17 February 2009

East Timor: Return and Reintegration of IDP's

MSS Receives Second IOM Report on Return and Reintegration Dynamics



13 February 2009

MSS Receives Second IOM Report on Return and Reintegration Dynamics

DILI – MSS has received from IOM the second report from its Community-based Return Monitoring Project. The project aims to measure the effect on communities of recent large-scale return and reintegration of internally displaced persons (IDPs), and provides the Ministry with extremely useful data about the impact of IDP returns on the communities at large.

The report is based on a survey conducted between September and November, 2008, of more than one thousand chefe aldeia (village chiefs), women, returning IDPs and other community members across 222 communities in Dili. It focuses primarily on the effects on communities of population movements, stability, perceptions of access to services and livelihoods and ongoing assistance provided. The IOM Project has established a return monitoring network composed of IOM (which conducts surveys in 143 aldeias) Care International (32 aldeias), Catholic Relief Services (31 aldeias), BELUN (15 aldeias) and the Jesuit Refugee Service (1 aldeia).

The results showed that, while many communities did not raise specific concerns, some communities reported perceived challenges in receiving IDPs. These tended to be related to unresolved conflicts between community members and returning IDPs or to tensions arising over land and access to basic resources. Surveys of chefe aldeia reported that 64.8 per cent of the households displaced as a result of the 2006 Crisis have returned to their pre-Crisis villages, and 79 per cent of respondents indicated that the east-west tensions within their communities served as the primary cause of their displacement.

The IOM Monitoring Project is one element of a multi-faceted effort by the Government and partners to better understand the nature of tensions and conflicts that may negatively impact the sustainability of the return of the displaced to their communities.

“This data provided by IOM is important for the reintegration efforts of the Ministry of Social Solidarity and its partners”, said Minister of Social Solidarity, Maria Domingas Fernandes Alves. “The information it provides allows us to respond to potentially problematic areas and forestall tensions or other issues in communities currently coping with the reintegration process”, she added.

IOM’s regular monitoring is complemented by referrals of individual cases of concern. These cases, which are often related to occupied houses or protection issues, are directly referred to agencies capable of immediate response and follow-up.

The Ministry also helps displaced families to prepare for their return and reintegration and conducting, and the MSS/UNDP dialogue teams and partner organisations conduct case-by-case monitoring in communities.

The return and reintegration of IDPs in Timor-Leste is an ongoing process led by the Ministry of Social Solidarity. The 2006 Crisis resulted in the displacement of approximately 150,000 people. Since 1 January 2008, MSS has assisted with the reintegration to their former communities of over 11,700 families from over 60 IDP camps.

For media inquiries, please contact Sophia Cason at ph: 734 2408




13 Fevereiru 2009

MSS Simu IOM nia Relatóriu Daruak kona-ba Dinámika Retornu no Reintegrasaun

DILI – MSS simu tiha ona IOM nia Projetu Monitorizasaun be Bazeia ba Komunidade nia relatóriu daruak. Projetu ne’e ho hanoin ida atu sukat efeitu be komunidade sira hetan hosi dezlokadu sira nia retornu no reintegrasaun eskala boot lailais ne’e, no relatóriu ne’e haraik ba Ministériu dadus ne’ebé utíl tebetebes kona-ba dezlokadu nia retornu ka fila-hi’as ba komunidade enjerál.

Relatóriu ne’e bazeia ba levantamentu ida be hala’o hosi entre fulan Setembru no Novembru 2008 ba Xefe-Aldeia, feto, dezlokadu no membru komunidade liu atus ida iha bairu 222 iha Dili laran. Relatóriu ne’e foka liu-liu ba efeitu sira be komunidade simu hosi movimentu populasaun nian, estabilidade, persepsaun kona-ba asesu ba servisu no buka-moris no asisténsia kontínuu be haraik ona. IOM nia Projetu ne’e estabelese tiha ona rede monitorizasaun retornu ida ne’ebé kompostu hosi IOM rasik (ne’ebé hala’o levantamentu iha aldeia 143), Care International (aldeia 32), Catholic Relief Services (aldeia 31), BELUN (aldeia 15) no Jesuit Refugee Service (aldeia 1).

Rezultadu sira hatudu katak, maske komunidade barak la temin preokupasaun sira espesífiku maibé komunidade balu hato’o kona-ba dezafiu sira persebidu ba simu dezlokadu sira. Hirak-ne’e iha tendénsia relasionadu ho konflitu sira be uluk la konsege rezolve entre membru komunidade no to’o dezlokadu sira be fila ka tensaun sira be mosu tan rai no asesu ba rekursu sira báziku. Levantamentu sira be halo ba Xefe-Aldeia sira hato’o katak porsentu 64.8 hosi umakain sira be halai husik hela sira-nia hela-fatin tan Krize 2006 fila tiha ona ba sira nia bairu orijinál, no respondente porsentu 79 indika tensaun sira tan Lorosa’e-Loromonu iha sira-nia komunidade laran serve nu’udar kauza primária ba sira-nia dezlokamentu.

IOM nia Projetu Monitorizasaun nu’udar elementu ida hosi Governu no parseiru sira nia esforsu kompreensivu atu entende di’ak liután natureza tensaun no konflitu nian ne’ebé bele negativamente fó impaktu ba dezlokadu nia retornu ba komunidade nia sustentabilidade.

“Dadus ida-ne’ebé IOM fó ne’e importante ba esforsu sira reintegrasaun be Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál no parseiru sira halo daudaun”, dehan Ministra Solidariedade Sosiál, Maria Domingas Fernandes Alves. “Informasaun ne’ebé Organizasaun fó ne’e habiban ita atu responde ba área sira be potensialmente problemátika no prevene tensaun sira ka kestaun siraseluk iha komunidade sira be daudaun ne’e enfrenta hela prosesu reintegrasaun”, nia tenik tan.

IOM nia monitorizasaun regulár komplementadu liuhosi halo referénsia ba kazu sira ne’ebé hamosu preokupasaun. Kazu hirak-ne’e, ne’ebé dalabarak relasiona ho uma ema okupa ka kestaun sira kona-ba protesaun, baibain ne’e refere diretamente ba ajénsia sira ne’ebé kapável fó resposta imediata no follow-up.

Ministériu mós tulun umakain dezlokadu sira atu prepara sira-nia retornu no reintegrasuan no ekipa sira diálogu MSS/UNDP no organizasaun parseiru sira hala’o monitorizasaun kazu-ba-kazu iha komunidade sira.

Retornu no reintegrasaun dezlokadu sira iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé lidera hosi Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál ne’e nu’udar prosesu ida ne’ebé kontínuu. Krize 2006 halo tiha ona ema besik 150,000 tenke halai husik hela sira-nia uma. Desde loron-1 fulan-Janeiru 2008, MSS tulun lori fila ka reintegra tiha ona umakain 11,700 resin hosi kampu dezlokadu 60 ba sira-nia komunidade uluk.

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