timor-Leste. Since November 2008, the program has registered 891 land claims in the pilot districts of Liquica and Manatuto.

On the occasion of the launching ceremony in Baucau, Antonio Verdial de Sousa, the Director of DNTPSC, said: "The land data collection process is a critical step forward for our nation. The system that we are creating today will contribute to stability and economic development in the future." Director Verdial also explained the process carefully: "Making a land claim does not mean you will get a land title. However, the Government can use the database of land claims to issue titles in the future, according to the Law that has yet to be passed."

The Director also added: "This process is voluntary and free of any charge. All Timorese people have the right to choose to make a claim to land if they believe it is theirs. Anyone who wishes to make a claim has the right to do so free of any discrimination, intimidation or violence."

Nigel Thomson, "Ita Nia Rai" Chief of Party, said to the local leaders present at the launch: "Help your people to participate in this process fully and peacefully. Work hard to promote dispute resolution and peace between families and neighbors. By doing this, you can provide a more secure future for your community in years to come. This future is in your own hands."



29 Abril 2009 no 30 Abril 2009, Direitor – DNTPSC (Direçcão Nacional Terras, Propriedades e Serviços Cadastrais), hala'o lansamentu ba prosesu foti dadus konaba Rai iha Distrito Baucau no Aileu. Lansamento ne'ebe refere katak prosesu nasional Foti Dadus kona-ba rai, sei hahu implementa iha Suco Bahu, Aldeia Anaulu, Distritu Baucau, 11 Maiu 2009 no Suco Seloi Malere, Aldeia Malere, Distritu Aileu, iha data ne'ebe hanesan. Area hirak ne'e mak programa "Ita Nia Rai" sei loke aumenta hanesan area koleksaun foun foti dadus kona-ba rai.

Distritu Baucau no distritu Aileu, hanesan kontinuasaun husi projetu pilotu, Distritu Manatutu no Liquica. Projeitu pilotu husi distritu rua hetan susesu boot, no dadaun ne'e dadus hatudu katak, populasaun hamutuk 891, mak fo tiha ona sira nia deklarasaun nudar na'in ba rai.

Aktividade ne'e mak hetan apoiu husi Agensia Amerikanu ba Dezenvolvimentu Internasaional (USAID), liu husi programa "Ita Nia Rai". Programa ne'e ho durasaun tinan lima no orsamentu $10 milloes tulun Direçcão Nacional Terras, Propriedades e Serviços Cadastrais (DNTPSC) no Ministério da Justiça hodi dezenvolve sistema modernu administrasaun rai iha Timor-Leste.

Iha okasaun lansamentu, Direitor Verdial hateten katak "Prosesu Foti Dadus kona-ba Rai maka paso kritiku ba ita nia nasaun. Sistema ne'ebe ita habelar ohin sei kontribui ba estabilidade no ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomiku iha futuru." Nia mos esplika katak "Halo deklarasaun ladun garantia ema sei simu kedas titulo ba rai ida, maibe aban bainrua, Governu sei bele uza deklarasaun ne'e nudar baze atu fo sertifikadus ba rai privadu iha Timor-Leste, tuir Lei ne'ebe sei mosu."

Direitor Verdial hatutan tan: "Prosesu ne'e voluntario no gratuita. Ademais, ema hotu iha direitu atu halo deklarasaun livre. Kualker ema bele hatama deklarasaun, sei la bele iha diskriminasaun, ameasa, ka violensia. Levantamentu dadus kona-ba rai sei hala'o tuir metodologia sistemátika. Tuir sistema ne'e, ema labele hato'o deklarasaun arbiru maibe tenke hein to'o ekipa foti dadus mai to'o sira nia fatin."

Iha tempu hanesan Sr. Nigel Thomson, Xefe Projetu Ita Nia Rai, fo ninia kontibuisaun ba programa, no fo koragem ba lideransa lokal sira atu tulun populasaun hodi partisipa iha prosesu ho dame, hodi garantia futuru pasifiku ba komunidade.

Semana oin, ekipa DTP Distrital hamutuk ho ekipa Ita Nia Rai sei hala'o enkontru komunitariu iha Baucau, Suku Bahu, no Aileu, Suku Seloi-Malere, hodi sosializa prosesu importante ne'e iha baze. Depois de enkontru ida ne'e, prosesu foti dadus sei hahu loron 11 de Maio, iha fatin rua ne'ebe refere.

For more information, please contact: Jose Caetano Guterres – Task Manager – Public Information and Awareness 730 4325 jcaetano@sprtl.tl


See also Land Policy in East Timor - The Cart beore the Horse!

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