PRESS RELEASE: New SRSG Arrives in Dili Dili, 05 January 2010– Today Ms Ameerah Haq arrived in Dili to take up her post as the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Timor-Leste.
Ms Haq most recently served as Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Sudan as well as the United Nations Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan (2007-2009). Prior to that she served as Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan, as well as the United Nations Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Afghanistan (2004-2007).
With broad management experience of complex missions, as well as over 30 years experience with the United Nations, especially in the Asian region, Ms Haq is well placed to lead the integrated peacekeeping mission in Timor-Leste. She was formerly the Deputy Assistant Administrator and Deputy Director of the Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery at United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) headquarters in New York. She served as the UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Malaysia from 1994 to 1997 and in the same capacity in Laos from 1991 to 1994.
Ms Haq worked in the Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific at UNDP headquarters in various capacities from 1980-1990, which included responsibilities for aid coordination mechanisms and as desk officer for Thailand, Myanmar and Bhutan. She also had an assignment with the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) from 1985 to 1987. She started her career in 1976 as a Junior Professional Officer in Jakarta, Indonesia, and was transferred to Afghanistan as Assistant Resident Representative in 1978.
Ms Haq holds Masters degrees in community organization and planning and in business administration from Columbia University and New York University, respectively, as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree from Western College in Oxford, Ohio.
RESJ foun to’o iha Dili
Dili, 05 Janeiru 2010– Ohin Señora Ameerah Haq to’o iha Dili atu hahú nia serbisu nu’udar Reprezentante Espesiál husi Sekretáriu-Jerál Nasoins Unidas nian iha Timor-Leste.
Sra. Haq foin daudaun ne’e serbí nu’udar Reprezentante Espesiál Adjunta Sekretáriu-Jerál nian iha Sudaun no mós nu’udar Koordenadora Rezidente no Koordenadora Umanitária Nasoins Unidas nian ba Sudaun (2007-2009). Molok ne’e, nia mós Reprezentante Espesiál Adjunta Sekretáriu-Jerál nian iha Afeganistaun, no mós Koordenadora Rezidente no Koordenadora Umanitária Nasoins Unidas nian ba Afeganistaun (2004-2007).
Ho esperiénsia naruk ona iha jestaun ba misaun kompleksa oioin, no mós esperiénsia liu tinan 30 iha Nasoins Unidas, liuliu iha rejiaun Ázia, Sra. Haq iha kapasidade adekuada atu lidera misaun integrada manutensaun ba pás iha Timor-Leste. Nia uluk nu’udar Vise Administradora Asistente no Diretora Adjunta iha Gabinete ba Prevensaun Krize no Rekuperasaun iha sede Programa Dezenvolvimentu Nasoins Unidas (PNUD/UNDP) nian iha Nova Iorke. Nia serbí nu’udar Koordenadora Rezidente Nasoins Unidas nian no Reprezentante Rezidente PNUD nian iha Malázia hosi tinan 1994 to’o tinan 1997 no nia iha mós pozisaun hanesan iha Laos hosi tinan 1991 to’o tinan 1994.
Sra. Haq serbisu iha Gabinete Rejionál ba Ázia no Pasífiku iha Sede PNUD nian iha pozisaun oioin hosi tinan 1980-1990, ne’ebé inklui responsabilidade ba mekanizmu koordenasaun asisténsia no mós Responsavel ba Tailándia, Birmánia no Butaun. Nia mós iha knaar ida ho Fundu Dezenvolvimentu Nasoins Unidas nian ba Feto sira (UNIFEM) hosi tinan 1985 to’o tinan 1987. Nia hahú nia karreira iha tinan 1976 nu’udar Funsionária Profisionál Junior ida iha Jakarta, Indonézia, no hetan transferénsia ba Afeganistaun nu’udar Asistente Reprezentante Rezidente iha tinan 1978.
Sra. Haq iha mestradu iha organizasaun no planeamentu komunitáriu no mós iha administrasaun negósiu, hosi Universidade Columbia no husi Universidade Nova Iorke, respetivamente. Nia mós kompleta Baxarelatu Letras ida iha Western College iha Oxford, Ohio, iha EUA.
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