08 February 2009

East Timor Government Decree Law No 32/2008 on Administrative Procedure

ETLJ 08 February 2009 The unofficial English translation of East Timor Government Decree Law No 32/2008 of 27 August 2008 on administrative procedure has been published on the East Timor Law Journal. Promulgated on 18 August 2008. Published on 27 August 2009

Excerpt follows:

The Administrative Procedure establishes the rights of citizens, allowing their participation in the administrative process and assuring protective mechanisms with the purpose of safeguarding and allowing the exercise of these rights.

With the approval of the Administrative procedure, the Government intends to control the organisation and functioning of the Public Administration, rationalising services, as well as to regulate the formation of the Administration’s aims, respecting the legitimate rights
and interests of those administered;

The norms contained in the present decree law allow the participation of interested
parties in forming the decisions that directly affect them and ensuring they obtain useful
and timely information, avoiding excess bureaucracy and orientating public services to
the needs of the population. This will safeguard the transparency of administrative action
and respect for citizens’ rights.

Thus, under the terms of line b) of number 1 of article 115 of the Constitution of the
Republic, the Government decrees the following, to have the standing of a law:


Article 1

1. Administrative procedure is understood to be the ordered succession of acts and
formalities intended to form and demonstrate the aims of the Public Administration, or
their executions.
2. The administrative process is the combination of documents containing the acts and
formalities that constitute the administrative procedure. Read the full text here...

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