03 February 2009

Judge's Scheduled Visit Overseas Causes Delays in Court Hearings in East Timor

East Timor Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP) Press Release 3 February 2009 DILI - During the month of February scheduled activities at the Oecusse District Court did not take place as per usual because the judge assigned to this court was supposed to travel overseas. As a result of this planned trip hearings scheduled for this month were delayed.

JSMP was able to confirm this fact with the judge assigned to the Oecusse District Court, Dr. Antonio Helder, who stated that during the month of January no trials had been scheduled because of a planned overseas trip. The aforementioned judge explained that the scheduled activity was cancelled due to ill health. He explained the court activities would return to normal next month (February).

Although no trials were scheduled at the court, JSMP observed that daily administrative tasks were being performed as usual. JSMP also observed that the court building is currently being renovated (court room and fence).

In addition, JSMP interviewed the Oecusse District Police Chief of Investigations on the work performed by the police that is directly linked to the work of the court. The Oecusse District Police Chief of Investigations, Mr. Bernardo, said that the police have a good cooperative relationship with the court although they have encountered difficulties and obstacles that often impede their work. These obstacles include transport and computer facilities to assist the work they perform in the field. Also, the facilities they have been using to date belong to UNPOL (they are reliant on UNPOL).

In relation to investigations into criminal matters, the Oecusse District Police Chief of Investigations said that statistics gathered during 2008 indicate that 102 crimes have been registered. Of these cases, 28 have been processed and handed over to the prosecution unit, 12 cases were currently being investigated and 62 cases have been settled (case closed).

Between the period between January-December 2008 the most common crimes were assault (25), domestic violence (22) and theft (10). Other cases recorded included attempted murder, making threats, assault on a minor, human trafficking, sexual assault, sexual abuse, torture, damage to property, a self-inflicted hanging, arson, abuse of power, the discovery of a body and corruption. These accounted for just a small number of cases (less than 10).

The Oecusse District Police Chief of Investigations recommended for the relevant ministries and the national office of the PNTL in Dili to pay attention to their needs, for example the provision of facilities and other means of support described above to enable them to perform their work in the field more efficiently and effectively.

For more information please contact: Roberto da Costa Pacheco Coordinator of Legal Research, JSMP E-mail: bebeto@jsmp.minihub.org Landline: 3323883


Aktividade julgamento iha tribunal Oe-Cusse durante fulan Janeiro nia laran ladun lao hanesan bain-bain tanba Juiz husi tribunal nebe refere sei halo viagem ba rai liur (strangero). Ho agenda viagem ida nee halo agenda aktividades julgamento iha fulan nee mos pendenti. Informasaun neebe maka JSMP konfirma liu husi Juiz tribunal Oe-Cusse Dr. Antonio Helder katak, durante fulan Janeiro laiha horario julgamento tanba iha agenda viagem ba estangeiro. Maibe ikus mai viagem Juiz nee cansela tiha tanba kondisaun Juiz la permite atu ba viagem nebe marcado. Konaba kontinuasaun aktividade julgamento iha tribunal, Juiz haktuir katak aktividade sira nee sei halao fali iha fulan oin (Fevereiro).

Maske laiha horario julgamento, maibe tuir monitorizasaun nebe maka JSMP halo iha Tribunal refere, aktividade administrasaun lao hanesan baibain. Iha monitorizasaun nee, JSMP mos observa kondisaun fisicu tribunal nebe oras nee dadaun halo hela renovasaun (sala de julgamento no lutu) tribunal nian.

Alein de observasaun nebe halo iha tribunal, JSMP mos intervista Comamandante Policia Investigasaun Distrito Oe-Cusse kona ba sira nia serviso neebe iha relasaun directa ho tribunal nebe maka durante nee sira halao. Tuir Commandante seksaun Investigasaun PNTL Oe-Cusse, Sr. Bernardo katak, durante nee sira halo kolaborasaun diak ho tribunal maske hetan obstaclus/impedementos barak nebe maka halo sira nia serviso hetan difikuldades. Nia hateten katak, Impedemento sira nee maka hanesan fasilidades transportasaun no komputador hodi fasilita servisos no nesesidade iha terino. Fasilidades nebe maka durante nee sira usa depende deit ba fasilidades UNPOL nian.

Konaba investigasaun ba kazu crimes, tuir Commando PNTL distrital Oe-Cusse nia statistika durante tinan 2008, iha kazu 102 (indicasaun crimes). Husi Kazu sira nee kazu 28 maka nia prosseso too ona iha Procuradoria, 12 maka sei iha proseso investigasaun nia laran no 62 mmaka taka tiha ona (desizaun final).

Kazu sira temi iha leten, Nomero kazu nebe maka a’s liu husi Janeiro-Dezembro 2008 maka kazu assaltu iha (25), Violasaun Domestica (VD) iha 22, naok (10). Kazu sira seluk hanesan, koko atu oho, ameasas, assaltu labarik, traficu umano, vioalasaun sexual, abuso sexual, torturasaun, estragos sasan, tara a’n, ahi han uma, abuso poder, hetan mate isin, no korupsaun, sira nee nia Numero kiik, (10 mai karaik).

Commandante Investigasaun PNTL Oe – Cusse rekomenda ba ministerio kompetente no ba instituisaun PNTL iha central Dili atu bele tau matan ba sira nia nesesidade hanesan fasilidades sira nebe maka temi iha leten hodi nunee bele fasilita sira nia serviso ho diak no evetivo liu tan”.

Atu hetan informasaun kle’an kontaktu: Roberto da Costa Pacheco Koordenador Peskizador Juridiku, JSMP Enderessu e-mail: bebeto@jsmp.minihub.org Landline: 3323883


Aktivitas persidangan di pengadilan Oe-Cusse selama bulan Februari tidak seperti biasanya karena Hakim dari pengadilan tersebut akan melakukan kunjungan ke luar negeri. Dengan agenda kunjungan tersebut membuat agenda aktivitas persidangan pada bulan ini juga tertunda. JSMP sempat menkonfirmasi hal tersebut melalui jakim pengadilan Oe-Cusse Dr. Antonio Helder bahwa, selama bulan Januari tidak ada jadwal sidang karena ada agenda kunjungan ke luar negeri. Mengenai hal kunjungan tersebut hakim menjelaskan bahwa agenda tersebut sudah dibatalkan karena kondisi kesehatan memungkinkan. Mengenai kelanjutan aktivitas persidangan di pengadilan, Hakim menjelaskan bahwa, aktivitas tersebut akan kembali dilaksanakan pada bulan depan (Februari).

Meskipun tidak ada jadwal sidang, tetapi menurut pantauan yang dilakukan oleh JSMP di pengadilan tersebut bahwa, aktivitas administrasi harian berjalan seperti biasa. Dari pemantauan tersebut, JSMP juga melakukan observasi kondisi fisik pengadilan yang sedang direnovasi (ruang sidang dan pagar/tembok) pengadilan.

Selain observasi yang dilakukan di pengadilan, JSMP juga mewawancarai Comamandan Polisi Investigasi Distrik Oe-Cusse mengenai pekerjaannya yang berhubungan langsung dengan pengadilan yang selama ini mereka lakukan. Menurut Commandan bagian Investigas PNTL Oe-Cusse, Sr. Bernardo bahwa, selama ini mereka melakukan kolaborasi yang baik dengan pengadilan walaupun mendapat kesulitan-kesulitan dan hambatan mana yang sering membuat pekerjaan mereka kurang lancer. Menurutnya hambatan-hambatan tersebut seperti fasilitas transportasi dan computer untuk mefasilitasi pekerjaam mereka di lapangan. Demikian pula fasilitas yang selama ini mereka gunakan adalah milik UNPOL.( tergantung pada UNPOL).

Mengenai investigasi kasus tindak pidana, menurut statistic Commando PNTL distrital Oe-Cusse selama tahun 2008, ada kasus sebanyak 102 (indikasi crimes). Dari semua kasus tersebut, ada 28 kasus yang prosesnya sudah sampai di kejaksaan, 12 kasus yang sedang dalam proses investigasi. Dan 62 kasus yang sudah mendapat putusan akhir (tutup).

Kasus’kasus yang disebutkan diatas, jenis kasus yang paling tinggi terhitung dari Januari-Desember 2008 adalah kasus penyerangan (25), kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT) 22, pencurian (10). Ada Kasus lain seperti, percobaan pembunuhan, ancaman, penyerangan terhadap anak dibawah umur, human traficking, kekerasan sexual, pelecehan sexual, totortura, pengrusakan barang, gantung diri, kebakaran, abuso poder, penemuan mayat dan korupsi. Kasus-kasus ini jumlahnya sedikit, (10 kebawah).

Commandan Investigasi PNTL Oe – Cusse merekomendasikan kepada kementerian yang terkait dan kepada institusi PNTL di pusat, Dili agar dapat memperhatikan keperluan mereka, seperti fasilitas dan sarana penunjang lainnya yang disebutkan diatas agar supaya bisa mefasilitasi pekerjaan mereka di lapangan dengan lebih baik dan lebih efektif.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi: Roberto da Costa Pacheco Coordinator Peneliti Hukum, JSMP Alamat e-mail: bebeto@jsmp.minihub.org Landline: 3323883
East Timor Law Journal - Towards the rule of law in Timor-Leste!

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