The Council of Ministers held a meeting on Wednesday, 11Th of February 2009, in its room in the Government Building, Dili and approved:
Decree-Law that changes the Organic of the Government
Since this Government has adopted a structure that is different from the previous ones, and in order to meet and solve the problems of the country, the Government felt the need to reform the organic structure.
Thus, the Prime Minister will be assisted by two Vice-Prime-Ministers (Vice-Prime-Minister for Social Affairs Coordination and Vice-Prime-Minister for State Administration Management), the Minister for Finance will be assisted by a Vice-Minister for Finance and the position of Secretary of State for Parliamentarian Affairs is revoked with its competencies being delegated to the Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers.
Decree-Law on the Attribution of Medals
As a recognition to those that were in the army, in the police or were civilians, nationals or foreigners, that have served the Nation of Timor-Leste. That upheld social order and whose actions have contributed to the national peace and stability. The Government wishes to grace those people with medals.
The medal "Order of Merit" intends to recognize the contribution made by the military, the civilian, nationals and foreigners that contributed to national peace and stability. The medal " Timor-Leste Solidarity" is a symbol of gratitude to the the military, the civilian, nationals and foreigners that were sent to participate in overseas peace and stability missions, in bilateral cooperation programmes in the areas of Defence and Security, as well as to the advisors in the area of Defence throughout the diplomatic missions in Timor-Leste.
Draft-Law for Administrative and Territorial Division
The present Draft-Law establishes the municipalities based on the promotion of institutions within a strong State. This will foster legitimacy and stability in Timor-Leste. It will create opportunities for a local democratic participation. The participation of all the citizens as well as a more effective, efficient and just service delivery in the social and economic development of the country.
The districts and subdistricts, in the current territorial division will be merged to form the new administrative units (whose area will be identical to the present area of the districts), with representative assemblies that can provide the adequate services to the citizens and with capacity to carry out its functions.
The Council of Ministers also analysed:
The presentation of the"Timor-Leste National Opinion Poll" The International Republican Institute has presented the result of the the Timor-Leste National Opinion Poll. This survey was made with a universe of 1500 residents in Timor-Leste, with a minimal age of 17 years, with the interviews being made by students from the Díli Institute of Technology in all districst.
Among the covered themes was "General opinion about the development in Timor-Leste"; "The performance of the Timor-Leste Government"; "Timor-Leste and the 2009 elections"; Timor-Leste and the political participation"; "Timor-Leste and the politic parties".
The public presentation of this study will be made by IRI Friday the 13th, between 15h and 17h, at Hotel Timor.
1 comment:
Decree Law on the Attributon of Medals:
I hope that due recognition goes to those UN personnel that risked their lives to evacuate the National Police Headquarters while it was under armed attack on 25 May 06. Yes it is true that far too many young men lost their lives that day. But without the actions of the UN many more would have been killed which would have only added to the escalating violence. Bravery among Timorese and UN members was common that day. Many survivors still mourn the loss and carry the guilt from those who didn't make it.
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